Chapter 16

Ava's pov:

I'm damn sure that Dylan is hiding something in his room. When he was lost in his own thoughts I peeked in and indeed there's no one and he's completely clothed.

What could he be possibly hiding that I shouldn't see?






Ah yes. Probably girls or guns or money. Ughh it's frustrating that I can't find anything.

Watch out Dylan cause' Ava Alexandra Russo is watching you.

I turned around and walked into the next bedroom which happened to be Lukey pukey's room. I didn't bother to knock and opened the door.



We both screamed simultaneously. There stood Luke as naked as the day he was born.

"Oh god. My poor innocent eyes!" I exclaimed turning around covering my eyes with my hands.

The door burst open and in came ace and Aidan.

"What happe- ewww Luke. Cover yourself." Both of them did my same action. Ace moved close to me and stood behind me covering my hands which were covering my eyes with his hands preventing any movement of my hand.

"It ain't my fault you three burst in without even caring to knock." Grumbled Luke.

"Ace! What are you doing ?" I asked annoyed . I can do it myself.

"What am I doing ? I'm protecting my baby sister's eyes from the evil." Both he and Aidan chuckled to it earning a kick from me.

"Now get out of my room all three of you." Luke commanded pushing three of us towards the door.

"What got your panties in a twist?" Ace asked earning a glare from Luke.

"Nothing you need to worry about ." Luke replied trying to close the door. But Aidan put his foot in between preventing him from closing it .

"What is it Luke ?" This time Aidan asked.

"It's nothin- .. fine, my friend and I were supposed to have lunch today and she called me a few minutes ago telling me she can't make it. It's just that , she ditched me at the last moment." He was going to say 'it's nothing' but a raised brow from Aidan made him spill the truth.

"So in another words , your date ditched you ?" I asked failing miserably in stifling my laughter.

" n-no she's not .... It's not a date." He stuttered confirming my hunch.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night ." Saying this three of us left his room.

I ran back and knocked his door this time. In a few seconds he opened.

"Lukie , you can join us for shopping. Get ready quick or I'll leave you behind." With this I slammed his door shut only to run into two hard chests.

What are they made of ?

Iron ?

"No sweetheart , we have a thing called muscles which you gain by working out. Try it sometime ? Yeah ?" Aidan replied smirking answering to the questions which I asked myself.

Can he read mind ?

"No darling , you are speaking it out loud." This time ace answered chuckling.

"Go get ready or else I'm leaving you two behind." I turned around and walked to my room.


I got in and locked the door. Don't want them barging in like I did to theirs.

I got to change quick because I just commanded four of my brothers demanding they get ready or I'll leave them behind. If I don't finish first , they'll be the one who to leave me behind.

I quickly walked into my walk-in closet and searched for some clothes. I went through my clothes .

Green ... no

Black .... No


Yellow ...yes

I found a yellow sundress with floral designs on it. I quickly wore it since I showered earlier. I curled my hair leaving it loosely. I put some chapstick and wore my sneakers.

I grabbed my phone and walked out of the room.

I still had ten more minutes . So I decided to kill time by reading a book . I entered the library and searched for an awesome book.

On walking towards the couch , I saw a portrait which made me freeze on my spot. It was a portrait of a man , mom , my brothers and a small girl wearing a red princess frock. On closer inspection , I realised that the small girl was me. So that man is my dad. We look like a happy family.

But suddenly I could hear gunshots and men yelling. I looked around the room searching for the source of sound. I saw mom and I struggling to get away from a group of men holding guns and knives. I screamed and cried for help. More yelling and gunshots. Tears blurred my eye and I started seeing dual. I tried to walk towards the couch but my knees gave away and I fell.

Soon darkness surrounded me.


Third person's pov:-

" Noah , please I have been asking you just to accompany me for shopping. It won't take much of your time, all I'm asking for is only five minutes of your time-"

On hearing 'five minutes' , Noah rolls his eyes asking her to repeat the same.

" Alright , may be just 10 minutes , not more. What ? can't you just accompany me bro, what kind of brother are you not accompanying his cute, innocent and naive little cousin sister." she pouted showing off her best puppy eyes which has worked wonders.

"You're anything but innocent Julie . And you call yourself cute ? It's time for you to check your reflection in the mirror " he scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Noahhhh pleaseeeee " Julie whines.

"No-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh ahhhhhh puh-lease"she continued her little whining session only to be stopped by Noah who facepalmed and motioned for her to stop.

"Ok , give me two minutes to change my clothes and I'll give you 10 minutes to get done with your shopping."he thought this shopping trip with Julie would shut her up and he could buy some gifts for his other two twin cousin sister's for their upcoming birthday. Both the girls had sent him a list of things which he should buy for their birthday as presents. Those are devils. But he loves them .