Chapter xxxvi

Back home

After they spend a few days in Detroit. The Nevada family finally made it back home, it is a Monday morning and they had breakfast and fed their sons, they pull to the studio and went to set up to open. They walked into the office, they put the boys into their official pin. " I will be back, going to the stadium to see if I have any matches and talk to Reese, come here you, he pulled her to him. " okay, be careful, please Reno. They kissed each other again, I will babe, okay my speed demons watch over mom until I get back, he kissed them on their heads. And walked out of the studio and headed for the stadium, meanwhile and Detroit was inside the Christmas house, Sara and her mother are talking. " so who is this new grandson-in-law what is he liked? Asked. Judy." oh mom he is so perfect than David, he is the perfect husband and father, she told her everything about him and how they met and how he won her heart. Viktor pulled up at the stadium and got out of the car and walked inside the arena. He walked up to the booster board to look at the line from the match,

The Diva match -

Elastic vs


The single match-

Whiz vs


The second Diva match-

Destiny vs


Tag team title match - Hunter and Viktor vs

Chaos vs



Hell in cell cage match world heavyweight champion title-

Bullet vs

Hood. " remember Viktor we do this for our families, the code of the bear honor the fatherhood. Said, Sergeant. " written in my heart, thank you. He cut his live wristband on. "(Babe, you on,?) Asked. Viktor, " (now I am, you on your way back baby?) Asked. Kari, "( we got a tag team title match today after I will be on my way back, how are the speed demons?) Asked. Viktor, " (sleeping when is it Reno?) Answered, Kari. "(I guess I better get it on tape, for them. It's the fourth match babe,) said. Viktor, " (they be up by then, we be rooting for you dad, good luck baby.) Said, Kari. " ( i love you, Mrs. Nevada, you and the boys are the best things that ever happened to me, ) said. Viktor, it was time for the first match, and Hunter is also talking to his wife too. At the studio, a man wants to do the physical training, "(K, a customer wants to do the physicalogy training, is Viktor here?) Asked. Stacie, " (we love you to baby, focus on your match, I got the boys and your room,) she cuts the walkie on, "(i on my way Stacie.) While the boys are sleeping she step out of the office and walked out of the gate and up to him. She asked what he needs to work in physical work? He told her everything needed to be worked on. She took him to the physicalogy room, Kari, start him on push-ups, set of ten, " (if the litter wakes up can someone go keep a watch on them, ) said. Kari, "(I'm heading that way now K.) Said, Adam. He walked into the office, they are still asleep in the pin. Back in Detroit in the house, " you are a proud great grandmother of six beautiful boys, do not tell anyone else what I told you, mom. Said, Sara. " six!? Said, Bella. " yes, mom six, they are so gorgeous like their mother, answered. Sara, "what are their names? And I won't tell a soul. Said, Bella. " Vance, Vandor, Volance, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton. Said, Sara. " those are some names, said. Bella, " they said Viktor didn't want to be the only V name in the family. The Diva match is over. Now it is time for the single match between Whiz and Paragon after they got ready in their costumes, " one more match and we are up next, said. Hunter, " our titles are on the line here Hunter, I feel like my family is not safe. Said, Viktor. He pets him on the shoulder, " either we keep them or lose them, our wives are not with us because we are title holders, they wife us because we sweep them off their feet, won't we get babysitters and take them out on a date, said. Hunter, " that sounds good. So they call their wives and told them they going out. "(We need a sitter Reno.) Hunter's wife told him the same thing too." (How about Stacie?) Asked, Viktor. Hunter asked his wife about his sister to babysit. At the studio. "(they call their wives and told them they going out. "(We need a sitter Reno.) Hunter's wife told him the same thing too." (How about Stacie?) Asked, Viktor. Hunter asked his wife about his sister to babysit. At the studio. "(Stacie we have a favor to ask,) said. Kari, " if it's babysitting my boys, yes I do mom.) Said, Stacie, "(she said she do it, so is this a causal date or dressed update,) asked. Kari, " (What do you say to dinner, dancing, carriage ride,) asked, Viktor. Hunter mentioned the same thing to his wife. The crowd is getting louder, "(that does sound wonderful Reno.) Said, Kari, " (how do you feel about double dates?) Asked. Viktor, "(we go on a double date with who?) Answered. Kari, " (Hunter and his wife,) the match is over, it is time for the next diva match. Back at the studio, They are busy at work. "(see you tonight my queen, nothing fancy date, I love you so much Kari. This is for my family,) said. Viktor, " (i love you to Reno.) The diva match is over, they got off the phones as their music played, they put their belts on, and walked out of the locker room and down the ramp,  the crowd pets them on the back,  they slide in the ring, everyone in the studio is watching. " look boys there go, Daddy and uncle, H. Said, Kari, * Dah,!!!!!! They all said. They take. Their belts to the referee, "(speed demons pay attention Daddy and uncle H is going to wrestle for you and teach you wrestling moves,)-(" we are watching Dah,) said. Kari,  chaos, and Domino music played as they walked down the steps and walked out of the audience, and got in the ring. The bell ring and they match, as they circle each other. They locked up, Chaos flip him to the ground and put him in a headlock, Viktor reverse it and power slam him, and he jump to his feet and tagged in Hunter. He got out of the ring, "(Vance, Vandor, Volance, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton did you boys see what I did, that how you break out a headlock, ) he took them. Hunter chokehold slams him and pins him on the mat.(1,2,3) they ring the bell, and they are still the tag-team title holders. They walked up the ramp,