AS IN A PASS OF MAGIC, in very few months the project took off, all the manpower it needed was with the savages, who used their most intimate desire to be part of that society that didn't bother to work to the extreme for their ambitions.

David received weekly reports and that was doing him a lot of good, his dream was finally starting to come true, the city of David was rising as in ancient times, but now never to be toppled again.

Brady showed the updated plant and David said that he wanted all the most modern technology that was available, the airport would be the largest of all in the Union of countries, in addition to a commercial building that would house an office for the main suppliers from around the world, in addition to of an agreement that he managed to sign with Japan and create a school that would follow two paths, teaching children and young people, as well as a period to encourage adults to adapt.

— I think it will work — Brady said — those savages have always given us a headache, but every human being has a price, and theirs was too cheap for us not to take the risk.

— But it's still early for celebrations, we have a lot of work ahead of us, whether we like it or not, they lived their whole lives in another reality, we need to make the law more flexible during the adaptation.

— If you do that, the adaptation will never happen, toughen up during the adaptation, because then it will be easier for them to join society, remember the experience of the monkeys in your time, when they gave shocks to the monkeys that were going to get the bananas, over time the monkeys themselves beat younger monkeys who didn't know the rules.

David didn't like that, but this time he had to give his arm and hope that Brady's logic was right, those people still didn't know how much worse than any jungle could be that society, so he called the leader of one of the tribes to your room.

— Nice to meet you, Mr. Chain.

The man nodded.

— Before creating any rules about you, I would like to know a little about your history and customs, I believe we could reach a common sense.

The man looked at Brady who nodded.

— We are a peaceful people, we don't have weapons, otherwise the world government punishes us, in the same way that our health is also controlled so that anyone who runs away from the tribes and wants an opportunity in the big capitals does not bring any disease that will exterminate society. current.

— Do you have specific rules you follow?

— We try to adapt to reality, so everything in our tribes is similar to the one you follow, if someone kills another person, they are killed, we have no problems with theft and robbery, we are very united in that aspect, we have sexual freedom as a practice for over five hundred years, so you can rest easy on these aspects.

— How do you choose your leaders?

— We don't have a leader, everything is decided by everyone, once a week we have a meeting where we present our needs and vote on which we will prioritize.

— So it's not such a bad life?

— The human being is an adaptable animal, if you spend your whole life in unhealthy places, over time it becomes your home, I would say that our life follows more or less this premise, you have first world education, technology, the best food, free sex with whoever they want, we have almost all of that but very limited.

— Okay, so we're going to work as best we can for your adaptation, you'll have to spend five years in Salem before getting to know the other capitals around the world, you'll have to work and study, as soon as the five years are over, you'll go through a bench organized by the NOM that will analyze case by case, our focus is exactly to end all tribes and make all humans on the face of the earth are engaged in the same purpose.

Chain got up and threw himself at David's feet in thanks.

— Get up, Mr. Chain, we have a lot of work to do before we can thank each other for the results we've achieved.

— You won't regret it, Mr. Heringer.

ALL DAVID DID was to regret that period, and now he knew why the seven capitals didn't accept those peoples as peers, they were just wild even for him who lived a thousand years in the past, they just solved everything in the most promiscuous and savage way possible.

David lost count of how many people he saw die for settling the score.

— I told you, there's only one way to contain them, learn, David, prison doesn't solve absolutely anything, it's an archaic way of working with human beings, you form more criminals than you restore them, whether you like it or not. what they lived was a prison, now they know freedom, but their minds are still captive, set them free, enforce the laws of OWL, take a test, you won't regret it.

DAVID DID EVERYTHING he didn't want, but it was the salvation of the biggest tragedy, it was enough to accept to punish one that the others realized what that society was.

— Now we can start thinking about Salem's future — Brady said proudly.

At that moment, David pulled out the trash can next to him and threw up when he saw the wildling's head roll across the video.

IVY WAS LAYING DOWN when David arrived, looking tired.

— Hard day, dear.

He nodded sadly.

— They are very wild, and the way to tame them is even wilder.

— It's not easy, we already knew that.

— I had to break almost all of my principles for them to understand.

David hugged Ivy and started to cry.

— I'm ashamed to even talk to God and ask for forgiveness.

— Talk to me then, I know that God will hear you through me.

And David told every detail of the punishment and Ivy didn't condemn him, but hugged him and said:

— It's a boy.

David hadn't understood, but she repeated:

— The child I am expecting is a boy, his name will be...

David kissed her.

— I think it was too much emotion for one day, don't you?

— Sometimes we need to get used to hearing good things too, honey.

— From you is all that comes, only good things...

David remembered the prophet who spoke to David when he made a mistake and said to his wife:

— His name will be Nathan.

Ivy smiled.

— It's a beautiful name, my dear.

— It means present.

— Without a doubt, it's our gift.