chapter xxxi

watch across the world

" Okay boys back in the scribe daddy got to go to work, so he can provide you and mommy, *Dah he kisses them in the pin, Kari rubs his chest, " yeah, I will be careful, come here beautiful, he pulls her to him, they kissed each other, he hugs her, and left out the studio and head down to the arena, Parker pulled up after stopping by the library, he walked into the doot, everyone was waiting to see Viktor match, he knocked on the doot. " it's open, he walked in, she's a live monitor in her office too, " how it went? " he help as you did, he said that we need to have time together and figure out where in our marriage to be at, tell how do you and V figure that out, I get that you both met and fall in love but are you both there? asked, Parker, he got out of the car and walked into the locker room to get ready, Reese walked with the booster clipboard, " okay the first match is a cage match, this will decide who gets a Diva title match with Lioness, in the cage match will be Key, Katana, and Tazz, next match is a tag team match is Price and Diablo vs the tag team of Razor and Buster, next singles, match Hunter vs The Wrath, a tag team Obsession and Fortune vs Gale and Jasmine, and then the main even a ladder title match, good luck everyone, let's get our fans a show and have fun, Kari looked at him. " we don't where we at in our marriage Parker we still fairly new at being husband and wife well as being parents, when this became about us? asked, Kari. * Dah, they said. " Dah is the main event boys, " ( yeah I got a feeling last night that someone wants a title match, babe boys,) said, Viktor. " (yes Reno,) said. " (no matter what if I lose it tonight, yu seven still my good lick and I will always love you,) said, she looked at him and told him that win or lose her in love with the man, not the belt, she will always be here and there for him, the first match started, and the fans were going wild for her, " (how the can canceling go P?) asked, Viktor. " (good he said we need to spend time together to find out that point in our marriage that we need to be at, you are that point right, how do you know that this it?) asked, Parker, " ( P we fairly new at both, thee place you know that you work on as her husband, work on that point if you want we can be that model for you, we all find it together, babe I know you don't like her, but she could learn from you how to work by your husband, how to cook for your family, how to take care of your home for your family, how to be a wife to your husband and how to be a mother to your kids,) said. Viktor, " (are you asking me to make remends with my parents, that would take a trip to Detroit,) as Loiness is getting the upper hand the crowd is getting louder, Hunter walked up to him, " (then that a trip we have to make, come on babe.) said, Viktor, " (hey how my little nephews?) asked, Hunter. " (asleep for now, they be up to see both your matches, fine name the date you want to go my king and we go,) he kissed at her, " (wait I do not want to go back yet I still want to self-smooth here, said. Parker, " tell you what we go when you ready to go back, Kari told him, " (so, for now, work on you, ) said, Viktor they went off the wristbands, the match is over, Loiness is still thetitle holder, as they walked into the locker room it was time for the next match, the tag team match, music play and the tag team walked outof the Viktor and hunter was on the edge, sudden Ivory who wasn't scheduled was there, " will looked who visit, long time no see handsome, said. Ivory, " go ahead Ivory, she rub down hi schest, he push her off him, " really you are a man, and weak whoever this women isdoes nothave a hold on you that strong, she grab him, " get lost Ivory leave my partner alone like me we are happily married, he told her, " yeah she does, I love her, somethingyou don't know about, I going out to get some air, he walked out of the locker room to herubs his hands through his hair, she walked up to him, " I don't care if you are or not, she stick her hand his pants, " hey back off man, I love, she put her lips on him, when that happen, he could resited, so he make out with her, just realize that he ruin his marriage, hegot dressed, she smiled, he walked back in the staduim, in the office," I got problems I need to fix Reese, why can she leave me alone, she, " come in Viktor, first call her on that thing and let's get this straight, you do not want to go your wife and tell her you step up, Reese told him," (huh, Kari I so sorry I never mean to hurt, you I love you, I need you and the boys, please don't leave me, I can't life with ut you, ) he fall on his knees and cried, " (I never see him this happy, these ethings can stand to see a man wrestler married and love, ) said. Reese, " (okay baby tell me what exactly what happen?) asked, Kari. " ( she wouldn't leave me alone she keep on and keep on, I went to get some air, she was touching me one thing let to other, I made out with her, I want you, I love you, I want to be with you, I don't love her, I don't want to be with her and I don't want to be with her, she a man on steroids, ) cried. Viktor, " ( Reno I did said we going to bump heads, no one said being married was easy, I love you too, and you are with me, and you do have me, women like that always want what they can't have, ) said. Kari, " ( I don't want to bump heads with you, can we work it out talk, please.)_("baby I am not mad at you, this is not your fault, we not having any problems in our marriage, but I d agree that we need to talk about today, and work through it, right now focus on your match win or lose you still will always have your family. Good luck baby, I love you.) said, Kari. " (I love you, the boys and you are my whole world, babe, I get dinner tonight chinses, ) said, Viktor, " (chinse will be good see you tonight, we be routing for you Dah,) they went off the wristbands, " thank you, Reese, you married to, " yes with three daughters I can spot another man with a wife and kids, you up win it for the ones you love, he shake his hands, as he walked he called Ivory in the office to tired her for good, Hunter won his watch, they got in the ring was at each other, they was watching the match, Viktor has the upper, he suplex him onto the mat, he slides out of the ring got the ladder and climb up it, and got his title the match is over, Viktor won the main event, him and hunter left the arena,