Chapter xxxiv

stopping for something to eat

They were knocked out in their seats, as they pulled into the parking lot they got out of the cars to stretch, " welcome back to Detriot Kari and Viktor, he got the stroller, and they take them out of their seats and put them into the stroller, they got their bags and lock their doors and walked inside of the restaurant, he takes them to a table, they locked the wheels and pulled them up to the table, "their litter bunnies, said. Viktor, " what can I get you like a drink, he asked. They order a glass of water, and Parker orders an ice tea, he went to get their drinks for them, wi they are half in Detroit, they did alright, " can't wait to see your home town, babe, right boys, the waitress being out their drinks and sat them on the table, and them is they are ready to order, Viktor orders the bake chicken dinner, for them. And Parker order a steak dinner, and she went to put their orders in. " so how long are you going to stay? Asked. Parker, " we don't know. But we do have to get back to our lives, said. Viktor, the waitress brought their food in sat it on the table and they start to eat. When they start to wake up, they open up their bags and dot their baby bowls of carrots, mashed potatoes, and duck meat, they stir it up and mix it up, Viktor waves for the waiter, she walked up to them and ask is very thing is okay? Viktor told her yes and ask for six high chairs, she told him they only have one, and it was already being used. " baby it's okay, we can feed them in the stroller, she left as they begin to feed their sons, Parker phone rings. He answered it, " (Christmas talk to me,) said. Parker, " uncle p is using Daddy and mommy words ain't he. They giggle, they start giving them some food and eating too. "(Are you here everyone is here excited,) asked, Sara. " (everyone's mom what did you do, they get their sons with them, ) said. Parker, "(theyñ just came by it couldn't be helped, said. Sara, " guys, everyone knows that you are coming, not a bad time to head back now. Said, Parker. They wipe their mouths, " what you want to do babe? Asked. Viktor, " we are half in Detroit, let's check in to a hotel first and then take Uncle p, then I take you seven around my hometown, said. Kari, " what do you say boys Mommy is going to show us around, said. Viktor, they giggling and wiggling, "(parker are you there?) Asked, Sara. " (yeah, maybe you and dad should come to my house a! one, so you three can talk and you can meet your grandson, they can wait until they are comfortable being around everyone.) Said, Parker. They are finished eating and feeding them. They'd wiped their mouths and put the bowls away. " honesty I do not want to meet the clan now, it is too soon p, all them off, please. I going to pay the bill, said. Viktor, " could you watch the boys for us. Baby wait, they walked to the ai side," (yeah, now is not a good time for them to see and meet everyone mom, you rushing them to, that not how they do, they plan the time and place for it, tell them they are not coming back to meet them, they are coming back so you, dad, and Kari can talk, so you can meet) Viktor, said. Parker, " babe I do not want to meet your family now, there is a time and place for everything, today is not it, he paid for the food they eat, " I agree they are rushing us, just like me I didn't want to meet your whole family all at once either, so how about this after we check-in, bring parker home get lost in the city, wait for them to go back home, Sara got off the phone with Parker she and John explain to everyone now is not the time to see them, and they are uncomfortable with it, so go home. They left the house hurt that they don't get to see Kari or meet Viktor., they left the restaurant got in the cars, and left, they are in the city of Chicago after they've fed them, the boys are fast asleep in their seats. Viktor pressed the button on his car phone, "(babe, you still behind me?) Asked. Viktor, " (yes, we about to stop for gas?) They pulled into a gas station, got out of the cars, and went to fill their tanks up, they start to fusing fighting sleep, " we know that you six is fighting sleep, the is waking up. Said. Viktor, " time for a therapy bath, said. Kari, after the fill-up with gas, they paid for their gas and lift the gas station heading down to a hotel, * Dah, Gah, they call, as they pulled up into a hotel.they unpacked the cars, and walked into their rooms, they give their sons hot aRoma therapy baths, as they splash around in the tub, " who is daddy boys, they had the biggest smile on their faces. They start to yawn, " it's working mom, said. Viktor and Parker's room is on the phone with his mother. "(We are in the city mom, we be by in the morning, ) said,  Parker. He talks with his mother telling her that he talks about it with Jasmine, so the kids see it they can make a positive step together. And Viktor and Kari's room, they take them out of the tub and dry them off, and put them in the cribs after they put their shirts on them. They went right to sleep, "I love being a dad and husband, she wrapped her arms around him, " same here too. We doing great as parents right? They kiss each other, he picks her up in walked into the bathroom, and they got in the shower.