You can’t undo an event once it happens

Tuesday morning arrived.

I was standing in front of the door to Sewing Room #2,

my emotions a mess.

Our usual meeting would begin when I stepped inside, but

my head was filled with vivid memories of the crazy stuff

that had happened the day before. Even after I'd slept on it

for a night, the words swimming through my mind still

carried the same heat as when I first heard them.

The confession from Mimimi that she liked me. And the

lecture from Mizusawa.

I could tell I'd grown a bit as a person, facing both of them

head-on. I'd been escaping into my weakness, but their

incisive words had showed me the truth.

"…Here goes nothing." I breathed out and squeezed my

hands into fists.

I had a good idea of what Hinami was about to ask me.

Who did I choose?

I'd managed to look straight at my own weakness, leaving

behind the part of me that refused to see it. But her question

was still as tough as ever. I felt like I was groping my way

through a thick fog, but I just couldn't reach the answer.

I took another breath, and the cold air in the unheated


building rushed down my throat and into my anxiety-filled


I peered through the small window of the door in front of

me. My eyes met those of Hinami, who was sitting with her

chin in her hand, staring in my direction with a dull


She scrunched her eyebrows together suspiciously, but

since I wasn't moving, she slowly rose and started walking

toward me. I glanced around nervously but failed to take any

concrete action.

Eventually, the shoddy door opened with a creak.

Aoi Hinami was still frowning at me.

"Why are you just standing there?" she asked brusquely.


As I floundered, she threw me a final glance, then checked

the classroom over her shoulder.

"Personally, I don't see anything unusual…" She returned

her gaze to my face, tilting her head in confusion. "Don't tell

me you're feeling guilty because you didn't complete one of

your assignments."

"N-no, not especially…," I said vaguely.

Her glare was like an ice dagger. "Well, you should be."

"I—I know…"

I could see her point. I'd said no reflexively, but I needed

to own up to my failure.


She gave a loud, exasperated sigh. "Well, what is it then?"

she asked, tapping her temple irritably with her forefinger.

"Uh…it's just…"

I couldn't tell her what Mimimi had said, and I couldn't

think of a good excuse, either. So I just said nothing.

She sighed again. "You've gotten rather used to keeping

secrets from me these days…," she complained defeatedly.

"That's fine. You have your own private life. If you don't

want to tell me, you don't have to."

"Uh, o-okay."

"Anyway, we have more important things to talk about."

More important things—my heart skipped a beat.

"Y-you mean…"

She nodded. "Which girl you're going to pursue."

As soon as I finished the Instagram quest she assigned me

the week before, I was supposed to decide who I wanted to

date. That would help put me on the path to my goal of

having a girlfriend by the time I started my third year.

Today was my deadline.


The problem was, the situation was a little different now

compared with a week ago. The previous day, Mimimi had

told me she liked me.

"You said at least two…right?"


Hinami had asked me to choose at least two girls to


According to her, that was an effective method for

winning the game of love, and I think I understood her logic.

But right now, this approach felt insincere.

"Yeah. Of course, if you're so fixated on one person that

you don't have eyes for anyone else, that's fine, too… It's

really a question of your feelings. But those cases don't often

end well, so it'd be better to go after at least two girls at the

same time."


If the answer was completely obvious, I was allowed to

choose one—and there was someone who came to mind.

I should probably choose—Mimimi. Only Mimimi.

"So what are you going to do?"


Mizusawa's words flickered across my mind.

Staying at the bottom came naturally to me, but I'd made

up my mind to shake that insecurity off in my own way—to

stop putting myself down and interact more genuinely with

other people.

I was going to leave behind my inferiority complex and act

like a top-tier character, even if it was only on the surface.

I was going to listen to other people's feelings without

running away and choose my own actions.


In which case…

"It's meaningless unless I choose on my own, isn't it?" I


Hinami frowned. "Hmm? Oh, yes…obviously."


Something crucial seemed to have been lost in that

exchange. Hinami tilted her head, but I bowed my head in


What Mimimi had said meant that she had chosen me.

That was her will, not mine.

Which meant that if I accepted her just because I didn't

want to seem conceited, then that wouldn't be a choice I was

making on my own.

After she'd had the courage to tell me her feelings, I

wouldn't be responding in kind.

"Hinami, I want to ask you something."

The use of her name seemed to put her on guard. "…


Despite her suspicion, I asked my teacher—my fellow

player in the game of life—for another lesson.

"What does it mean…to fall for someone?"

I made sure she knew I was asking as sincerely as

possible; I had a feeling this was an essential factor in the

game of life.


She met my eyes, pausing before she spoke.

After several seconds of silence—she slowly answered,

"Why are you acting so serious? What an embarrassing



Her response was so typically, venomously Hinami that I

almost felt let down. I was trying to be serious! I felt my

face burning.

"S-stop it. I wouldn't be embarrassed if it weren't for you."

"What does it fall for someone?"

"Stop copying me."

With her sadistic smile and perfect mimicry, Hinami was

ruthlessly outtalking me.

"Oh, come on. Just tell me. How do you even know you

like someone? You said you'd teach me the rules of life,

didn't you?"

"I suppose I did." She gave a smug smile.

I swear, the more uncomfortable she makes people, the

happier she feels.

Maybe because she'd had her fill of tormenting me, her

cool composure returned.

"Well, let me think… Falling for someone." She began to

ponder the question, a vaguely cold glint in her eye. "From

an analytic perspective…it's when dependence, sexual

desire, possessiveness, and maybe personal interests


coincide. More precisely…I suppose it's a compound

emotion involving some or all of the above."


Her ridiculous answer was so perfectly Hinami-like, I felt

a kind of relief. Impressive how she could calmly give such

an ice-cold analysis.

"I get that, but I was asking more on a personal level…"

"Personal how?"

"I mean…how do you know if you, uh, like someone or

whatever?" I narrowed down my question, but it was still

fairly abstract.

That was not what Hinami was hoping to hear. "Huh? I

give you a one-week extension, and you're still asking me

stuff like that?"

"Wh-what do you want me to do? This is an emotional


"All right…fine," she said, displaying a tiny hint of

willingness to compromise. "I did say I'd take emotional

issues into consideration…"

She seemed to regret this choice, which made me feel

guilty in return.

"I really do want to make up my mind," I said.

In fact, I probably wanted to make up my mind a lot more

than most people did. My desire to fight head-on was a

double-edged sword because it meant I tended to waffle

around like this.


"But you still haven't fully decided?"

"No, not really…" I shook my head.

"Then that's all the more reason for you to choose at least

two people," she announced, as if it were obvious.

My shoulders slumped. That was absolutely not the

answer I was hoping for. "Oh, really…?"

"Just think about it. You honestly can't decide on one

person, but you force yourself to choose someone anyway?

That approach might match up with your internal rules, but

don't you think it's even less sincere than the alternative?"


The words caught in my throat.

She was right. At the moment, I had a vague sense that

choosing two people would be wrong after Mimimi had said

she liked me, but it wasn't as if my heart was set on her.

"Or what? Don't tell me that after a whole week of

reflection, there's not even one girl you feel even slightly

interested in?"

"It's not that…"

This week? No, I'd connected with a bunch of girls I'd

barely even spoken to before I met Hinami, and that had

been going on for way longer than a week. And, unbelievable

as it sounded, one of them told me her secret feelings.

I'd be lying if I said I wasn't interested in any of them.

If I honestly examined how I felt as best I could—I was


interested in someone. Although, part of me probably knew

that even before Hinami gave me this assignment.

"It's not that I…didn't come up with anyone…"

"…Really?" For the first time since I'd arrived, Hinami

relaxed slightly. "Then isn't that enough? The things you

need to do are always simple."

"…Are they?"

Over the past week, I'd taken photos with lots of our

classmates and had some new experiences.

In my own way, I'd faced my feelings, and now my

emotions were spinning around in directions I'd never

experienced before.

"I'm not saying you have to ask her out right away, and

you don't even have to be sure you like her. All you need to

do is decide who you're going to deepen your relationship


"…I understand." I reviewed my emotions one more time.

This wasn't a passive choice I made because someone said

they liked me; it was a feeling I discovered in my own heart.

I needed to approach that feeling honestly so I could be sure

of it…which meant I needed to say it out loud.

Who did I want to deepen my relationship with?

When did my heart beat the hardest?

Who did I see in that way?

"I'm interested in…"


I willed myself to say my answer.

"…Mimimi and Kikuchi-san."

* * *

After the meeting ended, I walked down the hallway by

myself, my emotions jumping all over the place.

"…Well, no taking that back."

I think I was reacting to making the choice on my own.

The guy who'd taken a passive approach to relationships

his whole life, the guy who hadn't once reached out to

another person until he met Hinami, had just clearly named

two girls he was interested in. For me, this was worse than

the recoil damage from Double-Edge—this was more like

Struggle. I had no idea how to make sense of my feelings,

and I didn't even officially "like" anyone yet. Hell, if this kept

up for much longer, I'd faint from the recoil damage alone.

As I continued down the hallway, a flashback

overwhelmed me and delivered the KO.

"Actually, I do like you like that."

Mimimi's expression and voice were as vivid as they had

been in real life. My face and body suddenly flashed hot.


It was only the previous day that she'd said it.

I was already a total mess from the meeting with Hinami,


and now I was getting hit with flashbacks. The panic was

crashing all my systems, but oddly enough, the shutdown of

my thoughts left me calm.

One day had passed, and needless to say, I hadn't seen

Mimimi in the interim.

Nothing remotely like this had ever happened to me

before, so I had no clue what to do. Hell, I didn't even know

how I should arrange my face when I walked into the


I looked around me. Life was proceeding as usual in the

hallway, totally unaffected by my out-of-the-ordinary mental

state. Well, you could call the scattered signs of the

approaching school festival out of the ordinary, but that was

still two weeks away. Although there was some extra

excitement in the air, the morning hustle and bustle was

pretty much the same as always. Given the raging chaos in

my mind, it was almost comforting.

I cut through the crowd with unusually swift steps and

made my way to the door of the second-year Class Two


Maybe—almost certainly—Mimimi was already in there.

What should I do when I went in? How should I look at her?

What should I say? Maybe I didn't need to go talk to her yet

—still, the idea of walking into the same room as her made

me shake.

I glanced at the clock through the open classroom door.

Only a few minutes left until class started, thanks to the

meeting with Hinami. I didn't have time to sit around doing

breathing exercises.


"…Here goes." I exhaled, steeling myself for what was


Crossing the threshold with a single stride, I set foot in the


The first thing my eyes landed on was Mimimi, her long

ponytail swinging as she talked to Hinami, Tama-chan, and

some other girls. Well, my eyes didn't just land on her; they

were drawn to her.

"What?! You do the same thing, Aoi!"

"No way; I've never bought one of those."

"You big liar!"

Smiling, Mimimi gave Hinami a hearty slap on the

shoulder. She seemed no different from before. This girl,

who could light up the class with a smile, liked me? The idea

on its own was enough to make me slightly dizzy and cause

me to doubt my own memories. Wait.

Could I have misinterpreted the whole thing? …Nope,

we're not denying reality anymore.

As I furtively watched Mimimi and her group from my

corner of the classroom—it happened.

Our eyes met.



Time stopped for both of us, and we forgot to breathe.

We blinked, and I could tell we were searching for


something in the other person.

Normally, she would come crashing toward me, shouting,

Brain! But today, the flow between us was awkward, and all

we could do was blink at each other a couple times.

The silence continued for a few seconds.

The moment felt so fragile, it could have fractured at the

slightest touch. When I couldn't stand it any longer, I shifted

my eyes away meaningfully.

What the heck?

My heart was beating oddly fast. My thoughts were a

mess. Very strange. Lately, I'd gotten really good at making

eye contact while I talked to people, but now I felt like I'd

regressed to how I was before my special training. Meeting

her eyes was enough to make me anxious.


As I attempted to calm myself down by searching for

pear-shaped patterns in the wood grain of the floor, I heard

Hinami saying, "What's wrong?" She was probably worried

because Mimimi was acting strange, or else she was trying to

figure out what was up.

She could explain my nervousness by the fact that I'd

named Mimimi at the morning meeting, but Mimimi's

behavior would strike her as strange. Damn, if we were

acting like this already, Hinami would be onto us instantly.

I wanted to know what Mimimi and Hinami were talking

about, so I strained to hear them. Once I got my breathing

under control, I slyly stole a glance.

And then.



For the second time, my eyes met Mimimi's. I had caught

her at just the moment when she was stealing a glance of her

own. Flustered, I turned my head away. Maybe Mimimi was

doing the same thing.

Once again, all I could see was the wood grain.

Okay. This was awkward. I'd been wondering what

expression to make or what to say, but now even eye contact

was rough.

Well, according to Mizusawa, acting like nothing had

changed was one option since she hadn't actually asked me

out, but that was turning out to be harder than expected.


* * *

As Mimimi and I communicated solely through awkward

glances, the day continued on, and soon, it was the break

before switching classrooms for third period.

While I was walking down the hall toward the library, my

phone buzzed unexpectedly.

Pulling it out of my pocket, I saw a notification for a LINE

message from Hinami.

I had a bad feeling about this, given she didn't usually text

me at this time of day, but I timidly opened it.


[Did something happen with you and Mimimi?]

Wasn't it a little early to be probing me for information? It

was like she was speedrunning the investigation of Mimimi's

confession. Geez, Hinami, did you really figure it out just

watching us glance at each other?

Surprised by her perceptiveness, I thought for a minute,

then typed my reply.

[No, nothing unusual.]

I wasn't about to tell Hinami what Mimimi had done

without Mimimi's permission, so I tried to brush it off.

Hinami might consider it her business because it was related

to my assignment, but I was going to do things my way this



Twenty or thirty seconds later, her response arrived.


Well, as long as you're doing your assignment, that's


It was a classic Hinami message: cold, dissatisfied, and

driving her main point home.

I typed out [I know, I know] fast enough to hide how

much the exchange had shaken me, then put my phone back

in my pocket.

Yeah…my assignment. I always visited the library before

we changed classrooms, but today, I went there with a heavy

task to complete.

I arrived in front of the library, anxious and nervous. I

peered inside and saw that Kikuchi-san wasn't there yet,

then stepped timidly through the door and sat down in my

usual chair.

With a deep breath, I thought back on what had happened

this morning—when I said those two names.

* * *

"…Mimimi and Kikuchi-san."

Hinami smiled with satisfaction. "All right. As long as

you've decided, I'm happy."

"…Oh, okay." I nodded slightly, filled with something

resembling a hybrid of anxiety, terror, and embarrassment.


Now that I'd said it, there was no going back.

I'd just chosen two people of my own free will, without

guidance from Hinami or anyone else. Every muscle in my

body was frozen solid.

She looked over at me and sighed with irritation.

"…Although, considering you agonized over it for a whole

week, your answer is so predictable that I feel a little let


"Sh-shut up."

I felt weird and kind of embarrassed, like she'd could see

straight into my heart. She smiled meanly and stepped

toward me, then patted my shoulder.

"From here on, I'd like you to start getting closer to both

of them on the assumption that you're going to be boyfriend

and girlfriend."

"Boyfriend and girlfriend…!"

I knew she said that to push me out of my comfort zone,

and it was working. My heart was jumping all over the place.

"You're going to start dating one of these girls—go out

together, hold hands, go to your or her house when your

parents aren't home, that sort of thing."

"When our parents aren't…home…?"

"Yeah. Picture it. Mimimi is in your room, the two of you

are all alone, talking about whatever, sitting on the edge of

your bed…your fingers interlaced. Can you see it in your



She pushed her face even closer to mine.

"Our f-fingers?!"

As I started to panic, Hinami's long, white fingertip

suddenly reached out and elegantly stroked my own middle

finger. I shuddered from the surprise and looked away from

her, which caused her to smile and slowly withdraw her

hand. I could see myself wanting that touch again. When I

glanced over at her, she was smiling with obvious

satisfaction. Her oddly seductive expression flooded my

brain with information.

My mental circuits were overloaded, completely unable to

process all the stimulation they were receiving.



Hinami craned her body away from me, surprised by the

meaningless noises from my broken brain.

"Oh, uh, s-sorry." Pulling myself together, I apologized.

She pursed her lips. "…I've never seen you react like that

before, so I didn't know how to respond."

"Yeah, I can see that."

"Of course, nanashi would deviate from the standard


"Huh? Oh right…"

This time, I was the one who didn't know how to respond

to her compliment, so I went with vague acknowledgment.


"Anyway. Your assignment will be based on that."

"Based on…whatever the hell I just said?"

"Do you genuinely think that's what I mean?"


Hinami responded to my weak attempt at a joke by slicing

me in half with a single stroke. When we're in a group, she

always plays along, but when it's just the two of us, she's a

tough nut to crack.

"Really, this isn't such a hard assignment. I'll give you a

deadline, and you'll need to figure out which girl you really

like. Then your goal is to let her know how you feel."

"…That's not hard?" Let her know how you feel, she says


Instead of answering me, she frowned and kept talking in

a pointed tone.

"You've built up a foundation over these six months since

you started special training. You've done what I told you to

do, so obviously, you're somewhat prepared."

"Oh right. That's true…"

She was overflowing with confidence, as she always was,

and she'd persuaded me, as she always did, so I decided to

just roll with it.

"But first, I want to ask you something… You and Mimimi

are doing a comedy sketch, right?"

"Huh? Oh yeah, we are." I jumped a little at Mimimi's


name, but I managed to nod.

Hinami grinned. "Then you can move fast. You're helping

Kikuchi-san with the play and Mimimi with the comedy

sketch. You can use that as an excuse to spend some one-onone time every day. Your assignment is to do that until the

school festival."


I paused, then nodded. That was an appropriate

assignment if my goal was to deepen my relationship with

both of them. But if all I had to do was get together and chat,

the assignment didn't quite seem hellish enough for Hinami.

"Okay…got it."

I knew from experience that if I said, That's all? she

would make it a billion times harder, so I kept my thoughts

to myself.

"…What? I can tell you're thinking, That's all?"


"Well, if you're going to say that, I'll add a little more."

"I didn't say anything!"

Having read my mind, Hinami proceeded to make the

assignment harder. You're kidding me—I didn't even say

anything, and she's still doing this? I wonder if she was

planning to torment me from the start. Come to think of it,

the assignment was way too simple. But what was the point

of being so roundabout?

"So your real assignment—is to fill in your event map


between now and the festival."

"Event map?"

She nodded. "Right now, I'm going to give you some goals

divided into stages, like talk about this or go here together.

You'll meet those goals with either Mimimi or Kikuchi-san,

or both."


She answered smoothly. "When you accomplish one goal,

the next one is unlocked, and when the last one is unlocked,

you can start on her route."

Seriously, "route"?

"Okay… It's like an event map in a dating sim?"

She grinned again. "Hexactly."


"A real-life dating event map. That's your assignment.


"Well, it's pretty straightforward, that's for sure…"

Ignoring her catchphrase, I agreed, albeit grudgingly. This

was getting into emotional territory, and I wasn't thrilled

about treating it as a sim.

"It's fine to switch up the order a little, but you need to

reach the end of the map with one of them by the day of the

festival. If you don't…"

"Let me guess…it's a bad ending. To put it in dating-sim





Stubbornly refusing to acknowledge her third "hexactly," I

considered the assignment. Gaming metaphors just work for


"As long as you make a conscious effort to avoid a bad

ending, I'll leave the timing and the choice of which route to

focus on up to you. Of course, if nothing unusual happens,

you'd do best to proceed with both at the same time. Also,


"Well, that goes for video games, too."

Now she was using "hexactly" like a speech tic, probably

because I was ignoring her so stubbornly, which I continued

to do.

Essentially, I was supposed to initiate event flags, then

initiate the key event that would lead me to a particular

route. My assignments were getting more direct. When I

thought about it, what she'd described was basically dating.

"Of course, if you're not sure what to do, you can ask me.

I'm the sidekick, as they say."

"Ha-ha-ha. Okay, I get it."

She was talking about those characters who tell you the

sort of impression you're making or the things various other

characters like. I hated how easily I got that.

"Then when you tell her you like her and start dating,

you've cleared your goal."


"Wait a second now…"

"So your first-level goal is…"

"Wait! Hold on!" I insisted.

Hinami raised one dissatisfied eyebrow. "What?"

"Come on! Stop acting so casual! What are you talking

about, 'tell her you like her and start dating'?"

And you can quit it with the It's so obvious expression.

She sighed loudly. "Of course that's what you're going to

do. Did you forget the first goal we ever set for you?"

She stared at me.

"Uh, no… I remember."

"You do? What is it, then? Tell me your mid-term goal,"

she challenged, leaning toward me.

There was no way I could forget, given that it occupied the

most important position of all my goals.

"Get a girlfriend by the time I start my third year."

"You're not getting it." She glanced at the blackboard.

"What month is it?"

The date there was a couple days off, but I did get her


"December… You're saying I'm almost out of time."

Expressionless, she glared fiercely at me, then answered

in an extremely low, slow voice.



"Yikes, geez."

I reacted reflexively to her bitter and kinda threatening

tone. Now she was developing a grudge after I'd refused to

react so many times. A resentful hexactly? Really?

She pulled herself together and continued more calmly.

"It's December now. In two weeks, we'll have the school

festival, and second semester will end. Our school has a

respectable university acceptance rate, so when the school

festival is over, entrance-exam study season will begin for


"…I know."

"Do you think it's going to be easy to set up the romance

route when everyone is in study mode?"


She grinned. "Now, consider the excitement of the last

festival before studying starts. You're smack in the middle of

preparing for a big event with all the normies. How do you

like your chances now?"

"…Well, relative to other scenarios, it's probably on the

easy side."

Should be easier than normal school anyway, and

definitely easier than test season.

"Think about those two answers. Test season and schoolfestival season. Which do you think is a more efficient time

to get a girlfriend?"


I knew she was leading me to a certain answer, so I had to

say the only one that came to mind.

"School-festival season…of course."

"See?" She curled her lips triumphantly. What an insanely

smug face. What a perfect, insanely smug face. "So don't you

think it's also obvious for that to be your goal?"

I had nothing whatsoever left to say.

"Yes. I do," I answered.

A beautiful KO. I was down within a few dozen seconds of

the starting bell in the first round—it was barely a fight.

"Okay. So get to work," she said, sounding satisfied.

I glowered at her. I wasn't happy with this, but I couldn't

say anything—and what made her especially annoying was

that I had to admit she was probably right.


Still, something didn't sit quite right. I tried to figure out

what it was—and eventually, I found the words for it.

"It's just…"

"Hmm?" Hinami seemed surprised to see her opponent

struggling back to his feet.

"…I don't want to make telling her I like her into a goal."

"…What are you talking about?" She scrunched up her


"It's like… It's not that I don't want to say it or something.


If anything, it's the opposite. I decided to give this whole

game-of-life thing a real try. Part of that is doing my best to

get a girlfriend, and I intend to follow through."

"Then what's the problem?" She was looking at me with a

face that said, This again? But I kept right on talking.

"It's just…if I do make a confession, I don't want to do it

because it's a 'goal'—I want to do it because I want to…or


"…You lost me," she said with genuine confusion. "What

are you talking about? If you end up telling her anyway,

what does it matter?"

"Sure, the result would be the same, but the…process

would be different? Or maybe the motivation."

"But the result is the same, so it doesn't matter, does it?"

She was trying to cut off the conversation; the question came

almost too quickly. In fact, I felt like she was trying to do

away with any hesitation she might have. "Or are you trying

to tell me it's all about the journey instead of the

destination?" she asked aggressively, before pausing for a

few seconds.

"—Nanashi is saying that?"

Her eyes flashed as she cut down to the root of the matter.

There was something almost threatening in her question,

a warning against any half-assed answers.

But I did get her point. This was about my attitude

towards the game.


I considered what she was asking me.


Like she said, results mattered when it came to effort.

Of course, enjoying the process is important, and I take

pride in prioritizing that when I play Atafami. But I'm

always working under the assumption that I don't want to

lose; I want to leverage hitlag to make my combos more

reliable, to powershield with more success in real fights.

Nobody would ever accuse me of being a casual.

After all, that's what got me to the top spot in Atafami in

Japan, so I know how to focus on results.

I wasn't about to tell Hinami off for being wrong.

"I do think results are important."

"Right? So what's the issue?"

Something was slightly off.

I'd said it to her before when we were fighting—it was

close to a nonnegotiable stance of mine. So I told it to her

again. "Nanashi's playstyle has always been to value both the

results and the process. That's how I got to be number one in

Japan. And it's probably also a more efficient way to play the

game of life."

That was the same objection I'd raised before, and

nanashi had the right to make it, even if it did sound crazy.

For a second, Hinami's expression soured. "…I see. Is that



She slumped her shoulders as if she was tired of the

conversation. Aha! Hinami hasn't found a good

counterargument for that one! Why? Because we were in

my ring.

"Well…if you're going to insist, I suppose it's fine."

"Okay!" I said, grinning. "Then we're agreed. I'll make the

final moves based on how I feel."

When I pushed for a confirmation, she raised one

eyebrow and scratched the nape of her neck lightly.

"Of course, this all assumes that you're not going to put it

off forever and whine about how you don't feel like telling

either one, correct?"

I nodded. She continued talking, more for her sake than


"In that case…the end result is the same anyway."

"Exactly. No problems at all, by your logic."

The end justifies the means, as they say. Which also

meant the end justified my mystifying quirks, in her view.

She was frowning, as if something didn't sit right with her,

but she kept talking. "Fine. Then let's move on to the details

of the assignment."

For my part, I was satisfied that I'd preserved an

important ethical line for myself, and I waited for what she

would say next.

"There are three events for you to clear."


"All right," I said.

She raised her fingers one at a time while I wondered

what she had in store for me.

"First. Talk about your type and your must-haves for


"Okay, that's very direct."

That was a fairly strong beginning. I'd never done that in

my life; I was already nervous.

But she didn't let up.

"Second. Wear matching accessories."

"…What the…?!"

"Third. Intentionally touch each other's hand for more

than five seconds."

"Wait, wait, wait!"

My appetite for battle was rapidly disappearing under this

powerful barrage. Come on, Hinami, don't you think you're

hitting a little too hard?


"Wait. Seriously, wait."

She was about to slip in a fourth goal, but my protests

stopped her.

"Oh yes, I said three, didn't I? Sorry about that."

"You are such a…"


Was she trying to scare me or something? She'd hit me

from an unexpected angle with that first shot and caught me

off guard. The diversity of her approaches to tormenting me

proved how good her communication skills were, but I wish

she'd stop using her powers for evil.

"So that's it for your goals." She crossed her legs serenely.

"…Come on, admit it. They're all way too hard," I said

after taking a breath.

She rested a finger on her chin and thought for a moment.

"You're right that they're hard. But you only have three

assignments for two weeks, which isn't very much, is it?

Plus, this isn't like your Instagram quest, where you had to

wait for the right moment to take the pictures. You can just

go ahead and do this stuff. It's completely possible to

accomplish in two weeks."

"Uh, if you say so…"

She'd listed all her points very smoothly, but I wasn't sure

if I was convinced. I mean, I absolutely could not imagine

myself doing even one of those things. The last two,

especially, seemed like things you'd do if you were already

dating. I didn't say that, though, because I knew Hinami

would slap me down if I did.

"Anyway, if you've got the skills to become close with

people, two weeks is enough time to start dating someone

you've never even met before. Considering the relationships

you already have with both of them, it shouldn't be


"Yeah, maybe if you're from another dimension where

everyone is great at communicating."


This would take skills and experience on the level of

Mizusawa. For a person like me, who'd barely made it out of

the tutorial, it was an impossible dungeon.

I stared gloomily at the fragment of sky I could see

through the window.

"I think you can manage this," Hinami remarked.

"Huh?" I turned toward her. She was smiling kindly.

"After all, you've completed almost every single one of

your assignments up to this point. Am I wrong?"

"I guess not…?"

"Well, I'm not."

She grinned. I was happy about the unexpected

compliment and her recognition of how hard I'd worked. Ccan I? Can I really do it?

"…So don't get lazy."

"Oh right."

Of course, she followed it up with a final warning. The

carrot and the stick. She did it every time, but it still threw

me off-balance. Yeah, she's a tough one to deal with.

"All right then. Starting today, I'd like you to work on your

first goal, which is talking about your type and dating musthaves. Any questions?"

"Uh, n-no…"

"I'm expecting you to give this everything you've got,




After juggling me as well as she always did, she wrapped

up our morning meeting.

* * *

I snapped out of my reverie and found myself still sitting

in the library. Obviously, I was nervous.

I mean, today was the day I was supposed to start talking

with Kikuchi-san or Mimimi about what we wanted in a

partner, which was kind of crazy. Hinami had said it all

casually, but really, it was one of the harder things she'd

asked me to do so far. And this was only the beginning. All I

could do was try not to get a headache.

I'd sat down at a table with an Andi book in front of me to

wait for Kikuchi-san. Naturally, none of the words on the

page actually registered in my brain.

What was I supposed to do? I'd never talked to a girl

about this stuff, so of course, I had no idea how to bring up

the topic. Should I jump in headfirst or joke around a little?

If I knew the right answer, I could start there, but I was

helpless as a baby.

The day before, when Kikuchi-san and I were talking

about her script for the play, she'd asked me if I liked

anyone. That context might make it easier to slip in some

questions of my own, but it was also possible that she'd

laugh at me. Would it seem weird to hang on to that

question and turn it back on her?

And there was something else swirling around in my



When I considered all this calmly, I realized that even if I

managed to find the right moment to ask Kikuchi-san—

asking Mimimi would be totally impossible.

I mean, she'd already told me she liked me, so asking her

about her type now would be the height of jerkdom. I had

enough on my plate just waiting for Kikuchi-san to arrive, so

the question of what I was going to do later was really more

than I could handle.



The melodious tones of a holy pipe organ suddenly met

my eardrums, and I accidentally screeched at the completely

unexpected pleasantness.

I turned around and saw Kikuchi-san, who was looking at

me apologetically.

"S-sorry to catch you off guard…"

"Oh, uh, no, Kikuchi-san!" I took a deep breath, feeling

guilty myself now. "I-I'm sorry. I'm fine," I stuttered.

"You are?"

"Y-yes. Um…hello."

Kikuchi-san giggled, pulled a book off the shelf, and stood

next to me. "Hello."

After greeting me for the second time that day, she peered

questioningly at my face. Each time she blinked, her long,

delicate eyelashes quivered as invitingly as the enchanted

scales on a butterfly wing.


"I'm glad…you're still the same, Tomozaki-kun."


Kikuchi-san glanced down. "I thought you were acting a

little strange the other day…"

"Oh…you did?"

After school the day before, we'd met here in the library to

talk about the script, which was when she asked me if I liked

anyone. I'd given the question serious thought—and

eventually discovered that I didn't believe I had the right to

like anyone of my own volition.

I'd had that feeling ever since Hinami gave me the

assignment of choosing at least two people I was interested

in—maybe ever since the moment I defined myself as a

bottom-tier character in the game of life.

Since Kikuchi-san was so sensitive to the emotions of

other people, she probably picked up on those feelings,

which were seeping like mud out of the depths of my heart.

She must have been worrying about me.

"Sorry about yesterday. I was overthinking a lot of things."

Kikuchi-san shook her head firmly. "Oh, no, it's fine.

You've been going through a lot."

"…Yeah, I have."

She didn't ask me for any more details but instead just

kindly accepted what I said. That alone was like a gentle,

ticklish caress against my heart. The sensation was as warm

as a down comforter stuffed with angel-wing feathers.

Sitting next to Kikuchi-san was so cozy. Although, a


comforter stuffed with angel feathers was kind of a scary


"But I'm fine now. Thanks." I made sure to say it softly, so

she wouldn't worry anymore.

There were probably still parts of my bottom-tier nature

that I hadn't uprooted. But all the same, I'd decided to at

least imitate how top-tier characters act and face up to other

people's feelings—and that very morning, I'd said the names

of two girls I was interested in of my own free will.

Actually, I realized, it was the first time I'd made a

proactive choice about another person.

"That's good." Kikuchi-san pulled a chair over next to me.

"Can I sit here?"

"Oh, uh-huh… Of course you can."

"Hee-hee. Thank you." She smiled warmly.

Right now, even the most casual exchange of words felt

embarrassing. Kikuchi-san was emitting a soft, silky aura

that made the bookshelves around us feel as hazy as a

dream. A pleasant sensation wrapped around me like a

soothing blanket, as if I'd fallen out of time into some kind of


But I couldn't lose myself in that pleasantness. I had an

assignment to complete, and that assignment was very hard.

Time to roll up my sleeves.

I gazed absently at the scenery outside the window across

from me, waiting for my chance.

Kikuchi-san sat down but didn't open her book, which


was unusual. Instead, I noticed her glance at me a couple of

times. What was going on? She kept opening and closing her

small pink mouth like she was trying to decide whether or

not to say something.

"…What's wrong?"

"Oh!" she said, setting her book on the table with a thump

and covering her mouth with her now-empty hand. What

did that mean?

I asked a slightly more specific question. "Did you want to

say something?"

She looked down and to the side in embarrassment. "Wwas I acting like I did?"



Another moment of silence followed. It was a slightly

awkward moment. Guess I said the wrong thing.

Well, that question was a bit strange coming from me. I

didn't usually guess how people were feeling and talk to

them about it. I'd asked just because, but maybe I was

imposing my interpretation on her. What do I do now?

As I was trying to figure out how to respond, Kikuchi-san

picked up a paper bag at her feet and set it on the table. I

watched her curiously as she pulled out a stack of papers

that was fastened together with a clip.

"Oh…is that the script?"

"Yes," she said, nodding. "…I wanted you to read it."


It was the script for our class play—hence the shyness.

Glad it wasn't because I'd said the wrong thing.

The stack was a few dozen pages, and in the center of the

top sheet, On the Wings of the Unknown was written in

small letters. It was probably just the font, but suddenly, the

script looked very professional.

"Wow, it's like a real script!"

"Hee-hee. It sure is."

We both laughed a little, sharing a small moment of


Just seeing the script take physical form was enough to

make me happy. My world was growing bigger, and this win

in the game of life was very different from my first.

"Um, so…will you read it for me?"

"Of course, I'd love to," I replied confidently, hoping to

share some of that confidence with Kikuchi-san, who was

glancing at the table again. If I couldn't keep my cool, she

would probably feel even more embarrassed. And leading

the way was starting to feel more natural when I was with


"Th-thank you so much."

"No, I was the one who brought up the idea," I said, taking

the script. "You really got that done fast! We just assigned

roles yesterday, and you're already finished."

She'd written the short-story version beforehand, but she

hadn't finished the last part, and I was fairly sure we'd

discussed a few adjustments to the first half based on who


would be playing which part. That was a lot to do in one


"Um, well, actually, the second half isn't finished yet…"

"Oh, really?"

She went on a little bashfully. "But it was incredibly fun…

so I did as much as I could in one go." Her smile was shy,

but optimistic—youthful and innocent. "When I think about

seeing my characters come to life, I get so excited."

I couldn't help smiling along with her. "Yeah, me too."

"…And a little nervous."

"Ah-ha-ha. I know; it'll be performed in front of everyone

at the school festival."

As warmth spread through my chest, I glanced down at

the script.

Here was the story I liked so much, the story Kikuchi-san

had poured all her passion into.

"Okay, I'll read this today. Let's talk again after school."

"All right!" She stood up very straight and bowed politely.

"Thank you so much."

"Ah-ha-ha. Sure."

It was just like her to be so formal and conscientious.

And then the conversation was over.

She returned her attention to the script on the table, her

cheeks still flushed, and opened it. Our side-by-side reading


session had begun. Normally after this, we would just read

for the rest of the time, but…

…I couldn't let that happen today.

"…Um…" I glanced at her.

Our conversation had come to a tidy end, but I had an

assignment to do. A very difficult assignment.

"What's the matter?"

She tilted her head curiously. It was like if you added

together a squirrel and an ermine, then divided by two, then

added twenty angels, then blessed it with divine light—that

was how precious she was. The gesture hit me right between

the eyes, and her holy essence was pouring through the

bullet hole and elevating me to a higher plane…but I couldn't

let myself succumb.


What do I do now? Getting her attention was all well and

good, but I had no ideas beyond that. I'd learned from past

experience that it was important to dive in with or without a

plan, which was why I'd jumped the gun. My previous

experience was that this worked around 40 percent of the

time, and even the remaining 60 percent counted as EXP, so

my philosophy was that I couldn't really lose.

Now I had to ask her—what her dating must-haves were. I

groped around for a way to bring up the topic without

coming off as a creep.

Just then, my eyes fell on the manuscript she'd given me a

few minutes earlier. "Ah!""…?"

I had a flash of inspiration. Aha, I know how to do this.

After all, we'd just talked about it the other day.

"I was thinking about…the climax of the play," I said,

dropping my voice.

Kikuchi-san listened intently.

"You said you weren't sure who Libra should end up with,


She nodded. "Yes, I still can't decide between Kris and


We were talking about the love life of the story's main

character, Libra. He was a locksmith's son who was close

with Alucia, his best friend and the daughter of the king, and

Kris, an orphan taken in to care for the flying dragons.

Kikuchi-san had said romance wasn't the main story line,

but inevitably, the people watching the play would want to

know how the love triangle played out. And Kikuchi-san was

unsure how to end the story.

"Well…what about you?" The connection was right there.


I tried to make my voice as natural as possible.

"—When people, um, d-date, how do you think they

should choose who to go out with?"

I stumbled for a second over the unfamiliar word date,


but I managed to ask the question. Of course, right now, we

were talking about the play.

That was my flash of inspiration.

My master plan was to pretend I was talking about the

characters and get into a detailed conversation on love

without it seeming too weird. And while I was indirectly

talking to Kikuchi-san about her perspective on romance, I

could also share my own opinions under the cover of helping

out with the play. Since we'd both be talking about our

feelings on the subject, it should count toward my

assignment. Shouldn't it?

I didn't know if Hinami would count it, but I'd give it a

shot anyway. If she did, I'd have cleared one of my three

goals on the very first day.

"How they should choose…who to date?"

She was contemplating the question with an extremely

serious expression. Perfect, the conversation wasn't getting

awkward. Because of course, we were talking about the play

and nothing more.


I nodded firmly, trying to convey the sense that this was

not a topic to be embarrassed about. I can be strong


Her gaze darted around the floor, like she couldn't decide

on an answer.

"There's a lot I still don't know…but I think maybe…"

"Maybe what?" I prompted.


She went on, groping for the words.

"—I think…it depends on what dating means to that

particular person."

"What dating…means?" I wasn't sure what she meant.

"For example, is the person simply interested in going

out, or do they want to control the other person…or do they

want to put a name to their relationship?"

"…Okay, I get that."

Her answer was cool and well-balanced, like she was

viewing the world from a few steps back. She was a little like

Hinami—just not quite as icy cold. More like an angel

standing in the clouds and surveying the Earth.

"Yes, that's what I think," she said.

Ooh, this was good—we were talking about the story and

having a nice chat about romance. We hadn't really said

much, but I'd brought up the topic of dating must-haves,

which I'd never talked to anyone about before, and heard

Kikuchi-san's view on love. In my opinion, I'd checked that

one off.

But still…I wanted to go a little deeper.

I simply wanted to know more.


I took a deep breath and met her gaze.

"…what do you think d-dating means?"


I dropped the bomb—and unsurprisingly, I still had a

hard time saying the word.

"Uh, um…"

Kikuchi-san was flustered, because of course she was. I

mean, now we were moving from a conversation about the

play to a conversation about what kind of person she would


Wait, I asked her what kind of person she would date? As

I realized what I'd done, the embarrassment finally hit.

"What does it mean…to me?"

For a second, she seemed startled, but then she gave it

some earnest thought. I could sense a hint of shyness, but

compared with my own delayed embarrassment, it was

nothing. It might've been my imagination, but she even

seemed to be enjoying herself. Maybe she liked talking about

this stuff.

After about ten seconds of silence, Kikuchi-san lifted her

head. "…Well, for example, there's an Andi story called

'Scissorman's Lie.'"

"Oh, I know that one." It was one of the Andi stories I'd

read in the library. "It's that short story about the

Scissorman and the princess, right?"

She nodded.

The story was about a boy with scissors for hands who

unintentionally hurt people and fell in love with a princess

imprisoned in a picture book. The princess was all alone,

trapped in her two-dimensional world and unable to see us

in ours.


The Scissorman was all alone, too, because everything he

did ended up hurting people.

Through their shadows, the two of them created a


"The Scissorman makes cutout pictures, and the shadows

of the cutouts are able to reach into the flat world…so the

scissors and picture book that used to isolate the pair

ultimately connect them."

"And that's how they get together."

Kikuchi-san nodded slowly. "The Scissorman is the only

person for the princess. And the princess is the only one for

him… To me, I think that's what makes a relationship a



It was definitely a romantic and unique definition. "You

mean like a one-of-a-kind relationship?"


Meaning she wanted the person she dated to be

irreplaceable. A kind of fated relationship where both people

needed and completed each other.

"That's the ideal relationship to me—something special

between two people, the kind where no one else can ever fill

their place. A relationship like that is what I imagine."




That reminded me—she'd said something similar the day

before, when we were talking about the script.

She'd said she was having trouble deciding who Libra

should get together with, and I'd said that she should go

with the person she would choose if she were in his shoes.

But she'd answered that she felt she had to base her

decision on the ideals of the world in her story, not her own

feelings. That must be how she viewed love.

Still, I couldn't help being impressed. My question came

out of nowhere, but she'd come up with a surprisingly good

answer rooted in her own well-thought-out beliefs. I'd never

even considered any of it.

…In which case…

"I better give this stuff some thought myself," I mumbled.

Mimimi had told me she liked me, and I'd chosen two

people I was interested in. If I wanted to take the next step

forward, I probably needed to nail down my own vision of a


"You don't have a view on it?"

"No. I've never even thought about it."

"…Oh, I see."

Kikuchi-san seemed like she was trying not to hurt my


I attempted to smile back as cheerfully and openly as I

could, then decided to tell her honestly what I intended to do



"That's why I want to figure out what it is."

That felt like a satisfying answer for now. I definitely

needed to do that.

Kikuchi-san seemed surprised; finally, she smiled in


"…Well, that's good."

Her eyes were so kind. Even if I was still lost inside, as

long as I tried to be strong, she was kind enough to let me

reassure her. Maybe that was yet another reason why I

needed to fake it till I made it.

"When you figure out your answer, I hope you'll tell me

what it is," she said, smiling playfully. Her expression

seemed a little warmer and more intimate than usual.

"Ah, yeah. I will," I answered.

Her gaze was making me shy. After a minute, she flushed

a bit herself. "Oh, I mean, only because it might help me

with the play…"

My mask of strength meant nothing when she shifted her

eyes away with that oddly endearing expression on her face;

she cut right through into my real self.

"Oh yeah, of course."

"O-of course."

"F-for the play."

"Y-yes, f-for the play."


We floundered for a minute, like we were both pretending

not to see the possibility there in front of us.

"Uh, i-isn't it almost time for class?"

"Oh, y-yes, you're right!"

"So, uh, sh-should we go?"

"Um, yes, let's!"

And so the oddly intense but definitely not unpleasant

little interlude ended, and we headed toward the biology

room together. Note to self: Talking about romance is really


* * *

Biology ended, and it was the middle of fourth period.

Now that I'd checked my first goal off the list with

Kikuchi-san, I was thinking about the only thing I could

possibly be thinking about.

How was I supposed to act around Mimimi?

Of course, I was partly worried because I had to complete

my assignment with her, but even before that, it was a

problem of my own emotions. I mean, I would hate to leave

things so awkward between us, but I didn't have the EXP to

come up with an easy answer.

But based on our run-in this morning, we could barely

look at each other, much less have a conversation. At my

current level, I didn't know how to rewind the clock on this.

We were in the same group for biology, and the


awkwardness persisted during class and afterward. It was

basically an extension of the morning, with us exchanging

quick glances and limiting our conversation to the bare

minimum. I thought that's how the rest of the day would go,

too, with us not talking during break and the same

awkwardness hanging in the air—but I was wrong.

During the break after fourth period, something


"Hey, come eat with us," Mizusawa called out casually,

walking in my direction. When I looked over at him, I saw

that Nakamura and Takei were behind him.

Lately, I'd been heading to the dining hall with

Nakamura's group, which occupied the top level of the class

hierarchy. The rest of the class didn't seem to think anything

of it anymore, thanks to my Instagram assignment and help

with the school festival, and no one gave me weird looks for

hanging out with them. That was a pretty surprising


"Yeah, sure," I called back, walking up to him.

He raised one eyebrow searchingly, brought his face up to

my ear, and whispered to me. "So what's the story with

Mimimi?" he asked with some concern. This guy knows


"Uh, um…"

As I squirmed, Mizusawa continued at the perfect tempo.

"Did you get things back on track?"

"Uh, not really…"


"Yeah, I could kinda tell. You guys were really awkward in


"If you knew, why'd you ask?!"

Mizusawa cackled and smiled happily. "Okay, ready to rip

off the Band-Aid?"

"…Rip off the what now?"

I hardly had time to worry before Mizusawa called, "Hey,

Aoi! How 'bout we all eat together today?"


This unexpected turn of events threw me into a panic, but

I had no external reason to stop him. All I could do was

stand by and watch. Eating with Hinami meant eating with

her friends—which meant eating with Mimimi.

Nakamura threw him a suspicious look at this sudden

move. "You wanna have lunch together?"

"Do you not want to?" Mizusawa asked, smiling boyishly.

"No, it's fine, but why all of a sudden?"

"Oh, let's just say I feel like it."

Nakamura snorted. He seemed to think Mizusawa was

acting kind of weird, but I doubted he'd complain any more

over it, especially considering the two groups were on good


Hinami was about to head to the dining hall when

Mizusawa called over to her, and a couple of her friends

were already clumped together talking. In case you forgot,


Mimimi was with them. I repeat: Mimimi was with them.

Hinami looked over at Mizusawa, then paused for a

second like she was thinking. Then she turned back to the

other girls and exchanged a couple of words, probably

checking with them. Finally, she turned back toward us.


"Okay, let's go, guys." As his plan fell smoothly into place,

Mizusawa walked alongside Hinami.

"Why the sudden invitation?" she asked.

"Oh, I just felt like it."

"Ah-ha-ha, yeah, right."

This coed lunch party had been decided so naturally.

What the heck? Anything goes as soon as Mizusawa says he

"feels like it"? What is this guy, a king?

Still internally panicking, I sidled up to him.

"What the hell do you think you you're doing…?!" I


"I told you. Ripping off the Band-Aid."

"You jerk…"

I was clinging to him for help, but he just laughed and

ignored me.

The four of us guys and Hinami's group of five girls

started heading together to the dining hall. Ah, shit, what



I glanced at Mimimi to see how she was taking it.



Once again, our eyes met, and we both looked away

meaningfully. Yeah, this was bad.

"Oh man, this is gonna be so fun!" You could always count

on Takei to be Takei. Dude, are you ever gonna change?

* * *

We arrived at the dining hall, and after we put our bags

down at the big table past the windows by the stairs to save

our spot, the nine of us got in line.

Like I said, four guys, five girls. The girls were Hinami,

Tama-chan, Kashiwazaki-san, Seno-san—and Mimimi.

Mizusawa had set this up, apparently with some plan in

mind, but so far, he was just chatting up Seno-san and

Kashiwazaki-san and refusing to explain a single thing to

me. Damn flirt.

I glanced behind me and saw Mimimi. She and Takei were

teasing Tama-chan, so our eyes didn't meet, but her usual

smile looked a little too bright to me. Huh? Am I obsessing

over this?

The vibe between us had been weird ever since this

morning, and we hadn't had a real conversation. What

would happen when we sat at the same table? This wasn't

like biology, where all we had to do was classwork.


Then there was the problem of what would happen when

Hinami saw us acting weird. She already seemed to have

figured out something was going on, but if she discovered

the details, what would she do? I was slightly scared to find


I pushed my tray along for the spicy mapo-tofu lunch, my

mind full of worries.

That's when something unexpected happened.

"Ooh, that looks amazing, Brain!" I heard an overly

cheerful, loud voice from behind me. Of course, there's only

one person who calls me by that nickname—

I turned around. Mimimi was standing there with her

usual grin, holding a tray of the fried-chicken lunch. What

the heck? This morning, she wasn't herself at all; what


"Oh, hey," I replied as normally as possible, even though I

was internally panicking. "Yeah, it sure does."

"But I bet it's spicy! Ugh, I hate spicy food! I can't eat it!"

"So does it look good or not?"

"I can't make up my mind!"

There was that smile again, the one she used to hide her

feelings. Wh-what was going on? She was acting like her

usual self, and the conversation was fairly meaningless.

Cheerful, fun Mimimi the jokester.

But something was different. When I really paid attention,

I could sense something distant in her attitude, almost like

she was acting. Our eyes didn't meet, and the space between


us was a little wider than usual. Of course, both of those

might've been my fault.



Yeah. Everything was still weird.

As if to dismiss the awkwardness once and for all, Mimimi

shoved her tray of fried chicken in my face.

"Ta-daa! I'm on a diet, but I couldn't resist!"

Her attempt to fill the awkward pause was bordering on

desperate. I tried to play along and chat like usual, but I kept

having flashbacks to the day before, and I couldn't really

translate from my brain to my mouth. This was excruciating.

"You—you sure you're on a diet? 'Cause that's, uh, got a

ton of mayonnaise on it!"

"Wh-what are you talking about? This is tartar sauce.

Those chunks are basically vegetables, which means it's

technically salad!"

We were both only half there, just trying to hide the

awkwardness. It was like the conversation itself was going

smoothly, but our eyes never met, and we had no idea where

this was going. We were just filling in space. I was grateful

for that, but the two of us were both desperate and


That's when it dawned on me.

Most likely, this was Mimimi's effort to prevent the

discomfort in our relationship from becoming permanent.


That's why I sighed as playfully as possible at Mimimi's

ridiculous salad theory.

"You know, that's basically all fat…"

"Stop! Don't say that!"

"Oh, the calories…"

"La-la-la-la!" she shouted before I could say anything else.

That habit of hers was a little annoying, but I played along.

We kept talking as we walked over to our table.

If you only saw our faces—you'd think we were the same

Tomozaki and Mimimi as always.

Which was somewhat comforting.

I was worried we might never be able to talk again, but it

seemed we were capable of faking some semblance of


Of course, I knew we were only getting through the

moment, and it wasn't a real solution. Still, just knowing we

could have the same cheerful, fun, meaningless

conversations every time we met suddenly lifted a little of

the weight from my heart.

"Oh, by the way…Tomozaki," Mimimi said a bit tensely,

stopping in the middle of the room.

I tried to respond as naturally as possible.


"Um, about what happened yesterday…"


My heart skipped a beat. "Y-yesterday… That was

yesterday, wasn't it?"

"Y-yep, sure was."

Suddenly, the conversation ground to a halt.

We could both tell that the other person was nervous,

which made both of us more nervous. I glanced behind me

to make sure no one could hear us.

"Um, it's just…"


I had no idea what Mimimi was about to say. Still unable

to look her in the eye, my whole body stiffened.

"You shouldn't take it too seriously—I mean…," she

mumbled, which was unusual for her. "I'm not saying you

should forget about it, but…" She was blushing, and I could

feel my own face growing hot, too. "Just act normal, you

know what I mean?"

"Oh, um, yeah… Okay."

"Okay… Sorry I kinda dropped that bomb on ya."

"Oh, uh, no, it's fine."

Not only were we having a secret whispered conversation

while we walked toward the table, but given what we were

talking about, my heart was beating so fast that I was

starting to feel sick.

"Mimimi!" Kashiwazaki-san, who was walking ahead of

us, interrupted our conversation.


"Wh-what's up, Sakura?" Mimimi yelped. To me, she

added, "Anyway, let's just do like I said!"

"Uh, yeah."

Mimimi caught up with Kashiwazaki-san, and even

though I was still in the middle of the group, I felt left


"Just act normal…," I quietly repeated to myself. I guess I

could do that if I tried. But was it enough? I looked down,

biting my lip as I mulled over what to do.

"Act normal about what?"


Mizusawa had answered my mumbling with perfect

timing from outside my periphery. He cackled at his success.

"Don't do that…"

"Ha-ha. Sorry, sorry." He was completely unrepentant,

and yet his smile was so weirdly innocent that it was

impossible to hate him. Very sly.

Holding a tray topped with an extra-large serving of deepfried pork chop over rice, he stood coolly next to me as I

waited in line to get some water. This guy can really eat…

"Guess you're in deep shit, huh?"

"Stop acting so happy about it!" I snapped back. He was

enjoying my suffering like it was some kind of TV show. His

grin widened. Asshole.

At the same time, though…


Mizusawa had found out about the situation with Mimimi

half by accident, but if anyone was going to know the whole

story, I was super lucky it was someone as trustworthy as

him. The truth was, this was way beyond anything I could

handle on my own.

He looked over at Mimimi and raised one eyebrow, his

expression as laid-back and in control as ever.

"So did you decide what to do?" he asked, diving right in

so casually that it took me a sec to realize I was way out in

the deep end. Like I said, very sly.


I didn't want to hide anything.

"Honestly, I have no idea what I should do."

Mizusawa looked at me like a researcher studying a

specimen. "So for now, you'll just act normal?"

"…Yeah, basically," I said without confidence.

Mizusawa smiled knowingly. "Or I should probably say,

you don't know what to do, so you're just going with the



"Ha-ha-ha. Knew it."

What was with this guy? He was able to put my feelings

into words more precisely than I could.

Right now, I was trying to act normal, but it was more

accurate to say I was passively reacting to Mimimi.


Mizusawa smiled kindly. "But at least you're actually

giving this some thought, which is a big improvement over

pretending your feelings don't exist."

Right, like I was when he tore into me for my insincerity

the day before. "…Yeah."

His words made me feel both timid and somehow guilty.

He glanced over to the table, where the other seven in our

group, including Mimimi, were now sitting.

"Should be easier to talk with everyone there than one-onone," he remarked. So that's why he set this up…?

"M-Mizusawa…is that why…?"

I wanted him to know I was grateful, but he just shrugged


"Yeah. Watching you flail around is hilarious. Now that I

know the backstory, I wouldn't miss this show for anything."


"Ha-ha-ha." He chuckled and thumped my back. "Relax

those shoulders, man!"

"Shut up, dude… But thanks."

"Ha-ha-ha. For what?"

He smiled, so confident and so damn smug that I almost

wondered if it was sarcasm. But even if he is a jerk, the guy

is impossible to hate.

* * *


About ten minutes had passed since we all sat down to

eat, and the conversation had taken a surprising turn.

"No way, so that rumor about you two wasn't true?" Senosan said.

Hinami laughed. "Of course not!"

Should've guessed relationship talk was inevitable with

this group.

Right now, the conversation was focused like a laser on

Hinami and Mizusawa. Seno-san and Kashiwazaki-san were

interested in the plausible but untrue rumor that had gone

around a couple of months back about Hinami and

Mizusawa dating. I'd learned the truth that time at the

restaurant, so now I was listening quietly.

By the way, I was sitting at the far end of the table near

the walkway, next to Mizusawa. The guys were on one side,

and the girls were on the other, so Kashiwazaki-san was

across from me, with Seno-san and Mimimi next to her.

Hinami was at the opposite end of the table from me, by the

windows, so Mizusawa was my only ally this far into

uncharted territory.

"Anyway, who started that rumor about me and

Takahiro?" Hinami asked, frowning comically.

"Let's see, where'd I hear it? I think it just kinda

happened," Kashiwazaki-san answered.

"I mean, I could totally imagine it!" Seno-san agreed.

"Oh yeah, definitely," Mizusawa chimed in.

I swear, this guy.


"Hey, look who's talking!" Mimimi teased, and everyone

laughed—especially Takei. There she goes again.

Mimimi and Mizusawa joked around like it was as easy as

breathing. My emotions were getting kinda…blurry. Huh?

Jumping into a conversation about dating was tough, but

I had to—for my assignment. How could I bring up the

topic? I was supposed to ask about her type and must-haves

for dating. If everyone at the table started talking about that,

then Mimimi and I could say what we thought, too, and I'd

accomplish my assignment. But would it be weird for me to

bring that topic up with Mimimi there…?

When the laughter died down, Mizusawa looked over at

Seno-san and Kashiwazaki-san with a scheming smile.

"So what about you two?"

"Huh? What about us?" Kashiwazakisan asked back. She

sure was having a good time. Seno-san smiled with a hint of

excitement, too.

"Anyone you're interested in? Not interested in?


The two of them squealed and smiled shyly at his


"Leave us alone!"


They shared a secretive glance, but their voices were

bright and interested. Even I could hear them silently

shouting, Ask us more!


Just the idea of talking about romance is enough to get

everyone worked up.

Nakamura watched them, grinning. "Ha-ha, I dunno, I

think they're hiding something!"

"Stop it!"

"Hella sus!"

"Shut up, Takei!"

"Wow, harsh…"

The table of nine guys and girls talking about

relationships over lunch was so thick with normie vibes, I

was practically choking. I made a few comments like "No

way!" here and there to pretend I was taking part, but

wading into the middle of it was out of the question. I could

manage a normal conversation these days but talking about

relationships in a big group was a tall order. Plus, Mimimi

was there.

While I was busy thinking about that, Hinami hit me in

the gut.

"Hey, what about you, Tomozaki-kun?"

No one else would be able to see her ulterior motives, but

I sensed an intimidating, unspoken message: You better

take this chance to do your assignment, or else! The more

naive Hinami looked whenever this happened, the more I

knew she was acting. Her dark side is really dark.


"Yeah!" she said, smiling innocently. "Sometimes, it


seems you've got something going on, and then it doesn't

seem like it, and then it does!"

"Well, decide already!" I snapped back.

Everyone laughed. Huh? That went well. Although, I

guess I had Hinami to thank for such a soft toss. Still, it was

a sign of progress that I could catch the ball and get some


"Yeah, it's like…lately, I wouldn't be surprised if he was

dating someone," Kashiwazaki-san said, taking a bite of the

chicken tempura on her bowl of udon noodles.

"You think so?" I said, not quite sure how to react but

trying not to act too weak.

She'd said she wouldn't be surprised if I was dating

someone. She and Seno-san had been more accepting of me

these days, and they didn't give me that Ugh, Tomozaki look

anymore, which I'd been getting for my whole life. That's

why my comeback had gotten such an easy laugh, too. My

strength must've gotten a boost from the Nakamura Group

field spell. Plus, my basic abilities were improving, which

made me happy.

Mizusawa took a sip of his water and smiled. "For sure. It

wouldn't be weird at all."

"Wh-what makes you so sure?" I shot back as a chill ran

down my spine. He knew about me and Mimimi, which set

me on edge.

"Come on, we went to the Tokusei school festival together,

didn't we?"



That's what he was talking about. I was relieved, but I still

braced myself for some teasing. Actually, this could be even

more dangerous. In the background, I heard Takei

complaining about not being invited, and everyone ignoring

him. Takei being Takei.

"You were chatting up the girls like a pro. I wouldn't be

surprised if you had something going on," Mizusawa

insinuated, slapping my shoulder.


"R-really, Brain?!"

I hadn't expected Mimimi to jump in like that. V-very

sudden. My heart skipped a beat at the blindside attack.

Stop with the surprises already.

"No way, nothing's going on!"

"That so? I've got about…three girls I'm talking to."

"Takahiro, shouldn't you at least know the exact


Everyone laughed at Hinami's jab.


But Mimimi didn't. Instead, she kept glancing at me

furtively, then made an uncomfortable noise. Why did she

look so suspicious?

"Minmi, you okay?" Tama-chan asked her.

"Huh?! What's up?!"

"That's what I'm asking you!"


"What do you mean?!"


"You're totally overthinking it!"

"Oh, okay. Really?"


The more she talked, the stranger she acted. By the end,

she was running on fumes, and Tama-chan basically just

gave up. Mimimi was blushing, which made me feel guilty

since I was one of the reasons for it.

I felt someone staring at me, and when I turned around, I

saw Mizusawa smiling at me with one eyebrow raised.

Asshole. I scowled back at him in protest, but he only

grinned and looked away.

At the same moment, I heard Hinami's voice.

"…So what about you, Mimimi?"


Hinami's probing words were like a spear striking right to

the center of the situation. She threw me a glance that

seemed to say, Did you think you could escape from me?

This was bad.

"I think you're hiding something…," she said, watching

Mimimi with a self-satisfied smile. Shit. If I acted the tiniest

bit weird right now, she'd see right through me.

If I was the one being interrogated, I'm sure I'd say


something like Uh, um, er…nothing happened! Nothing at

all happened after school yesterday! and the whole world

would instantaneously explode.

But right now, her target was Mimimi, so a glimmer of

hope remained. Sure, Mimimi had been babbling aimlessly a

minute ago, but I was sure she'd be fine now. Come on,

Mimimi, let's see those awesome communication skills in


I was close to praying as I watched the scene unfold.

Hinami, the demon of effort and observation, vs. Mimimi,

the naturally great communicator. What would Hinami

observe, and what hints would she discover? How would

Mimimi manage to hide her shaken nerves?

Here came that pivotal first move.

After a long, reflective pause, Mimimi chose to— What?



She glanced at me with a complicated look on her face.

Wait, no! You're being way too obvious! I don't understand!

I imagined a few offensive and defensive moves, but this is

just bad, Mimimi!

"Tomozaki-kun?" Hinami smoothly picked up on my

involvement. Told you so! You're worse than me, Mimimisan.

Mizusawa was grinning at his shoes, the bastard.

Seriously, stop. You're giving Hinami more clues. Even

Kashiwazaki-san and Seno-san were getting all worked up

now and asking, "What?! What?!"

Finally, Hinami shifted her sharp gaze from Mimimi to

me. Shit. I was about to get steamrolled.

"Wh-what?" I asked innocently.

Hinami stared at me.

"…Oh," she said with satisfaction. What? I didn't say

anything, so how could she have figured anything out? Then

again, she'd sensed something this morning, so my reaction

was probably enough to tell her the rest. Mizusawa was

sitting next to me, shaking with repressed laughter. I wanna

give him a good punch in the nose after this is over.

"Are you involved in this, too, Takahiro?"

She even figured that out. We were done for. In the space

of thirty seconds, the entire mess had been laid bare.

Mizusawa turned to Hinami, still cackling. "Ah, y'know.

Too bad I can't tell you anything because it's a secret." He

shooed her away with his hand.


Hinami, Kashiwazaki-san, and Seno-san all screeched in




"You've gotta be kidding!"

It was three-on-one, but Mizusawa held firm. Amazing.

Meanwhile, Tama-chan was silently staring at me. She

might've figured out more than Hinami.

"Now, now, be patient! I'll tell you when the time is right."


Hinami shot him a glare, but Mizusawa just stuffed a bite

of pork into his mouth without a care in the world.

But I got what he was doing.

Now that Mimimi had fallen apart and given away that

something had happened, his best strategy was to take back

the lead by admitting he knew something, then announcing

he wouldn't say anything more. That way, he didn't run the

risk of revealing anything even if Hinami asked him in a

roundabout way.

"Tell us now!" Kashiwazaki-san insisted, but he just

smiled and kept quiet. Man, he was strong. I could count on

this guy.

It was significant that the target of the interrogation had

shifted from Mimimi to Mizusawa. If everyone had kept on

hammering at Mimimi, she definitely would have broken


down. Actually, we might have passed that point already.

"Fine, whatever," Hinami said, withdrawing her attack.

She must've sensed that the battle was unwinnable. Or

maybe she never intended to bring the whole story to light in

the first place—there was nothing in it for her, and she could

question me all she wanted at our meeting. Please don't

interrogate me!

She casually changed the topic. "I have kind of a situation

myself," she said.

"A romantic situation?"



Kashiwazaki-san and Seno-san shifted their attention to

Hinami. Scary little sleight of hand on her part. Maybe it was

a good thing that she'd sniffed us out. Having everyone

know everything probably wouldn't be great in terms of my

assignment and goals.

After that, the conversation centered around Hinami and

who was in love with her—but not surprisingly, Mimimi and

I still didn't manage to look each other in the eye.