Chapter XL

The Nevada family is on the go

They got on the road to Washington, D.C., and in their new humor, the boys are fast asleep in the back. " this is the life, we are large than life, said. Viktor, she looks at him and strokes his hair, " see what birthday stuff they have here. " we can do that after we check into the hotel, as they all arrived in Washington, D.C., they pull up to the hotels with their families. " we are in Washington, D.C. my family, said. Viktor, their sons are still asleep, they got out of the car and walked into the hotel, where the Sergeant and family were staying too. " hey man you stayed here too? Asked. The sergeant, " yeah babe this is the Sergeant, he kept me calm during the pandemic, said. Viktor, they shake hands, they got settled in their hotel rooms, their sons are fast asleep in their Cribbs, Viktor and Kari are on the bed watching tv or the tv is watching them. As they doze off to sleep when the hotline rang and the boys woke up crying. " what time is it? Asked. Viktor. " five I guess it is dinner time, he sat on the bed. " I better head down to the arena and see what the matches are, you going to be okay? Asked. Viktor" yeah I get their bottles and food made, she got up and rubs her face, and he kissed her. " on the way back, I get dinner for us. Every wrestler and diva went over to the stadium, Kari is making their bottles made, * Gah!!!!!! They called to them, she take them out of the crib and, as she was getting ready to give them their bottles when the hotline. "(Nevada talks to me,) she sat on the floor and start to feed them their dinner, " (you guys at home?) Asked. Parker, "(no, Reno has an away match in Washington, D.C., so we are in Washington, D.C. right now,) said, Kari, they walked into the boosted room, " ( welcome to Washington, D.C. Mcw wrestlers, for later on this evening we have a tag team Diva match, then a singles match, then another tag team match, followed by a diva match, then the main event a hell in a cell, if your name is under the matches I listen, get ready for the evening, let's have some,) they look upon the booster board, Melody and virus vs the Hawaiian, they hi-, fi each. They stay in getting ready, "( hey babe, how are you and the boys?) Asked, Viktor. " ( we are good dad, you on your way back?) Answered. Kari, " ( got a match coming up, the stadium is already getting a pack with people after it's over I get food for us. Hey sons. How was dinner? ) asked. Viktor, trouble walked upon him, " damn Nevada she is fine as hell! Said. Blade, " blue eyes and blonde hair damn sweet dreams with her tonight, what her name, "( don't answer that,) he cut her off-hook scarface knocking him on the floor, Blade power slams him on the floor, injury him, " I going to find her, I want you to know that I going to enjoy every day boning her fine ass Nevada, Hunter ran up and spike him, " hang in there buddy, he not going to touch her, Reese! Everyone ran up, " hang on an ambulance is on its way, who did this?" My wife and kids? Scarface and Blade, he threads to rape my wife Reese ah, " what hotel you staying at Vik, he gives him the keys and he told him, " okay I going to get them, they load him up in the truck him left so did Hunter, " I told you ever in your life go after another wrestler wife or husband, again there will be results, all three of your contract is on the line in the money in the case, you will be facing Scarface you will be in a ladder match the Brawn if he gets to it first you are fired, but if you so how to get your career is splendid for three months, the same goes for you two, Bade you and Fear is in hell in a cell and Taboo you and Hazard bar fight if you get out to make to the ring before he does the same goes for you too, get out of my way I have to see how he is. Hunter knocked on the door, she opened the door and tells her what happened. She put them in their baby seats and they heard down to the hospital, he helped her out and they walked through the door. " excuse me, is my husband okay?" Are you his wife? Asked. The doctor, " yes he okay!? Cried. Kari, " yes but fortunately he would be able to wrestle for three weeks until his back is better. Said, the doctor. " Kari! I want my wife and sons! Called Viktor, " can we see him. Asked, Kari, he take them into them, " I am so sorry baby, they kissed each other. " I do not need a belt to tell me that I am the best when I have you seven, because of me my family is endangered now ah, we need to lay low for a while. Said, Viktor. " okay, why are these people after me? Asked. Kari, " they come here, he holds her in his arms. " just tell me that I won't get blamed for this Reno when we get a home call in Laura and Alyssa who is my therapy team, I got you, Mr. Nevada, " I know you do Mrs. Nevada, they kissed each other again. A few hours went by, in the boy is starting to cry, " hey speed demons dad is okay, until I get back on my feet you six take care of mommy for me. She wipe her face, he looked at her, " babe I am okay your king is going to be okay, I need my queen and princes to go get some rest.