chapter xxviii

day with the family

the boy's sis still sleeping, so are Viktor and Kari too, sudden he wakes up and starts to kiss her, " mm, good morning Mr. Nevada, said. Kari, " morning Mrs. Nevada, babe you were wonderful like as always, so what do you want to do today, asked. Viktor, " will we could have a picnic in the park take the boys on the boat, you want breakfast, asked, Kari, " let's shut the phone off and bring the boys in here, I will fix my family breakfast, said. Viktor, he got up and walked down the steps, she put her robe on and walked into the room, they started to wakeup, she pick them up in carrying them into their bedroom, and shut their phones off, at the hotel, " I am not her, okay, it be nice if you know that I don't always talk on the phone, I doing the best that I can with taking care of you and the kids and the house, and I know nothing about running a restaurant, it be nice if you like my cooking too. cried, Jasmine, she walked out the door, " your best and your good is not freaking good enough for us, if we can run our own business you can learn how to run a freaking restaurant, I need a freaking drink, he stormed out of the room got in the car and left, the ball out and cry, back at Nevada Castle, Viktor bring their breakfast upstairs into their room, *Dah!!!!! " morning my sons you ready to have some eggs, fried potatoes, and grease meat? asked, Viktor, they were excited, he sat on the bed and they begin to feed them their breakfast. at the hotel Jasmine called her mother-in-law cried to her, " ( Jasmine calm down, ) Sara told her, " (how do I compete to that, she the better mom, better wife, she takes care of the hows, cooks, cleans, raised a family, and run a business, he likes her cook over mines,) said. Jasmine, " (hon, Kari is his sister, she has a husband, that works beside her and helps out around the house and with their kids, she is your sister-in-law you do not need to compete with her on how to be a wife and mother, just be a wife and mother, where is Parker?) asked. Sara, " (I don't know he stormed out of here, ) answered, Jasmine. " (let him calm down he will be back, wipe your tears and go into the kids, maybe you need to ask her for help, help to be a better wife, and mother, they got more kids then you Jasmine, ) said, Sara. " (what if she said no,) asked, Jasmine." (I know my daughter if she helped her brother to get his restaurant off the ground, she help you to, today they probably spending quality time together so wait for tomorrow,) said. Sara, " (okay, thank you,) said. Jasmine, " (everything is going to be okay hon,) they hang up and she walked into the room, Parker is thinking about taking his first drink, he never left his car. " why me, god I need help with my marriage, his phone rings, " (Parker get away from the bar son, you don't drink,) said. Sara, " (mom, why can I have the same thing as Viktor,) asked. Parker, "( Parker she is your sister, you always know Kari doesn't hang out, shop, or talk on the phone,) said. Sara, " (I know that mom, I mean cook clean, do clothes, help take care of the kids, help out at the restaurant. Viktor helps out at home and the studio, she works beside him, Jasmine doesn't do that for me, she spends money we need to spend all hours on the phone, wait until the last minute to cook, she doesn't do the clothes or clean the house, ) complaint Parker, " (Kari always been like that, that why she is prefect wife, you two are different from them, you both was high school sweethearts Viktor and Kari met date he probably asks to be his promise ring they dated some more then he decided to ask her to marry him, ) Parker told his mother there story, that she is correct. " ( you think I should do that with Jasmine?) asked, Parker. " ( Jasmine and Kari are two different women one works and help provides for her family, and the other does not, obviously you are craving what Viktor got, just like Jasmine can't change Kari into her, you can't teach an old dog new threats,) they finished eating breakfast, and cleaning up the house, and getting dressed and they are pack basket and heading down to the park, " ( mom,)-(" what their number Parker, you both need to talk to them, first you, because you and Viktor are not the same he didn't marry his old girlfriend, he met your sister and fall in love with her, you still had felt for Jasmine and wanted to be with her, what's Kari and Viktors number, I think again you need to talk to your sister and brother, so did she.) he gives his mother their number and they hang-up. she gives them a call, she cut the hotline on for a second as they head into the parker, " ( Kari I need your help, Parker is at a bar, he wants the same thing that Viktor has a wife that works with him, I talk with but he needs to leave that bar he doesn't drink, please,) begged. Sara, " (we talk with him Mrs. Christmas,) said. Viktor, " ( we on it mom,) they hang up, and they call him, " (littlebrother when everwhen you have a problem you stop coming to your sister for help?) said. Kari, " (I don't want to bother you with my problems,)_("little bro, we, your siblings we are here for you, come to the park and hang out with us, have some baked chicken, mashed potatoes, hot bread, we talk see can we get to what your problem with your marriage is,) said. Viktor, " (what you do nor want Parker is to take up drinking, come on little brother, come to your big sister and your big brother, we wait for you.) Kari told him, he starts his car up and left heading to the park,