Chapter xxxv

Back home

They finally arrived in Detroit, and they pulled up at Parker's house, Jasmine walked out of the house, they got out of the car, "looked we are family now, I am your kid's Aunt, my husband is your kid's uncle, they are first and only cousins, as a wife it is our hob to help and work beside our husbands, at work and home, said. Kari, they hug each other as Kari welcomes her into the family, and Parker and Jasmine start to talk to each other, as Sara and John pull up at the house, all three are talking and remanding the broken relationship, * Gah, they called out. Viktor walked up in looked at his boys. "

Gah is talking to her Gah and Dah, said. Viktor, unlock the car door and kissed them on the forehead. " I do better and help out more, I love you, Parker, said. Jasmine, " we have a good thing here, all I want is that you to work beside me. Said, Parker, they hugged each other, and Kari's relationship with her parents is fixed They walked up to Viktor, and he looked at them, " mom and dad this is Viktor, I believe that you met before. Said, Kari. They shake hands this time, " welcome to the family son, said. John, they opened up the doors and let them meet the boys, " aw they are so precious. Said, Sara. " what are their names? Asked. John, " Vance, Vandor, Volance, Binatone, Volume, and Venton. Answered, Viktor. They take the seat belt off them, and they pick them up, " our precious boys, how long are you here Viktor and Kari? Asked. Sara, " for a few days then we back home, said. Viktor, "I know what you are going to say, dad, that would be a great idea. To drive back up here is a lot. Said, Kari. " then let's plan a trip to Dinosaur Island, we can rend buses, said. Sara, " that would require for him to meet the entire family mom, he does not want to meet them now, said. Kari, " how about this we plan a date, time, we drive up, that will give us time to plane a drive up, get the boys ready, get Reno time to ask for a week off, and me to get Adam and the studio straight, said. Kari, "I just don't want to go on a family trip, give me time to warm up to want to meet them, then we can go that step, but yes we can plan everything we will plan a day to drive up, baby steps right my speed demons? They giggle at their father. Kari kissed them on their heads, " same here mom we just can't stop our lives and go on a trip, give us time to get everything together first, said. Parker, " " okay there is no rush, Parker gets your marriage straight, and the restaurant, caught up to mark, and Viktor get permission from work to have off, and the same for you to Kari. Said, Sara. " and let us know went that you can and are on your way. Said, John, " we do that, will boys how about we go to a park and walked the park trail, said. Kari, "we haven't got a place need to check into a hotel, said. Viktor, " we got plenty of room here. Said, John, " thanks dad but you don't want your home to be wakened by the litter, " we don't mind. Said, Sara. " or smell like diapers, said. Viktor, " babies in the house what we old people need, right grandsons, tell mommy and daddy you want to stay at grandpa and grandma. Said, John, " babe what do you think, we save money especially when we are stopping on the way back, asked. Viktor, "I agree we would be saving money. Okay mom we stay at the house, they got in the cars, and they left, they pulled up at the house. They got out of the cars, they take the boys out of their baby's seats and they walk inside the house they sat them on the floor, so Viktor and Kari can unpack the cars. They chat and crawl around the floor, " boys stay in the living room please, said. Kari, " speed demons. Said, Viktor. " did Daddy call you boys speed demons? They smile and giggled at their second grandmother, they finished setting up their cribs, and they walked into the living room, * Gah, Dah, Gah. They all called, " is it bottle our litter bunnies, said. Viktor, " or do we want to go to the park first. Said, Kari. They crawl up to them, they picked them up. " Mr. And Mrs. Christmas would you like to come with us, asked. Viktor, " we love to. Said, John. So they get in the cars and head to the park. They pulled up in a parking space, they got out of the cars and Viktor set up the stroller, they took their sons out of the cars and put them in the stroller, and walk down the park. Still, Jasmine and Parker are talking about how to be better partners. They walked down the park trail, they are starting tofus when the hotline rang, " they hungry mom, said. Viktor, locked the wheels as she takes their bottles out and they started to feed them, "(Nevada, what's up. How the studio, ) asked. Kari, " that is some good smoothie, huh, they give them some air to breathe. They wiped their mouths, "(we got ten new clients and someone wants an interview for the Physicalogy room, ) said. Adam, " babe? She looked at him and said, " We got ten new clients and someone who wants the Physicalogy spot, (that is great Adam what do they do? Did you do the interview?) Asked, Kari. They started to feed them again, " mm, that is good huh boys. That is great babe, said. Viktor, they finished their bottles. They wiped their mouths and put the empty bottles in the bags, then they burped them, " oh my boys that is quite a burps. Said, Sara. They giggle at that, they continue to walk up the trail.