Chapter XLi

They are at home

This early Monday morning, why Viktor and the boys are still steep, Kari is in the office, Kari, calling her recovery trainer Micheal Flanigan to specialize in back and torso injury, and her therapy team Laura Florence, and Alyssa Richard, "( how bad is the K, I just got him on his feet week ago.) Asked Mike, " (back injury so bring all of your gear with you.) Said, "(what stuff you want us to get from room K?) Asked Laura, " (get all this going to take few days also call Dr. Lung to tell him we need him on stand by,) said. Kari, " (you want to tell Adam he full deck until we get him up on his feet and you return, and what about the boys?) Asked. Alyssa, " (what I pay him to do as an assistant to take over why I am away and can see if my brother could come down for a few days and help me watch him, all he had to do is watch in the living room, change them if they dirty, give them their bottle or food if they hungry, I will have their meals made in ready along with their bottle, we still be around, just want to focus on him right now, if dad is okay then mom is too. I pay him for his help give him a place to stay and food,) "(I take that please K,) said. Mike, " (I already pay you mike since Reno needs you more than ever now, ) said. Kari, "(we see you in a bit K,)-!" (Thank you guys.) They hang up, she walked into the kitchen and start to cook. She picks up the hotline and calls her brother. "(Hey how was Washington, D.C. is,) said. Parker, " (Reno is hurt, do you think can come down in help us watch the boys, while I get in recovery, I know you got a family and business, but all you have to do is watch them in the living room, I. Everything that you need is ready, you can stay here, I make one of the rooms up, fix breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and even pay you for it. ) said, Kari. " (I can not stand Scarface, Blade, or Taboo how bad is he hurt K?) Asked. "? It's his back Parker, I already have a team coming to help me get him in recovery, I love my sons I just need to focus on him.) Jasmine walked into the room, along with his son and daughter, " (so and if dad is in the game again mom and dad is good, but if dad, not everything goes South. On my way, Kari has my boys ready for me, hey the payment is I get to spend a few days watching my nephews,) said. Parker "( I know that you don't mean that, but thank you.) They hang up, Parker started to put a bag of clots together," look V is hurt, she needs me to watch the boys so she can focus on him, she going to have the house fill, there is no room for more, this is a family emergency, how you can help by staying here, running the restaurant went I am gone, help your mother around the house, said. Parker, " how hurt is uncle Viktor's dad? Asked. Jimmy, " it's his back Jimmy, said, Parker. " how is Kari? Asked, Jasmine. " she didn't say it, but I pick up that she blame herself, see you in a few days, he hug them bye and left, " babe aw pricks they pay, said. Viktor, walked into the room, " Mike Laura, and Alyssa is on their way. And I asked Parker can he comes down to watch the boys from us. This is my fault if we never talk yesterday this would never happen. " babe I not blaming you what happens to me is all on that prick Blade, he sat her on his lap, " you smell good Mrs. Nevada, just him right? Asked. Viktor, " yeah, that would be breakfast, let's get you to wash Mr. Nevada, she helps him into the bathroom and scrub him up and rinse him down. Everyone pulled up at the gate, she dries him off and help him into his clothes and downstairs, she sat him off the table and cut breakfast off, she let them into the gates and open the door for them, she went to get the boys to wash and dressed, she brings them downstair put them in their high chairs, they walked into the house and close the door. " everyone has a seated breakfast is ready, they sat down at the table as she helps their plates, they'd start to eat as they feed their sons, " I call this aggressive recovery, we start with some restraints to get you to stand up and sit down, said. Mike, " after we do back therapy where we help you to sit up and lay down, we going to go slow. Said, Kari, " after we give you a back massage to censor out the pain. Said, Laura, " just before we go we do a hot oil massage, said. Alyssa, they finished eating and they walk into the spare room and hook up the restraints and they start to work on his back, Parker pulled up at the gate, she let him in the gates and clean them up and burped them, they laugh, she put them on the floor and they crawl inside of the gate, she locked them in, " Daddy and mommy are going to be in the spare room, Daddy back is hurting so mommy is going to help daddy, so be good for uncle P. Said. Kari, he walked into the house," how is he? Asked. Parker, " thanks for coming Parker, he doing good your plate is on the table, she takes him into, the room, " V you look like you really for revenge, he looked at him, " thank you for coming man, more ways than one P, they got it coming. Said, Viktor