TAT WAS CLOSELY FOLLOWING the entire construction of Salem, but above all, she closely followed the life of the man who ardently desired revenge, she knew very well what that entailed, she would die to take the life of the man who took everything from her.

An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth...

Despite being an ancient inscription, she thought it would be worth risking everything, it was simply her life, or what was left of it.

Tat was following the restoration of one of the oldest cities in the world, and seeing those naked men at work sent her libido racing a mile a minute, for the first time since meeting Norman she wanted to be with a man again.

She met some savages that made her reconsider her concept of them.

HER BIGGEST SOURCE of information were those who knew and worked on the works and passed on valuable information in an informal way, she realized how much a special night made a difference when she needed information, men revealed everything, the boss's entire schedule, what the often infuriated according to some officials for making headlines in newspapers.

The plan started to work, I want to see him suffer...

Until the news completely shook her, her boss called her and fired her.

— Like this? I'm doing my job.

— I know, sweetie, but you know how it is, I just relay the orders, now you're on your own.

The next day she found out that David had bought the Moscow news network.

TAT WAS SMELLING the misery again, far from home in a strange land, he had to undergo the most diverse jobs until he managed to establish himself again, but the city was in an uproarious joy due to the birth of the heir of the Heringer empire, everyone knew it would be a boy, but for the moment there was no word on what the name would be, not that she cared for that, in her mind, the less Heringer in this world the better.

BUT WHEN EVERYTHING was heading towards its new twist, Norman walked into his room and said:

— I'd love to know what you're doing here in Salem.

— It's none of your business.

She didn't even see which hand she was slapped with, when she tried to get up, one of Norman's hands was already choking her.

— I missed you a lot, you know, sweetness.

In that moment she realized who was behind her dismissal.

— I'll do whatever you want, please…don't kill me.

— Of course, as you wish, but never forget, you'll do what I want.

From that moment on, she was locked in Norman's house and had to satisfy him every time she appeared, this suffering lasted for two years, until one day Norman found her dead in the bathtub in her room.

— I had so many plans for you dear...