Chapter 17

Alex's pov :-

Where the hell is Ava ?

I've checked almost all the rooms. What if something happened to her ? Did our rivals kidnap her?

Of course no , they can't because we haven't introduced her yet to the underworld , also we have tight security.

Walking through the corridors I saw the door to the library wide open. I walked and saw it empty. I was about to step out when I noticed a book lying next to the couch.

I crouched down to pick the book but froze when I saw what seems to look like a hand . On moving closer I saw Ava lying unconscious on the floor.

I quickly picked her and carried her towards the living room yelling 'found her'.

I placed her on the couch and tried waking her up, but no luck. Soon all arrived looking shocked.

"What happened to her Alex ? Why is she unconscious?" Asked Luke holding Ava's hands.

"I don't know Luke, I saw her unconscious in the library" I replied.

"I have called the dr. Williams. He'll be here in a few." I sighed thinking what's wrong with her .

Soon dr. Williams came and checked Ava. He did a few check ups and jotted down something.

"What's wrong with her Dr. Williams ?" Jason asked.

"She fell unconscious due to trauma I'm guessing. I'm not quite sure because there's a possibility that either she slipped or trauma. But I guess it's due to the latter because shock is what caused her to faint according to the symptoms I see. Rest can only be confirmed after she wakes up." He explained .

"I've prescribed some medicines. I've given her a sedation for now. She'll wake in about an hour or two. Ring me when she's up , I'll come and check." He said packing all his stuff back.

"Alex I don't think she slipped. She actually fainted twice ." Will fiddled with his ring .

"What do you mean she fainted twice?" I asked raising my brows at him.

"First time she fainted was when we were at school. That day she found out we were Russo brothers and she was pretty shocked and fainted . And the second time was when we admitted her at the hospital and again due to all the shouting and all she fainted again." Luke explained this time.

"So you are saying there's some memory that's causing her all this ?" I asked .

"Yes. We'll find it out once she's awake." Ace said sitting next to Ava on the couch .


Lottie's pov:-

Ughh it's the stranger again. He's been messaging me for a month now. Who the hell is this creep?

Hey Lottie

What the hell is wrong with you ?

Is this how you text your friend? Didn't your brother a.k.a jack teach you how to greet people? Guess I have to remind him.

Don't you have somthing to do now ?

Yeah! I have , it's so boring

Entertain me

Who do you think I am Your

personal entertainer?

Nah , You are my girlfriend

What? Are you outta of your freaking mind ? Firstly, I don't even know who you are and are you fucking kidding me ? Girlfriend it seems. Stop messing with me . I don't even know your name.

Do you wanna know my name ?

Why the hell don't you understand the fact that I asked you to leave me alone and yes , the least thing you can do is to tell me your name.

Eager are we

Pfft...Hell no...

Tsk..Tsk.. Don't be angry with me princess


I think I could make you very happy.

Why? Are you leaving?

Shall we go see a movie ?

I have already seen it.

What ? Anyway, you disappoint me :(

Good to know that.

But I'll try to be perfect for you, you know :)

If I could rewrite the alphabet,I would put U and I together.

Good thing you can't !

You know ,I know how to please a woman.

Then please leave me alone.

I can tell you want me.

Yes, I want you to leave.

I would go to the ends of the Earth for you.

Okay, but would you stay there ? OMG ! Would you please leave me alone for now ? Please ?

Okay , Last one for today ig.

So,baby , your place or mine ?

- Both.You'll go to your place and I'll go to mine .Oh,Thank god,I was close to losing my patience. Go to hell.

No babe ... So fiesty you are...

I like the way it riles YOU up .

So sassy comebacks!

I see , ignoring me are we. It's okay, I'll come back soon.Ttyl

Oh dear lord , have mercy on me. Why the hell did you send this devil to the Earth? He's such an arrogant idiot , so eager you to irritate me. I tried to ignore him and see how it backfired. Well, I guess I may have to tolerate his ass for a little longer .

'Good luck with that !' My mind sassed.

I am are so done once jack comes to know about it. I didn't forget what he did with that creep who disturbed Ava . I don't even want to think about it. Come on Lottie , let's have hope.

Again my phone pinged.

Where have you been all my life ?

- Hiding from you.

I guess you are not in a mood to talk ? Well text ?

Yeah, and what makes you so exciting ? Quit trying to be a smart ass when you are just an ass.

You've changed.

I didn't change, I grew up , you should try it sometimes .

*Rolling eyes* whatever

Keep rolling your eyes, maybe you'll find your brain back there.

I hate you.

Then go join my hater's club bitch !

It's you that started this. Don't turn it over to me.

Oh sorry, I didn't realize that you're the victim. I thought you were the one that started all of the drama. My mistake.

Control your anger !

Some people say I have a quick temper, I think it is a quick reaction to bull shit.

If you are hotter than me, doesn't that make me cooler than you ?

They say opposites attract. I hope you meet someone who is good-looking,intelligent, and cultured.

I think you are obsessed with me.

You're like a bag of Pampers, self-absorbed and full of shit !

Why don't you slip into something more comfortable? Like a coma .

- - Turning the tables now are we ?

I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to let you know how I feel about you.

I thought you were attractive, but then you opened your mouth .

Isn't it dangerous to use one's vocabulary in a single sentence?

I would agree with you but then we'd be both wrong.

I think you are moody today.So bye for now, ttyl.

I'm not moody. I simply just have days when I am less inclined to put up with your crap . No thank you.