Chapter 11

Alex's pov :-

If I hadn't yelled at them demanding that they stop bickering , they would have had each other's head. Both of them were acting like fucking five year olds. All this time , whenever they shot back at each other with equal sass, Ava looked amused. I mean its her boyfriend , so obviously they might know some thing or the other. Not every embarrassing story but at least one or two. Also i didn't fail to notice her stutter when I asked her his name.

Oh god these two are in the mafia for god's sake . And Noah is next in line to the throne.

" Look, enough with this childish talk , let's act like adults for god's sake. Now all of you move your ass and follow me. All are looking at us, period. " I left no chance for them to argue back.

"David, reschedule all my meetings that are to be held today". I led them to the nearby cafe.

Me , Dylan , Ace , Jason , Will and Blake sat next to each other , while Luke , Ava , Noah, Jack and her other friend whose name I guess is Lottie sat parallel to us.

" Now Ava explain how this douchebag is your boyfriend ."

Noah's pov:-

I was fixing my bike when suddenly someone jumped on my back. I was shocked , I mean who out of their right mind would jump on my back. MY BACK. Keyword MY. The most ruthless badass Noah Carter's back.

I wanted to see the face of the person who's that courageous to pull off such a thing. I turned around and was met with adorable brown eyes. I can get lost in it all day. Cute button nose which looks so pinchable , cherry red lips which i wish could get a taste of and jet black hair. In total she looks gorgeous. I don't have words to describe her beauty.

Well, what I saw behind her was very interesting. The RUSSO BROTHERS looking like lost puppies. Hmm Russo brothers and a similar looking girl. What do we have here? Connecting the dots , the answer I'm getting is their cousin? I mean their sister is missing so of course that girl is not their sister, but from the look that they are giving, it's like a protective possessive brother or should I say brothers. Wait no , she can't be their cousin . As far as I know they have no such relatives. So it's their lost sister , now found sister.

" Hey babe" that snapped me out of my trance. Ok ?

"Hi baby "I replied taking a hold of her lean waist smirking. She stood still like I just dropped a bomb.

If she wants me to pretend to be her boyfriend , then why not have some fun?

"OK, if this guy here is your boyfriend then tell me what his name is" Alex has got some brains I guess , Why wouldn't he. After all he' s the current underworld boss.

" It's n-n" I can't loose this opportunity.

"Don't be shy soon to be Mrs Noah Carter. How can you stutter when you say such an awesome name darling." She looked like a ripened tomato. I'm loving this effect I have on her.

" Babe these are my brothers. They are asking me to move in with them. What do you say ?" alright so she doesn't want to move in with them. I guess I can actually help her if i want. But I won't . What's the fun then .

"If you want to babe" I purposefully pecked her cheeks to see her reaction . Oh god if she looked like a tomato then , now she looks like a dark shaded rose. I expected a reaction from her br-

"How dare you freaking kiss my sister. I'm gonna kill you! " I guess it was soon to judge , because the next second Aiden was throwing a punch at my perfect face , but I didn't let his fist touch me. I gripped his hand midway.

"Not so soon Aiden. Who will take care of your sister if you kill me ? . Don't want her heartbroken now . Do we ?" my lips curled into an evil smile. I love getting on Aiden's nerves.

But stupid Luke had to butt inn with my childhood embarrassing stories. This girl who heard everything tried her best not to laugh but lost her control when I reminded Luke of him farting and blaming others. Seriously tell me who wouldn't laugh.

But at last , the sensible of us , Alex stopped our banter and led us to a cafe. All the Russo brothers except Luke sat parallel to the rest of us.

" Now Ava explain how this douchebag is your boyfriend."

"Heyy !!" I saw this girl rolling her eyes at my 'heyy'.


Wait I got to know her name if she is my supposed girlfriend.

"Come on babe tell me your name , we don't want your hot boyfriend not knowing his gorgeous girlfriend's name now do we? " I winked at her.

"Ava" she glared at me keeping her reply short.

"Easy there tiger" she gave me one more deadly glare which kept my motor like mouth shut.

Ava's pov

I swear I can't tolerate this idiot sitting next to me. Luke was sitting on my left and Noah was sitting on my right . Just great sitting between two maniacs.

" uhmm we met at an ice cream parlour right baby? You know I love chocolate ice cream right , well just like how I met Luke , I met him . And him being a chocolate lover made me fall for him more. You know chocolate being my favourite and so chocolate and chocolaty and more chocola-"

" I'm not asking you to describe how chocolate is so chocolaty. And yeah enough with your story" Alex cut me off. What a jerk .

"Babe don't you think your narration was a little bit unbelievable, I don't even like chocolate and I would have made it look real. " he whispered winking and smirking at me. What's with him winking every now and then. Won't his eyes hurt from all this winking . Also his jaw from smirking non-stop. And how on earth is he balancing all this together.

"Well, it's better than your overreaction" I rolled my eyes at him.

"Careful there sweetheart, keep rolling those beautiful eyes and they might fall off " a handsome guy with blue eyes came into the view.

" Good evening , I'm Hardin and I'll be your waiter for the day." At first with his polite smile I mistook him for a gentleman. And boy, was I wrong , behind that gentleman smile was a flirty smile.

I will take the compliment , though , not without a sarcastic remark, because I'd really like to see what he's up to.

Dylan was about to rip that guy's throat from the looks he's giving him. I put my hand forward indicating not to interfere in my matters.

I'm an independent girl . I fight my own battles. No one needs to be my knight in shining armour.

Even Noah was fuming with rage. Why ? He doesn't even know me .

"I believe you are getting paid for serving us and not complementing customer's eyes" .

" Well, it's not like everyday a beautiful lady like you comes to our cafe . And what can I get you doll." he winked. Seriously? This guy is openly flirting with me in front of my brothers for crying out loud.

"What do you want?" Now I'm done with this guy not because I can't fight , but because that will be a waste of time.

" A phone number and preferably a name will do for now"

" I'd love to give it to you." I nodded at Lottie and she understood it immediately. Everyone looked at me confused. I gave them a reassuring smile.

" Got a pen , Hardin ? "

He hands me down a pen and a piece of paper. I scribbled down a random name and phone number and returned back his pen and paper.

"I'll message you after my shift , Kylie. "

"Huh? Kylie. Do you know any 'Kylie' my friend ?" I directed my question towards Lottie. Confusion was written on everyone's face, including Hardin's.

"No clue my friend" Lottie replied , smirking .

"Do you have any idea Jack ? " this time to jack.

"No, not that I remember " he put up a thinking face.

"Sorry hun , you my friend are unlucky to message me because you asked for ' a phone number and a name' . Please specify next time." I winked at him. His face was red in colour . Not that he was blushing , he was embarrassed.

"Also you asked me what I wanted right . I'd like to have a new waiter to assist us . Ok hun ?" He quickly apologized and muttered something under his breath and walked away.

Me, Lottie and jack burst out laughing. Noah , Luke , Jason and Will looked impressed. While the rest of the Russo brothers were speechless.

"That was Awesome Ava . Poor guy ! If I was that guy I would wish if the earth swallowed me right away" Luke grinned at me.

"Damn kitten , never knew you would roast him publicly." Jason looked like a proud dad.

"I knew you had it in you princess" Will gave me a thumbs up.

"Woah baby! This is why I love you so much ." Noah pecked my cheek . He's kissing me for the second time today. My cheeks are probably slightly red in colour. I hate this effect he has on me.

"That was smooth bae" Lottie laughed like a maniac.

"Alright , here's my decision . I will move in with you guys."