Chapter xxxix

Back home

After a few days in dinosaurs island, Nevada is back in Seattle in their home, doing some cleaning why their sons are in the nursery asleep for twenty minutes, " baby. Your family is okay, but those two I do not like said. Viktor, she pets him on the butt, which makes the both of us baby. I don't even know why they even came. Said, Kari. Me either babe, he pulled her to him. They kissed each other, " we need to finish cleaning up Reno, he pick her up, " yeah we do Mrs. Nevada," then put me down. " I will put you down alright, he lay her on the couch he start to make out with her. The phone rang, and the boys are woken, * Gah!!!!! " they awake Reno, and the phone is ringing, " go back to sleep. Day and Gah are not finished cleaning up, he kissed her they make it out again. They were out of breath, " I love making out with you babe, said. Viktor, they put their clothes back on, " me to baby, you get the boys and I'll answer the phone, they kissed each other he walked upstairs into the nursing, she answered the hotline, "(Nevada talked to me.) They wet on themselves, " all boys come on, they laugh at their father. "(You guys are coming by later,)-(" in a few minutes Stacie. How busy are we?) Asked. Kari, Viktor's phone rings. He takes them out of the cribs and changes their diapers and cleans them and up, puts a fresh diaper on them, "(yeah,) said. Viktor, " (you back in downtown V?) Asked, Hunter. "(Yeah, we got back yesterday night. What up.) Said, Viktor, " ( we are slam, we go a bunch of call-ins, ) said. Stacie, "(the lineup is up, we got a match in Washington, D.C., we up first.) Said. Hunter, " (okay give us a few minutes to get the boys to dress, ) said. Kari, "(we need to discuss it, I don't think I can go there, you need to talk with your wife to man, you just can not make this decision for you,) he told him. They got off the phone with each other, Viktor told her about the match and where it at. " Viktor this is your career, your dream, your family will go with you, our sons need to see daddy live in action, on screen, doesn't do it for them. Said, Kari. They are still talking about it, they decided to go to Washington, D.C. they kissed each other and finish cleaning up and getting the boys to dress. They left and head down to the studio, they pull up at the studio and put their sons into the stroller, and walked into the studio, "hey sorry to bug you on your day off. Said. Stacie, " it's okay what do we have? Asked. Viktor. " the investor is in the office and we have a call-in, said. Stacie, " take the boys long with Mike, Alyssa, and Luara. Said, Kari. They kissed each other, they got in the company car and left, heading to the call-in, Kari walked into the house and they began to talk about how well the studio is doing. "thank you if it were for your help I don't know what I would do. Said. Kari, they start talking about the fit broadcast, they went to help out and left heading back to the studio. * Dah!!!!!! " you six hungry, we almost back boys, then Daddy will give you your bottles, they pull up at the studio, they got out of the car and Viktor began to give them their bottles, Kari walk up and help him feed their sons, " how it went baby. Asked, Kari, " good babe, how it went with the investor? Said. Viktor, they kissed each other. " good John is pleased with how well we are doing, they finished the bottles and they burped them. They put them in the stroller and lock the car door and walked inside the studio, as they finished out the day, they closed for the night and locked the door, they pull into the gates of the house, and up at the house, they take them out of the baby seats and walked inside of the house, they are giving then a bath. When the phone rang, Viktor walked into the hall to answer the phone. "(Can we call you back p, we are in the middle of the bath time?) Asked. Viktor, " (how you know that it is me? You must just get home.) Said, Parker. " (we both did, I call you back,) he hang up the phone and walked back into the bathroom. " who was that? Asked. Kari, " p, back to what we were talking about this morning, you sure, it going to be quoted a drive down there. They kissed each other, " when we had to go? Don't worry we rent a van that way when daddy is in the ring, we can drive around and see what Washington, D.C. has said. Kari, they talk about it and plan what they are going to do in the morning, Kari is going to put Adam in charge for a few days while they are gone. They got their sons out of the tub dried them and put their nightclothes on them. " come on boys let's go help Mommy set the table for dinner. Said, Viktor, * Gahhh!!!!!! They call to her, they walked out of the bathroom, pick them up and put them in the gate, and lock the hallway gate. " this way boys, come on. They crawl into the dining room, put them in their high chairs set the table for dinner, and they got started cooking. * Dah, they call to him, " yes my speed demons. Answered, Viktor. As dinner, is cooking, they went to give them their bottles, " mmm that wholesome goodness, the van would work for travel, instead of taking two cars, said. Viktor, they give them air to breathe, " great bottle daddy, you want to have a travel rent? Asked. Kari,