chapter xxix

the talk

Kari runs her hands down her hair, as Parker pulls up and got out of the car, and walked up. " guys know that you just want to be alone I go, " stop, when I ever told you not to come around bro, you are my wife brother which makes you my brother as well, talk to us what's going on? they walk down the park, and he tells them how things are at home, she doesn't help out period, and he is tired of being this alone, " high school love? asked. Kari, " yes, why can she be more like you, even the kids being more like her, don't want to clean their rooms, I can't take I anymore if this ends she can take them and the house I pack in leave, said. Parker, " they are two different women you know that right just we are, have you gone to a canceller to talk it out, asked. Viktor, " I mention it she thinks we don't need one. Said, parker, " you don't need advice on how to be a husband or father, you are great at both, maybe you need a break from her and them, can you run your restaurant from anywhere? asked. Kari, " yeah, I got a universe computer that connects to the restaurant why? asked. Parker, "good, just hear us out before you said anything, we set up space in the office for you, and one of the boy's rooms, stay here for a few months, give her the car tell her to take the car and kids, back with her, said. Viktor, "we show you around Seattle even take you to someplace to get help with your marriage, even try to give you pointers on how to improve that you and her to come together as husband and wife and business partners, said. Kari, " how would I get home, asked. Parker, " Parker we take you when you are ready to go, just ask when you are ready. I think you need time away from each other to reflexed on yourselves, kids, home, work, and marriage, up to you if to, said. Viktor, " I take you up on it, she will not go for it, said. Parker, " we talk with her if you stay with the boys at the cars, for us, said. Kari, " wait what are you going to say to her? asked, Parker, " we worry about that when the time comes to it, let's eat, enjoy the sun, Viktor rolled out the blanket and they sat down on the blanket nd start to eat and feed the boys, his cell phone rings and he answered it, " (Jasmine.) said in an unhappy tone, " (are you okay parker?) he got up an walked up the park, " go I got them, babe, he going to say something that she's going to not like, she give him Vinatone, Volume, and Venton, she walks up to him and takehis phone, " (Parker is unable to talk about whatever he needsto talk about with you,) Kari give me my phone, she held up her hand to him, " we not teenagers we can play that game!" chill this not a game do you want my help are not, if she wants to at me or to me she can catch a cab in come here, " (Kari, stay out ofthis go deal with yourown marriage!) _(" there that is, i do remember Jasmine, you went out with him in high school , you break it off for football player, you hurt my brother once, now you still doing it, i thought you move away with your parents?) said, Kari. " (and my marriage is fine, doing well, like before when I tell you about yourself you go babble something to my parents that you think you saw, you babble about my son's names to them, I pick up where I left off at when we were in school, you already told that I had his kids because he told you do not call our house, you put my son's names out of your mouth, I will drive back to main and kick the living sh*t out of you, say yes Kari I understand, yes Kari I will not do that my new nephews,) said. Kari, " ( i do remember yu, to we sisters-in-law now, can we just put it behind us,) said. Jasmine, " ( good that you remember me, now said it, Jasmine,) said. Kari, * Gah, " shh Gah is handling busy, for uncle P, dude your wife and my wife got history?" Kari kicks Jasmine you know what for hurting me, literally Jasmine forgot about her and was terrified of her, said. Parker, " so why would she want to be married in the family know that your sister doesn't like her for what she did to you, oh unce P couldn't get over her, said. Viktor, " (yes Kari I understand, yes Kari I wouldn't do that to my new nephews,) said, Jasmine, " ( good now we got this straight, Parker needs time to think and decide what he going to do, we going to help him the best we can, you take the kids and the car home, in work on being a wife to suit him, mother to them, how to help him out at home if you going to stay at home, that means no more being on the phone or spending money on yourself, the family comes first, things for the kids come first, stop talking and start giving, clear,) said. Kari, " (you never like me for no reason, you never even give me a chance, ) _(" say yes Kari you are clear, and I agree Kari that we need to find a place where we can be partners at, the other crap leave out because this not about me and you this is about you and him, you are not doing your part in your marriage,) said, Kari. that was a smack in the face to her, " ( yes Kari you are clear, and yes Kari I agree that we need to come to a place where we can be partners,) said. Jasmine, " ( good girl, stay long as you want, he bring the car to you,) she hands his phone back, " you know she scared of you Madison!" she should never break up with you Kevin, she walked back in sat down, " went will Gah? they kissed each other, " very well Dah, they kissed each other again. " (i forgot about her, she hates me, Parker,) said, Jasmine. " (she is a big sister like always, and you are the Aunt to her sons, I bring you the car see you all in ten days,) said, Parker. " (ten days, I know I not helping out, wait she said ten!?) said, Jasmine, " (no, you do not want hurricane Kari back on, just take these days and work on cooking, cleaning, being wife and mother, and i work on me too, we can have what everyone else got if we focus on the basics of what it is to be a husband, a wife and parents, ) said, Parker, she didn't like this idea but what choice d she has but to go along with it, they hang up and he walked up to them, " thank you Kari and Viktor, i can get a place i don't want to put you out, and could you followed me back to the hotel to get my bag and give her the car, no Kari i do not need you to come with me, said. Parker, "dag babe he knew what you were going to say before you said it, and you not putting us out, said. Viktor, "we rather have you there in case of you going off your rocker, and okay, I wasn't going to even ask that, so after they finished eating they pack up everything and took the boys out on the boat,