What happened next



Before I knew it, I was running, with the dumbfounded

Tomozaki behind me. I kept running and turned left at my

usual corner, not glancing behind even once. He couldn't see

me anymore, but I was still going. Chaotic thoughts were

spinning through my mind even faster than the scenery

flying past me, stirring my heart into a complete mess.

What do I do, what do I do, what do I do? I can't believe

I said that. I can't believe I said that!

I hadn't meant to. I didn't even know half of my own


It was like my mouth had spoken the words on its own.

"Actually, I do like you like that." Seriously?

I ran around to the back of my apartment building and

sat down on the steps, lacing my restless fingers together. I

was panting, but not just because I'd been running. The

world flickered in and out from the lack of oxygen going to

my brain. My lips wouldn't stop trembling.

"…Tomozaki," I whispered, and it was so embarrassing

that I could feel my cheeks lighting on fire. "Ergh!! …


No matter how much emotion was spilling out, my heart

never seemed to get less full. I tried to yell it all out, but the


heat swirling around my chest stayed where it was.


My breath felt hotter than usual. It turned white as it left

my mouth, as if my feelings were becoming material and

sticking to my face now.


I didn't mean to say it. I didn't mean to tell him how I


Tomozaki seemed to get along with Kikuchi-san, and he

was weirdly close with Aoi, too. I'd heard he went to a

festival at a girls' school, and there were lots of pictures of

girls on his Instagram account. Every time I saw or heard

one of those things, my heart would get all foggy.

I'd been pretending I didn't notice those feelings and

telling myself they didn't exist. When I was with him, I acted

like everything was normal.

But I think I knew all along. I couldn't make excuses any


I'd always liked him.

While I was busy refusing to look at them, my feelings

had grown bigger. I think part of me hoped that if I released

those feelings by telling Tomozaki the truth, I'd feel better.

But…what? What was going on?

I'd told him, and I wasn't any calmer.

In fact, I felt worse.

I couldn't take my words back, but I couldn't bear to just

sit there doing nothing, so I opened Tomozaki's Instagram

and swiped all the way down, refreshing it over and over

again. Of course, there was no way he'd post his feelings on

Insta. But still…

I was getting antsy, so I opened up my chat window with

him on LINE and read back through the messages. But if he

sent me a message right then, he'd know I read it instantly,

so I closed the window. Then I opened up his LINE timeline,

which he'd never once updated, and started reading through

it and refreshing it over and over, too, starting briefly when I


saw the zaki in Sakura Kashiwazaki's name. God, I'm stupid.

Then I opened up his LINE home page but sighed when I

saw the words There are no posts on this page yet. Figures.

No, I had to stop. This was only messing me up worse. I

resolutely turned my phone off, but then I started worrying

that he might send me a message, so I turned it right back

on again. Then I got disappointed when no message came

and started feeling depressed for no good reason.

Dammit. Even I had no idea what I wanted. I might be a

hopeless case.

"…I'm such an idiot."

Tama had called me the biggest idiot in the world, and it

was possible she was right. Who confesses their feelings on

the spur of the moment and just runs off?

Yeah, I'd done it now. I'd confessed my feelings.

I told Tomozaki I liked him—that I had feelings for him.

Suddenly, I was seeing him in my mind.

He seemed so weak and uncertain, but at the crucial

moments, he looked the truth straight in the face with

strength in his eyes.

He was lazy but somehow still bigger and stronger than

me, with broader shoulders. He'd worked hard to change—

but that awkward smile of his was still the same as always.

Each memory shook up my heart a little more.

"…So what now?"

When I thought about it rationally, I could only come up

with negative scenarios. Tomorrow was terrifying. When I

saw his face in my head, my heart seized up.

Just the thought of rejection made me shiver. But the

scariest possibility was that things would get awkward and

I'd lose the relationship I'd had with him.

In which case, I'd rather he pretended nothing had

happened and treat me like he always had. But ultimately,

our relationship would change whether I liked it or not.

I should probably wait for his answer, right? Which

means I shouldn't say much more. If you're too pushy about


these things, people think you're annoying or pathetic,

right? Or should I push my case just a little, so I won't

become just another girl to him? Or? Ergh, what do I do?! I

have no idea.

This sucks. I really hate it. I tend to think things through

fairly well, so why do they never go how I plan? Why am I

always getting myself in trouble?

It's weird. And exhausting.

Why is life so hard?!