Chapter XLvi

The birthday boys

It was Vance, Vandor, Volance, Vinatone, Volume, and Venton's first birthday. And while the litter is in their cribs fast asleep. Viktor of the lobster tails on the grill cooking and Kari got everything in the boiler cooking down into baby food, and she got the sides in the oven cooking, " the house is ready and food is cooking, now the birthday concoction, cream Milk, banana and strawberries, and pineapple, he got the beater on and start to mix everything. " I take k a shower while they are asleep still, is everything in the car? Asked. Kari, "now you tell that you going to take a shower, yes babe Dah already have the Hum loaded up, said. Viktor, " will after you did come to enjoy me. " I will you can count on that, said. Viktor heads up the steps and their room, he pours the birthday cream milk into their bottles and put them in the refrigerator, and walked up the steps into their room, he walks into the bathroom, they kissed each other and got into the shower, "

" They didn't say, probably going to spend time with the in-laws, said. Parker, back in the Nevada Castle they are in the shower," this is not taking a shower Reno, said. Kari, " aw come on I want the loving, " they are going to be up soon, " no they are not. They make out in the shower, few minutes the litter is up. * Dah, Dah! They called for Viktor," they are calling for you. " daddy is not here, coming here you. They kissed again, * Gah, Gah, Dah, Dah! " they up and in make it up to you tonight. Said, Kari, " promise? Asked. Viktor, " yes baby I going to rock your world tonight, they got out of the shower and dried off and put on their clothes, walked into their son's room, " hey boys, you got a big day ahead of you. Said, Kari. " that right uncle Lee, uncle Mike, Uncle H, Aunt Stacie, Aunt Luara, and Aunt Alyssa is all coming to celebrate your birthday, then we are going to Maine to celebrate you with grandma and grandpa, then we head to Detroit to celebrate with our favorite uncle p, grandparents said. Viktor, they pick them up and carry them into the nursing bathroom to wash them. Jasmine called the house, and Viktor answered the phone, "(we can not talk right we are busy, don't call us we will call you,)-(" why can you come here!? What so freaking important in Maine!) Said, Jasmine. "(We're we going is none of your darn business, this my family, not yours do not call us anymore, butt out!) He hangs up on her, " she got on my nerves Kari, I really can not stand your brother's wife, said. Viktor," hope this we tell him to get mom and dad anything come down here, tonight get us rooms in Maine, have a second party in Maine, you can show us your hometown again, they need to know where their father came from, " the three of them right not his family, asked. Viktor," leave it to me finished getting the washing, she picks up the hotline and call Parker, "(get mom and dad and everything and come down, we spent few days in Maine and celebrate the boys first birthday, we love your kids but this is your nephews day, and leave her to do, I told her serial times I do not talk on the phone, shop around, or blow money, this is our sons the first birthday and we busy getting them ready, that's time she takes from them, she needs to stop Parker,)-("K she want to know why you going to Maine, you ready didn't tell me why.) Said," (mom and dad is not their only grandparents Parker, my mother, and father in law lives in Maune, and they are throwing them a party to, that why we are going to maine, you can stay there in miss their first birthday, I sure mom and dad will be upset that you pick to miss out on their first birthday all because you want to keep her happy, he can stand her because this is the second time he has to told do not call us we call you, even than she is getting on our nerves, ) said kari, "(we see you soon,) they hang up. " you are really not hitting home, stop trying to take her way from them, in give to our family, do not call them, wait for them to call, cause of that he does not like you, and now they not coming this way, you not invited to our nephews first birthday, I going to pick mom and dad up and head down, they are missing their cousin birthday because of your actions again, when you going to stop in think? He pack a bag and got the gifts and left went to pick up his parents and they heal down to Seattle, WA, " Jasmine is pushing it, he doesn't like, I not trying to get push out their lives and she is making it easier for me to get pushed out. Said, Parker. " you are across hairs with Kari, she trying to welcome her but, said. John, " she told her twice that she is not that type of a girl, she doesn't talk on the phone or blow money, they told us that they will call us, I think I want divorced mom and dad, it is not working out, anyway what until you see their house, he had it builds for her, " he had a house built for her!? Sally said in a shocked voice, " yeah they called it The Nevada Castle, they pulled up at the gate and beep, "(hang on Paker,) she opened the gate and door for them, " ow my God, this is huge, said. Henry drives into the hate and she closed it behind them, * Gah! " let me check the on the food and let grandma and grandpa and Uncle P in, they walked inside of the house with their present, " hey sis where is the birthday boys, this is a beautiful house, said. Sally, " living room, thank you, sorry to miss your plane, she's upsetting him, to keep the peace I have to make a change, come in we just waiting for the others to get here, she closed the door, they crawl up to the gate and start to cry, Viktor walked into the house, " Vance Thomas Nevada, Vandor James Nevada, Vinatone Christian Nevada, Volume Christopher Nevada, And Venton Peter Nevada, in the center, please let's watch a tv, mom will be back, but she is cooking right now. He told him, they crawl, up to him, he put in a wrestling tape, " learn well speed demons, he walked out of the gate and locked it, " sorry about, only away to get the litter attention, there are days we wonder right babe. Welcome to the castle, said. Viktor, " yeah, it is a battle, we not being main to her, where she has two, we got a litter and its 6x everything, bath, changing, feeding, and outings, I don't talk on the phone because I keeping my eyes on them, I do blow money because that is money for our family, like diapers, and food, bills, so they can have a home, food, and clothes, she can stop being a mother so she can talk on the phone, she has extra money to blow and no family to put first. If you go the gates are locked, we want them to stay in the living room, that will last a few minutes, we need to get their food ready, can we get you anything to drink, " why can I have a wife like my sister, that understanding that the kids come first, I good, " babe you think you can do a total change of her, getting to understand Motherhood and being a wife? Asked. Viktor, " the week thing baby, I not sure you can get the girl to change, said, Kari.