chapter xxvi

a Nevada holiday

Early Tuesday morning why the boys are still asleep, Kari and Viktor are preparing everything, Viktor put the birds on the grill roaster to cook slowly, " the birds are on the grill babe, how are the sides coming, asked. Viktor, " everything is slowly cooking in the oven, you made the juice yet, "getting to it, said. Viktor, they kissed each other, he pulled her to him and kissed her, they stopped when they heard the litter up, " come back to sleep mom and dad is busy! where were we now my queen, said. Viktor, Viktor. picked her up and start to take her nightshirt off, * Dah* they called for him, " he not here. " okay we make out later let us get them ready, said. Kari, " aw I want to make out now, they walked up the steps. he grab her butt, they walked inside of the nursing. " hey our first thanksgiving, our first taste of baby food that daddy going to make, we excited, said. Viktor, they pick them up and walked into the bathroom to bathe them, at the Pompei villa in their rooms, Parker and his family were waiting up. " can't believe going to spend a few days down here, said. Jasmine, "yeah, my sister and brother-in-law probably have to work out why we are here, that okay we go out in getting lost in the city. said, Parker, they got washed up addressed and left heading down to their house, at Nevada castle they all downstairs watching tv on the floor, " boys stay in here please, said. Kari, Viktor put the gates up," all no you don't you speed demons, I got you where I want you my little lambs, " is dad going to eat you, boys, they scatter to getaway giggling and chattering, this is the life ain't? he lay beside her in kissed her. " yeah, being married t you, being father t them, he tried to unbutton her skirt, when Parker pulledup to the gate, " wow thisistheir house da? asked. Jimmy, " this is CastleNevada or Nevadacastle, (anyone home?) asked, Parker, Viktor stepover the gate, they followed him, *Dah* dah* they called, " he be back boys come watch tv with me, he let them in thegate. *dah* they start to cry, " okay snsi coming, let me uncle P in first, said. Viktor, they pulled up at the house, they got out of the car and knocked on the door. Viktor opens the door, " hey welcome back bro, said. Viktor, they hugged each other, " happy turkey day, my wife Jasmine and our son Jimmy and our daughter Becky. they shake hands and welcome him to the family, he closed the door behind them, " it smells good in here, huh she been cooking, *Dah* " babe they here, yes sons I am coming, just step over the gate, I going to get them to know, you six keep Gah company and be good, he picks up his keys, they step over the gate, *Dah* they call to him, " hey down here, trying to keep them entertained, she got up and hugged him, " Jasmine my sister Kari and the litter, our kids Jimmy and Becky, she hugged her welcomed her to the family, Viktor walked out of the door and they start to cry, *Dah, Dah* she pick up all six, " come on boys he is coming back he went to get grandma and grandpa, she told him, " Hey nephews its uncle P., said. Parker, * Dah, Dah.* they cried. , " boys your went to get your grandparents, she walked through the gate into the kitchen, " is what is that. Asked, parker. " that is our deck Island were we going to eat out on, soon everyone gets here, okay let's see did dad made his Apple swirl smoothies for you. * Gah, they. " there you go my favorite nephews, she is in the kitchen. Said, Parker, " dad said he built it for you Aunt Kari? Asked. Jimmy, "the day before our wedding, yep dad make them along with the splash, and she took the pies out of the oven . " you bake Kari? Said. Parker, "I want to try my hand in it, the pies turn out great, said. Kari, she cut the stove off and she got their bottles went through the gate, and close it, " huh, what mommy has, said. Parker, "(babe, I got our parents and we will be there in a few minutes, how are our speed demons?) Asked. Viktor, " (they calm down, for now, I about to give them their bottles. There is Daddy,) said. Kari, "(hey boys we see you soon, enjoy your Thanksgiving smoothie, I love you seven with my whole heart.) Said, Viktor. " ( we love you to Reno, see you guys when you get here. ) they went off the bands, and Stacie and her family is at the gate, she let her in the gate, they pulled into the gate and it closed behind them, * Gah, they fused. " calm down boys, she coming. What are their names? Asked. Jasmine, " if I told you, you can not tell anyone what their names are, as you did a few days ago. She let them in the house, she introduced her family to her, they shake hands, she let them and went to feed them. They were drinking up, " Vance, Vandor, Volance, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton. Keep my children's names in your mouth, keep my husband's name in your mouth, keep our family quiet you heard, said. Kari, " mmm, dad makes a mean smoothie, speaking where is V? Asked. Stacie, " he is on his way back from picking up his parents, Parker this is one of my employees Stacie Burns, she runs the front desk. Stacie my little brother and his wife Jasmine and Parker,  and say hi, everyone is there, and they walked inside the house. Viktor stepped over the gates and went to check the birds. " hey boys, you ready for your first Thanksgiving meal? Asked, Savannah," yeah grandma, I can not wait . she wipe their faces, " how about we save the rest after. Dad is going to fix your plates. He set up the gates, " everyone and liter can come in sit up at the tables, said. Viktor, she opened the gates and all six crawled out, * Dah* Dah* Dah, " come to me my sons, I am your father. Said, Viktor, they walked out of the house and sat down at the table, they put in their high chairs, and put their lips on them. Viktor put the Greese sauce on the greese and in a bowl, he cut it and put the bowl on the table. " for those who not health conditions, we got a turkey, he put it in a bowl and cut it to. Kari put it on the table, he put the ham in a bowl and cut it. He sat it on the table, they bring out the sides in sat them on the table, " oh my god, we are coming here for every Thanksgiving dinner, said. Mike, " every dig, we have to help their plates. Said, Kari, while everyone helping their plates, Kari and Viktor are getting their son's plates ready, they put a bit of everything on the plates, and cut their greese meat into bite-size pieces, then they help there, " mm, this is good Kari, dag Sis, we are coming here for dinner tonight. Said, Parker, they start to feed them some of their food, " mm mom, this is great, my first taste of food. Said, Viktor. " how long are you staying for P? " few days bro, what are you all doing tomorrow? Answered. Parker, " nothing, will we close for the holiday, so I will be here with the boys, said. Kari, "I have a match that evening, " saw that fight V good job. In beating Quicksilver, who you up against? Asked. Mike, " don't know yet and it's probably a tag team match, said. Hunter, Kari wipes their mouths, as they continue to feed them, eat and talk. Spending time with family and friends during the holidays, " oh my did you six just clean your plates? Asked. Tom, " mm, that was good granddad. Said, Viktor. They clean their faces, " how about those bottles to wash down dinner, Viktor went to get their bottles, " I can go for seconds, man that was good K, said. Tony, " help yourself, man, babe I ready for that pie, I've been ready since yesterday when you said that you were going to make it, said. Viktor, after they eat and had dessert, and hang out, everyone left and saving goodbye, after Kari and Viktor give the boys their bath, they took up the food and cleaned up the kitchen, and headed up the steps for the night.