Chapter xxxii

the talk

they are in the kitchen, while the boys are asleep in the nursing, " she was making me uncomfortable I couldn't breathe, no one told her to follow me outside, I know I can't take the hurt I have done to you, babe, I do anything for you, I need you in my life, said. Viktor, " Reno yes it does hurt, this is not my first time being hurt by someone that I love like I said we have no problems here, she set the table, " who hurt you before babe, this man is d*ck I should be stronger, I should push her off and remember that my love, heart, soul belong to my wife, that I love with my whole heart, he wrapped his arms around her and he told her he will heal the hurt he has done to her, that will become stronger for his family, that he will do anything for her, they kissed each other, he picks her up carrying her to the couch, they make out before eating dinner, Parker is in his room reading one of the books he got, as time went by, they were done and laying each other arms. " we are going to fine, Reno, nothing changed us, this just an optical during our marriage, long aswe stay honest with each other which we are, and stay true with each other like we are, time and love baby thehurt will go away, he kissed her on the neck, and they put their clothes back on, Parker walked downstairs, " guys I have a flavor to asked, said. Parker, " just hear me out, okay. I want you to do this test with me, " P I love you, that something you and your wife to do to strengthen your marriage, ours is new and going strong, we got to know each other, we talk, we dated ten months, after ten months I made up my mind to ask her to wear my promise ring, day of my title match that was the day I knew I want to ask would she married me, this was not a rush into Parker, each day and moment leading up to us dating for ten months, having a date night every Friday, then lead up to us still dating and her wearing my promise ring to get married, then up to the day of us engaged and planing our wedding, the day of us getting married, get what am I saying I plan my steps, I plan to be with your sister, I plan to stay married and I plan to stay in my son's lives, tell me did you plan steps or did you just as her to point blank marry you? asked, Viktor, " we were sweethearts I ask her to marry me, said. Parker, " yes I know he going to have women that he works feeling on him, wanting him like now he a man, he going to be weak and sometimes give in, but as a loving happy married couple work through it, talk about, yes I will probably be hurt, but I get past it. Said, Kari, " she knows that when I told her that day that I am interested, that I will always bring her lunch, like that day, that she is it for me, and I don't want anyone else, said. Viktor, As they continue to tell him everything and help him to see, Kari told him sometimes just being high school sweethearts is not and maybe it is, but you got to be sure you want to be with that person, you have to get to know them, spend time with them, plan little brother. Viktor told him since you already married, replan the steps to be husband as she plans to be your wife, you both rush and did not make sure if that is what you want, that they need the structure of marriage to get them as partners in marriage and partners at work, " I see that you love her and in love with her Parker, but you want a partner to work with you at work and home, she not that type to do both, in mothers quote you can't teach an old dog to do new treats, said. Kari, " mines you can turn rags into silk, you can't make a rock into a diamond, and you can't turn water into wine, said. Viktor, " you married her for her not for what she is or not, does it matter if she on the phone and get dinner late, yes you can't change that she's to change it, does it matter that she spends don't help out yes, she took from her family, you can't stop it or change it, she's to want to change, we not perfect Parker, we like you stumble and fall along the way, I still stand by and said you need better in your life, said. Kari, " hey, mine is perfect, everyone woman should want to be like my wife, said, Viktor. she rubs her hands up his chest, he smiles, after they eat and talk some more they went upstairs, " not much but you be comfortable, said. Viktor, " it is thanks guys and for the talk, it helps a lot, they went to bed for the night, as Parker lay on the air mattress thinking about what the doctor said, and what his brother and sister say, got the wheels turning fast, he knows that he loves Jasmine, that he wants to be with her, he can't change her or stop her habits, and he knows that he wants her to work with him, not against him, " I need to be like my brother-in-law be that ideal husband and father, starting now, starting the day on Parker Christmas is going to be, said. Parker, the next morning Kari and Viktor are in the kitchen fixing their son's food and bottles and breakfast, " I am if I am weak babe, "Reno Nevada you are not weak, my husband is a lot of things weak well yes, weal physical no, but tell me was she better then me? he look at her, and walked up to her, " really another woman grabs your man's crap stick and you ask him is she better than you, the answer babe you are better than her, the proof is upstairs waking up, said. Viktor, " now tell who is this punk that broke my wife heart so I can beat the pee out him, she told him everything, everything about him, Parker walked stairs, and they went to get their son's and put them in their high chairs,