Chapter XLv

Back from a mega vacation

After a trip around the world has come to an end, Nevada is back home, inside the house, the boys is their room fast asleep, and Kari and Viktor are in their room. " that was a great vacation babe, said. Viktor, " we enjoy it thank you, baby, said, Kari, they kissed each other, " you welcome, so what we are going to do for their birthday tomorrow? Asked. Viktor, " how about a cookout, set up the deck again invite our parents the fit family, Hunter his family, said, Kari. " that means a trip to the store and clean up the house, said. Viktor" means get the deck ready, and yes, so let's get it done. After they got their sons dressed and in the humor, they head down to the store, the phone rings, "(Nevadas talk to us,) said. Kari, " (we need you both here bad K we are getting slam,) said. Adam, Viktor's cell phone ring, he pulled over to the side of the road, "(Nevada what up,) said. Viktor, " (we got a match coming up V you need to get hére asp,) said. Hunter, " ( I on my way Adam, Reno has a match,) take us to the studio then go to the stadium after then we tackle the store and the deck. Said, Kari. " I see you seven, later on, I love you, Mrs. Nevada, ( soon I stop the wife and children at the studio I will be there soon,) said. Viktor, they kissed each other. " I love you too Mr. Nevada, they turn around and head to the studio, which is the other way, Viktor pulled up at the studio and they put their sons In the stroller, he kissed them by, " come here you, he pulled her to him, they kissed each other, " you take my breath away babe, I see you in a few minutes, we are going to when this for you. He got in the car and left, she walked through the door, " what going on? Asked. Kari, * Gahh, " ton for interviews and new customers K, oh John said to call him. Said, Adam. " double team you take the interview and I take the new customers, said. Kari, they got busy, Viktor pull up at the stadium and walked in the door, " hey who we up against Hunter? Asked. Viktor, " Buster and Rowdy, how are the boys? Asked. Hunter, " good, that vacation is what we need, by the way, you invited us to their cookout birthday party tomorrow bring the family. He got to change, Adam got done with the interviews, "(how is the kid's babe?) Asked. Viktor, " The family is in Montana, I can not believe they are turning a month tomorrow. Said, Hunter. "(Asleep, is it title match?) Asked, Kari, "(no, Vance, Volance, Vinatone, Vandor, Volume, and Venton ) they played their music, " (we on talk to you later.) Said, Viktor. They walked down the ramp, and the crowds went wild, Viktor take his shirt off and throw it at the crowd, and Hunter and Viktor slap hands. He got in the ring, they play Bluster and Rowdy music, it is 12:20 am they got through the day with interviewing people, they crawled behind her, * Gahh, Gahh, " cone my speed bunnies. " hi boys litter got a birthday coming up how old we turn? Asked. Stacie, a month, you all invite with your family tomorrow for their birthday cookout, they circle each other and locked up pushing each other backs towards the ropes, " we will be their K, a month what is mom going to do with her boys? They laugh at her, " oh she think of something, we at great paste, few phone calls and we wait for Daddy to come, call me or us if you need us, cone on litter bunnies back up to the office, followed mommy, as she walked up the hall they were ride behind her, " how she does it? Asked. A customer, " help from the right man at her side, said. Stacie put them back in the pin, and call the supermarket," (corner Supermarket how may I help you?) Asked customer service. "(Yes I need some groceries to be picked up and I will be paying by card today.)* Gah, she got their bottles from the bag, *kiwi smoothie, she mixed everything by shaking the bottles, " (she begin telling him what they need, as she gives them their bottles, * yummy mummy * " aw that is good bottles, mommy, Viktor flips him on the mat and replies the four Nelson, Buster reaches for his partner. " keep him in the center V, he trying to. "(Everything will be ready when you get her,) said the bagger, " (, thank you for your help,) they hang up the phone. They finished their bottles, she wipe their mouths, and burped them, they let out a big burp, and laugh, with a knock out Hunter pin Rowdy, 1,2,3, the referee counted. The ring Bell, they slide out of the ring." Time to fix me a victory pizza said. Hunter, " see you at the cookout V, they got in the locker room, got a change in left. "(Baby I'm on my way back to you, did you call the store?) Asked, Viktor. He got in the car and left, " (yeah everything is paid for all we need to do is pick it up. ) after a busy day they did paywall and closed for the evening, and went home, Kari and Viktor head down to the supermarket, where they put their bags in the car, Viktor close the truck, " thanks, he got in the car and left, " we going to have to plane to birthday trips unless we want to get mom and dad from Detroit and Maine, " here's what we do we pack up the humor with our bags, cribs, and gates, stay few days in Maine, and then few days in Detroit, boys look like you getting three birthday parties, said. Viktor, they pulled into the gates of their house and walked inside, as they locked them in the gates. " here is dad first match, watch learn and have fun, as they watch their father on tv, Viktor is cleaning the deck, and Kari is cleaning the kitchen, the hotline rings, she answered it. "(We all wonder what is the plane for tomorrow do we need to drive down or do you come down?) Asked. Parker, " ( we head down after we leave Maine, Parker.) Said, Kari. Viktor got done setting up the deck, now he is cleaning the grilled, he told his mother that they are coming down for the boy's birthday, "( she want to know what time, she already planning to throw them a big party is.) Said, Parker, " (