chapter xxx

the next day,

Viktor has a match later tonight, so they heading over to open up the studio and meet with John her investor, everyone show up today. Viktor got the stroller out of the truck bed and they put their sons in them, Kari unlocked the door, they walked in, and start to get set up for the morning, they walked inside of the office and put their sons on the desk pin they yawned out, " okay, uncle P take my car do what you need to hit the library go see a marital counselor, said. Kari, " you are four things now,

one you are a businessman, what you do reflex off of your business and staff,

two you are a husband what you do ill rel\flex and miss up anything that you trying to fix.

three you father your kids going to act out but they loved you,

and four you a new uncle you already know Vance, Volance, Vandor, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton loves you and we love you, I can tell the two steps of what made a man a good husband and father, you are already are me, bro, it's no you, said. Viktor. " I can say let her go in find someonethat going to beit, that not what you need that's not what you want to hear, so focus on you and finding what you need in thecity to help you to be thehusand she wants and the father they need, he hugged them and take the keys and left to seek help in his marriage, back home Jasmine pulled up at her mother-in-laws house after taking the kids to school, Sara walked up, " I going to lose him am? asked, Jasmine. "no, you was about to lose him to the bottle, if it wasn't for Kari and Viktor to stray him to them, god knows what will happen, let's get some tea, they walked inside of the house, " I am not her, he wants me to be. she hates me, said. Jasmine, " honey, she is always going to take up for him andheisalwaysgoing to take up for her, just give him the space he needs to figureout what he needs, and you take a class on howto be a wife or house wife, Kari is a wfe and mother, she works Viker is a husband and father that works and works alongside her, which you want to be that what you need to d, and this thing between you and Kari needs to end, said. Sara, John walked in the door, and she went out to meet him why Viktor stay in the office with their sons, as they walked around the studio, he told her there are doing well with the broadcasting of the studio, and ask her if she thought about doing a catering fitness to these that can't get out, " fit catering, we start to talk about go out to those that can't make it out, but never actually got around to do it, said. Kari, * Gah, they call for her. " boy Dah and Gah are busy right now, take a nap ten minutes, said. Viktor, Parker, was doing interviews while his wife and mother were still talking to John, Parker pulled up at a canceling house, parked his sister's car, and walked in, " I need to talk to some about my marriage, how will I need to do that? " come on back Mr. said the doctor, " Christmas Parker Christmas, they walked in his office, he closed the door behind him, " please have a seat, how may I help? they sat down and he begin to tell him how things at home with him and his wife, how their marriage is at rope end he doesn't know what to do anymore, Detriot at his parent's house, " tell her that, I just want to be a good sister-in-law, but she, " honey, Kari is not you, she is a go-getter, a career woman, every since I know she has been into fitness, health training, that is were the passion fora fit studio cames in, she all over the world training in fitness, fly out to schools, but she also loves cooking healthy, taken care of the house, a career wife and mom, she all three full-time, you more home women not going by the clock or schedule you cook and clean when you want, Parker he gets tired when gets home, you don't even pick thekids up he does, so I don't blame him for wanting a career wife full-time he deserves that, Jimmy and Becky deserves a career mother full-time, said. Sara, " Viktor is the assistant manager of the studio of the payroll maybe you can be a cook on the payroll of his restaurant, we can go to the library to look up recipes to cook or see if Kari knows any recipes that you can use, said, Sara, back in Seattle at the fit studio, as they still walking the floor heading to the front, he telling that be a great way to get her business out there and their name to, they shake hands and left, she cuts her walkie on. " ( before everyone lets a team meeting in my office we are going to do something new we going over,) said. Kari, they open their doors and flows up people came in to get fit, Viktor took the boys out on the floor, " come on sons, keep up, what he said babe, she smacked him on his butt he brakes at her, they giggle at her, " mom is playing with dad, come on boys, tell you after, they took them on the floor run as the walked up the floor, women walk up to the desk, " welcome to the Christmas fit Studio, how may I help you get fit, asked. Stacie, " it's not me it's my husband, who do I speak with to get him fit in shape, she asked her, " (we got a cater fit request already guys how you want me to d this K?) asked. Stacie, " (mission on board looks like we starting it now, is the person with her or him?) asked, Kari, " (no, she alone she wants to speak with someone, ) said. Kari, " (okay call Laura up to get medical diagnose of him or her, then after calling Reno for Physicalogy and then Allyssa for Cardiology, wait on weight training for a while, ) said. Kari, " ( got it Laura to the lobby for catering fitness diagnose please,) said. Stacie, " (on my way, thank you, Stacie,) she walked out of her off, " someone is on there way to speak with you mama, it been a busy day so far,