Chapter 12

I met the Russo brothers. We have to be very careful from now on. And will see you later, and get me all the info on him.

Ava's pov :-

I woke up with a stabbing pain on my stomach. I clutched my stomach moving out of the bed towards the body length mirror . I lifted my shirt a little bit to check my wound. Ugg I forgot to bandage my wound. It's actually healed , but after that workout session with Luke , it opened up I guess.

Yes, it's been a week since I've moved in with them. It's like I've known them forever. They have already prepared this room for me even before I moved in . What if I rejected their idea of me moving in with me. I would have missed a lot.

I decided to take a shower. I got into the washroom attached to my room and did my hygiene and then took a long-short shower. I changed into a shirt and shorts. I let my hair down and applied a little Lip tint .

I was about to leave my room when I received a message from an unknown number.

Hey meet me at 12 near Starbucks.

I have reserved a table for us , and I'm wearing a black hoodie.

Be careful, don't let anyone see your face.

See you in 30 min.


Who's this guy or girl. You may think just like those stories we read , I'll message back saying wrong number or start a conversation. But no I'm Ava. I'm not like those people. I'm really gonna meet this person. This is going to be something.

Now the problem is how will I sneak out ?. Ever since I've moved in , my possessive overprotective brothers won't leave me out of their sight. One or the other will always be with me . The other day Dylan was following me wherever I go. So just to see what he'll do, I walked straight into the washroom. Guess what , he was about to follow me but stopped when I turned around and raised my eyebrow at him.

I saw the door wide open , I made a run for the door but stopped when I saw Alex and Dylan sitting on the couch next to the door. What will I do? Both doesn't have a phone on their hand to distract them. Ugg .

'Ava, act normal otherwise it'll look suspicious. Yup ava you've got this'. I reassured myself.

I kept a timer for two minutes with the notification sound as the alarm ringtone. So right after two minutes with a ding sound I'll tell them I got a message from my friend demanding that I meet her. Yup , I've got big brains. Who'll have such an awesome plan? Obviously me !

"Hey Xander and Dylan. Wassup ?" I sat next to both of them.

"Hey bug"

"Hey doll" both of them raised a brow at me.

"Don't you guys have work or something" I asked them out of curiosity. I mean , being the notorious, dangerous mafia king , Alex doesn't have work ! And you believe it? Well I can't .

" Yes we do bug, have informed my minions everything that has to be done. The lads are busy today , so we decided to work at home and keep an eye on you." Alex replied to which Dylan agreed by nodding. I saw them reaching for their drink which I suppose is a bit alcoholic.

Ughhh how do I waste time ? What should I do to entertain them till the alarm rings.

Ah yes. Girlfriends. Since they were all interested in knowing about my love life, I should also return the favour of butting in into their love life.

They made me sweat like a pig with all their questions. It was like a one -to-one interaction session ; oh no interrogation session. They were the officers and I was the suspect. Now I'm gonna give them the taste of their medicine.

"So how many girlfriends do each of you guys have ?" I raised my imperfect brows at them. Yeah, I know it's time to trim and shape them . But can you blame me ? I'm stuck between problems.

Both of them choked on their drink looking at each other with wide eyes. They both looked like a deer caught in red light.

Before they both can open their mouth to give me a reply my alarm rang.

Should I wait for their reply or just escape ?

I can always ask them right?

But I can't always escape right?

And will I ever get such a golden opportunity with only two brothers present in the house at the time of my escape plan?

No !

So I should escape now .


I pretended to check for the messages .

"Sorry guys , catch you later. I have to meet up one of my friends. She asked me to meet her . At first she asked me if you guys will let me leave the house alone to which I replied yeah definitely and you people are not those type of possessive, protective nosy brothers who check whatever I do. I told them how you all respect my privacy. Right brothers ?" I fake smiled. Yup I got them there. Let's see what they'll do.

Alex and Dylan glanced at each other nervously. They are exactly the nosy , protective and possessive type brothers. I know they won't leave me ever again. But now they will , because of my small speech about how they respect my - their lil sister's privacy.

"Umm sure , you know we love you right bambina?" They both stood up kissed my forehead.

"Yeah , I love you too brothers" I replied giving a peck to each of their cheeks. Now I feel bad for putting them in such a situation, but I got to meet this person.

"Take care , also carry this pocket gun with you. A silencer is attached to it. Protect yourself bug. Also call us if something happens .Also if you feel suspicious of anything or anyone don't forget to drop a call. Yeah ? " Alex finished.

"Sure dad" I rolled my eyes at his dad- behaviour and hugged them both.

"Bye see you guys later"