Chapter 18

Ava's pov

I woke up and rubbed my eyes with my fist. It's Monday and I have school. Ughhh . I should probably ask Alex if I can be excused for a week more though I'm sure he won't. I guess there's no use of sulking . Let's see if Lottie and Jack are as whiny as me. I'm sure Jack will be dragging a sleepy, whiny and bitchy Lottie out of the bed.

I reached for my phone on my night stand and what I got where a bunch of medications.

What the hell!

Where's my phone ?

When I looked down I saw I'm dressed to go out.

When did I change my clothes ?

Holy shit!

I'm late. I ordered everyone to get ready and reminded them I'll leave them if they are one minute late. And now I've slept for like 2 hours I guess.

I jumped out of the bed and ran but didn't reach the door as my knees collapsed. My body was falling forward. I prepared for the impact and closed my eyes.





Why aren't I falling ? I opened my eyes and saw that it was Ace who was preventing me from falling. He picked me up and carried me back to my bed.

I tried to get up again , but he pushed me back.

Soon everyone came and surrounded my bed like bees surround their home or say flower.

"Why are you all here ?" I asked.

"You fainted ." Will responded moving towards the edge of the bed.

At this statement my eyes widened. We were supposed to go out for shopping and after getting ready I went to the library and was gonna read a book. Then I saw the portrait. My mom and dad. The shooting and killing.

Oh goddd.

Alex came and sat next to me on my bed. He raised his hand but I flinched back. His eyes showed a different emotion which I haven't seen at all. Hurt and care.

"Sweetheart I'm not gonna hurt you. I'm your big brother . I'll always protect you. I'll burn down the whole world if that's necessary to protect you. I love you Mia bambina ." He coaxed me into hugging him.

I was clinging on to him like a koala. In minutes I was sat on his lap with my legs behind his back , hugging him as if my life depended on him.

After a few minutes he spoke again.

"Can you tell me what happened pumpkin?"

"Am I fat ?" I frowned because he called me a pumpkin. Pumpkins are huge and fat.

"Now from where did that come from?" He raised his brows.

"Y-you called me a pumpkin . Pumpkins are huge and fat and you called me that . That means you are telling me I'm fat and huge." My lips wobbled.

What's wrong with me ?

Ace's pov:-

"Pumpki- , I mean darling that's not what i meant." Alex sighed facepalming.

Woah .


"See again you called me a pumpkin. And now you are fed up of me that you are sighing."

Interesting .

Who knew the great , cruel and merciless don of the Italian mafia would talk this softly .

We are half British and half Italian. Mama was British and dad was Italian. I'm not sure if Ava knows Italian because we haven't heard her speak at all. So we all are sticking to English for now.

"No I'm not fed up of you Tesoro. You are my baby sister , I'll never leave you even if you want me to." Alex was talking to her like we talk to five year old's who are about to throw a tantrum for not getting his/her favourite candy.

"I'm not a baby Alex ; I'm 16 years old. And what's Tesoro ? Is that also some bad nickname ?" Ava looked as if she'll cry any second now. This confirms that she doesn't know much Italian.

'Alexxxxx you are walking on thin iceeee. ' my mind sang.

Alex motioned Luke to get some water. And mouthed medications to me.

I quickly got her medications and Luke walked in with a glass of water.

Alex started rocking her like a baby and rubbed her back.

"Sweetheart , Tesoro means treasure in English and darling in Italian. You are my treasure."

"Really ?" She asked with a pout , lifting her buried head from Alex's chest.

Awwww she looks so adorable that I want to squish both her cheeks and boop her nose.

"Yes , now here drink this and take your medications." Alex put her down on her bed and handed her medicines.

"But why ? I ain't sick." She asked confused.

"Kitten you fainted. So Dr Williams prescribed some medications for you. And he also said that you are a little weak." Will acknowledged her.


That was quick.

She took her medications and began searching for something. Seeing this Luke asked

"What are you searching for mia cara ?"

"My phone." Ava responded quickly.

"Gimme a minute , I'll fetch it for you." Saying this Jason left the room.

"So...." Ava started.

"So .... what ?" Dylan asked.

"So what about our shopping trip? I really want my clothes. Or you could let me go back to my apartment and get my stuff." She nervously asked fiddling with her fingers.

"We'll go for shopping in the evening. That way you can rest and I can finish my work so we all can leave together." Alex commented a little sternly with a poker face.

And bam we have the old Alex back.

Jason came back with her phone. Before he could return it the phone pinged indicating that she received a message.

Jason being the curious person he is , checked her phone. He was reading the message in the Lock Screen without opening it.

"WHAT THE HELL"he exclaimed.

"What happened ?"

He showed us the message in the Lock Screen.

'Hey babe' it read.

"Who the hell is he ?" Aidan asked fuming.

"Give me my phone back! Now!" Ava exclaimed.

"Not so soon young lady." Alex retorted not liking her disrespect.

"Jason , hand over the phone to me ." Alex stretched his hands to which Jason placed the phone immediately.

"Ava open the phone ."

"No" oh dear god! Save Ava . She just said NO to the devil.

"I said open the phone now" he said calmly in a stern tone leaving no room for argument.

Ava opened the phone and snickered.

Alex looked embarrassed.

"Who sent your the message ?"

"You my over protective , possessive and dumb brothers , listen carefully. You were so angry that you didn't see who sent the message . Now , the answer to your question - the message was sent by my ..." she paused.

"By your ...?"


"I swear to god I'll kill that Carter." Dylan fumed.

"Who said bf only means boy friend hun ? In my dictionary I use bf for best friend ." Ava beamed rubbing her sass on our faces.

We all shut our mouth with that being said.

"Now all get out , let her rest . Sleep Tesoro." Alex kissed her forehead and ushered us out before we could do the same.