chapter xxvii

no holes bars

as the sun shines through the window of their room waking them up. " I wish you didn't have to go today, said. Kari, he kissed her, " I know babe, how daddy makes his money to feed his family, I see if my cousin could come in hook up alive monitor in the nursing room, today. said. Viktor, " I forgot about that room, they kissed each other she begin to remove his shirt. " mm, heading to the shower Mrs. Nevada let's go. they got out of bed and make out in the shower, at the hotel, " man she is a good cook, they got ready, to head out, they got out of the shower and his cousin came and installed a live monitor in the nursing room after they wash the boys got them dressed and feed and eat themselves, they went int the nursing room, Viktor had a few minutes to spare, he hugged his cousin and walked him out. the phone rang it was Reese Striker. " ( hey I will be there in a few minutes just spending time at home.) said, Viktor. " ( okay, when you get here come to the office,) said. Reese, " ( okay,) they hang up, " okay my family I will see you tonight, you going to be okay babe? asked, Viktor, they kissed each other, " yeah we be in here dad, when will your match be, asked, Kari. "at nine after a cage match and a diva match, they kissed each other again, boys you are the king of the castle protect the queen for dad, * Dah, he pets them on their heads and left out of the house and head down to the ring, she cut on the TV for them and give them some toys, as she does some work on the computer doing so paperwork, meanwhile, Parker and his family is in the city. " maybe we should see if she want to come, "Jasmine, she a mother of six, she not going to leave the boys to go, what we can do is go in hanging out with her, said. Parker, everyone show up at the stadium and Reese told them about the new booster, and what lean up to the main event match, the first match is a Diva match, a Triple threat match, a single match, another Diva match, then a tag team match, then the main event. they getting ready for their matches, " (hey, how are you and the boys?) Asked. Viktor is the first match start, up. "(We are good baby, what is your match?) Said, Kari. " ( Hunter is right we got a tag-team match, have Dr. Lung called today?) They pulled up at the gate, "(Kari you home?) Asked. Parker, " (hang on Parker,) come on babies, they crawled behind their mother out of the room, she unlocks the gates, he drives inside the gates close behind them. They got out of the car and walked up to the door, she opened the door for them, * Gah* they said. " yes, my babies." (What time is it,) asked. Kari, they walked inside the house, " hi Aunt Kari!! They hugged her, she hugs them back. She closes the door behind them, " (tonight, so go ahead and feed the boys and on the way home for us,) said. Viktor, " (no I haven't heard anything from the doctor yet, think we give them food too soon?) Hey, come on boys back to the nursing room, said. Kari, " you don't want to go out and look around the city it a beautiful day out, said. Jasmine, " no, my husband got the other baby seats, plus we rather for his wife and children to stay home, and I do not miss his match tonight, every money we make goes into our children, you guys want to go into the city you can go, they went into the nursing room, they started to crawl around, she picks up the laptop, "( no, I want them to stay home when I get home we take them for a walk, I got to get ready, I love you, Mrs. Nevada, I love you, my sons,) said. Viktor, " ( we love you too dad, ) said. Kari, the Diva match just started, as Hunter and Viktor are waiting for their match to start, * Gah, they called to her. " just my sons I know it is getting time for your lunch, give me a second to get this file up and send to John, " ( babe,) said. Viktor, "(yes Reno, getting antsy, ) asked. Kari, " (how do you feel about take out tonight, ) asked, Viktor. " ( that sounds good baby, I can set up the table like we are at a restaurant, ) said. Kari, " (oh baby, then I get some wine on the way home,) said. Viktor, the Diva match is over next up is the Triple threat match, Kari sends the records of the studio to John, " come babies let's go get some lunch, they crawled out of the nursing room and in the kitchen, she chopped up some carrots and grease meat into the boiler to cooked, " can I fix you all something to eat? asked, Kari, " that Greese meat was really good sis, what is his serect, asked, Parker. " the sauce to moist the meat while it cooks on the grill, leftover that is , said. Kari, " i thought we were going out to eat, Kari looked at her, " i thought we said to leave the attluide in Detroit? " we are having lunch with my sister, size i not missing that match , Viktor and Hunter got this in the bag, the Thriple threat match is over next up , anotherDiva match, " we are up against Scareface and Blade, good get to paidthose a** somepay back, said. Hunter, " that what i talking about. said, Viktor, " (ohhh what mommy cooking for lunch my speed demons?) asked, Viktor, " ( carrots and gresse, how you two holding up?) answered, Kari. " you never eat my cooking like that, said. Jasmine, " will if you manage to stop talking on the food, clean house and help in the restaurant, and get dinner on thetable on time i will, said. Parker, " come on babies to the dining, room, they followed her into the dining room, he put them into their high chairs, she make theirbottles and walked inside of thedining room put them on the table, and went back in the kitchen and put their food into their baby bowls and take them into the dining room. the Diva match ended nowit was time for the single match, " (mmm, eat sons, we are up next babe.) said, Viktor, " ( good lucky dad, just remember Mikes and mine training,) said, Kari, she blowsas she begin to feeding them their baby food. she wipes their faces, and went to start a load of clothes in the wash machine, " Aunt Kari are you going to eat? asked, Becky. she walked back in the dining room, after i finished eating them hon, she sat back down and being to feed them again, and a fewminutes they finished their bowlsof food, she wiped their mouths and give them their bottles, as she begin to feeding them she beginning to tell them how they met, while the single match is still going on,. " bronze and beauty that is is an true love story sis, said. Parker, " that what the paper call us parker, said, Kari, they finished their bottles, she burping them, and wiping their mouths, shetakethem down from their highchairs, " come on boys time to see daddy match, * Gah, they called to her, " Vance, Vandor, Volance, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton come long sons, they crawled inside of the nursing room, she hooked up their seats, and she put them in their seats and cut on the monitor to the match, and they sat down at the chairs, the single match has end, they played they walked out of the locker room and down the ramp, " ( this is for my family, boys pay attention,) said. Viktor, " (yes dad wewatching now.) said, Kari, they stop at the ring and toss their shirts to their fansand slide into the ring, They slap hands and Huntergt outsideof thering, they played Blade and Scareface music as they make their way down to ring side, Scareface got in thering, theirmusic stops and they ring thebell, Scareface and Viktor at each other, looks like Viktor Nevada finally gets his revenge on the Payne brothers,. Viktor clothesline him, Scareface hit the ground, " (sns that is call a clothesline ) said, Viktor. "stay on him V, said. Hunter, " on your feet Scare, said. Blade, he got on his feet they went at each other, but both wrestlers is getting tired only once in while one will fall, who will it be? Viktor put Scareface into a power slam " ( that is called a power slam, you take them out, sons.) He tag in Hunter and roll out of the ring, Huntr jumped over the ropes, he went to tag Blade in, he put him and a power ball onto the mat and put him into an full nelson, the referee ask do he want to give up, he shakes his hed no, " ( that is a full nelson that uncle H has him in, lesson one my sons, do not get disqualified and just be you and love what you do, right mom?) asked. Viktor, " (yes dad, you such a great teacher to them baby,) Jasmine rolled her eyes, they didn't see that, the referee asked again, this time he tap out, they ring the bell , he let him go and he rolled out of the ring, and the crowd cheer from them, they walked into the locker room, they got dressed and head home, Hunter went to spend with his family who got back in town from visiting his in-laws, Viktor got the wine and food and heading home, parker and his family left and went to the hotel, she clean up the house and dry and fold up their clothes and feed and bath the boys, and put them down for the night. Viktor drive into the gates, gegot the bags and unlocked the door of the house, and walked inside of the house, he locked the gate and door. sat the bagson the table, " babe i am hme, said. Viktor, he walked up the steps and open the nursing door, liked at all six of his sons sleeping peacefully, Kari walked up and rub his chest, he smiled, " hey you. he cracked the door, they kissed each other, and walked down stairsinto the dining room table set and lite with candles, she help their plates, and he pour them sat down at thetable, they eat and drink and talk, they kissed each other passionately on the lips, after they finished dinner blowed out the candles, Viktor picks him up and carried upstairs and inside of their room, where that night they made out in the heat of passion,