chapter xxv

time to shop

The day before Thanksgiving, Kari and Viktor is planning to host a big Thanksgiving feast at the Nevada castle, so this morning they are planning a list. " babe what do we need today, said. Viktor, they are still upset and crying, they are not happy about last night being wakened up for a physical, in the living, they are at the table, on a piece of paper they wrote down to get today, their groceries list, " are list is done, what we have on our menu baba? asked. Viktor, " good, so far, what are we going to server for a drink? asked. Kari, Parker, and his family are on their way to Seattle " mom was hurt that we had other plans for Thanksgiving, we always have Thanksgiving with them. said, Jasmine. " we make it over to them we have Christmas, are you three excited we be staying in Seattle for few weeks, you get to meet your sister-in-law, brother-in-law new nephews, and your Aunt and Uncle and new cousins, and wait to you see their house that he had built for her day on their wedding, minus will be a castle, said. Parker, "we are, can't believe they invite us down for Thanksgiving, did they say to bring anything? " he built their home dad? asked. Jimmy, oh wow, said. Becky, back at Nevada Castle in the living room, the boys are still upset and but they calm down. " how about if I make a peach splash, they kissed each other, " Are we going to bake the main dish on roasted it? asked, Kari, " roasted, time to use our brand new grill, they kissed each other, " yes, that concentrated love right there, it goes both ways, kids, I never action felt that way from someone like she felt for Viktor, they are a perfect match, speaking let's call let them know we on the way, he pushes the speed down of their car phone, " ( hey bro you already here?) asked, Viktor. " (nope, we just left Detroit and on highway 140E, how my boys.) asked, Parker, " (they upset right now, we about to head to the supermarket to get what we need,) said. Viktor, they stop at a red light, " (aw, poor guys,) said. Jasmine, " dad what do you and mom do?)-(" it wasn't us family doctor came last night to do their first physical check-up, right now we working on what we need to do,) said. Viktor, " ( Vance, Volance, Vandor, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton, we ant you boys to be healthy it needs to be done buddies, ) they put their little jackets on them, the light turn green and every car rive up the highway, " (we will see you when you get here bro, we got to get going before it get's too late,) said. Viktor, " (okay, love you guys,) said. Parker, " ( we love you too, ) they hang up, as they were on their way to Seattle, Kari, and Viktor and the boys left to go to the store, they pulled up t a store, and take them out of the car seats into their strollers, Kati pushed the stroller why Viktor pushed the cart, they walked in the store and down to the butcher, " will it ain't my favorite family the Nevadas, what can I get for you folks? Asked. the butcher, " we need two things from you, one a twenty-pound greese if you have one, one pound turkey for those who doesn't he game meat, said. Viktor, " coming up, I will be back, he walked into the freezer to get, the hotline ring, Kari answered it. " (K do you want us to bring anything?) asked. Laura, " tell her to bring herself and family babe, said. Viktor. " (Mr. Nevada said just bring yourself and family, we got everything cover,) they start to cry, Viktor pulled out their pacifiers and gave them to them, he walked out with the grease and turkey, " here you go, Viktor takes them and put them into the cart, " ( K will let me help you in the kitchen then,) said. Laura, "(Laura I got, just bring your family,) said, Kari. "and twenty-pound ham not glazed, thank you, we got meat, he scratched out the first three on the list, " daddy going make you boys a thanksgiving bowls that you going to love, said. Viktor, They finally made it in Seattle and pulled up at their hotel that they reserved under, " wake up guys we are here, said. Parker, " this were we staying at? asked, Jimmy. "yeah this is a five-star hotel, sense the with the restaurant is doing awesome thanks to their help and getting it off the ground, we can effort to stay in one, they got their packs out of the car in walked inside up to the desk to check-in, at the store he hands him the ham, " thank you, and have a merry holidays man, they walked down the store to the produce, to get two bags of potatoes and onions, " potatoes and onions we got now, said, Kari, he scratched them off, he got his peaches for his drink, they continue to go up the starts, they are asleep in the stroller, " bread and stuffing, need a dessert? asked, Viktor, " need the ingredients I want to try to make an apple swirl pie, said. Kari, " mm-mm can't wait to try that tomorrow, said. Viktor, they got all checked into their room, Jasmine is taking a shower, Parker call their hotline, " ( we are here bro, we going to relax then we be at your way bit,) said. Parker, " (okay we will see you soon, we glad that you made it here,) they got in line, and start to put their items up on the conveyor belt, Kari pulled out her wallet with their spending card, " they are here, it not too late to say you don't want his family here. " dear it be fine I sure he talk with them before they left. she paid for everything, they walked out of the store put their sons in their cars secured them in their baby seats, put the bags into their cars, and head home.