Original Vampire

A/N: Please drop a review on the novel so that it can be listed in the rankings, thanks for reading either way~



Test subject, check.

Blood Essence, check.

I'm alone, check.

Time for evolution!

I was currently standing in an empty tent, a slave girl was tied up to the tent post in the middle, and her purpose will be clear later on.

2,158 B.E is what I had left after the three skills I integrated. The amount of Blood Essence for the nest evolution is a measly 100 B.E so I have more than enough.

(B.E stands for Blood Essence, just for those who are a little slow on the uptake)

Taking a deep breath, I give a loud "YOSH!", which scared the tied-up slave a little, and commenced my evolution.

I felt a warm current start to spread out inside me, changing the very structure of some of my cells, the energy headed from the center of my body, which I assume is where the pathway to my soul is, and stops, seemingly surprised by the amount of blood essence stored, then like a wave, my blood essence started being absorbed way more than the original 100 B.E.

The next moment, 1000 blood essence was gone, just like that. But I wasn't mad or frustrated, as this meant I will evolve into something more powerful.

After feeding on my blood essence, the originally tiny amount of warm energy became a mighty tsunami of searing hot energy that burned inside me. It reached every cell of my body, it was a strange feeling when you sense places and muscles you never knew existed before.

My bones then started breaking and reforming stronger and longer. This would've hurt like a bitch, but this, as I like to repeat, is not a WUXIA NOVEL! The remaining blood essence immediately healed the injuries in less than a split of a second, sparing me the pain.

Thank you blood essence and blood restoration, thank you for protecting the identity of this novel *sniff* I'm getting emotional...

The evolution lasted approximately 15 minutes, after which I felt stronger than I've ever been, I was also taller, standing at 6 ft or 183 cm.


Race== Original Vampire

Next Evolution== 100,000 B.E

Blood Essence== 1,058 B.E

Trait: Greater Blood Stomach

-You can never be full by drinking blood

-You can condense a minimum of 1 litre of blood into a small blood crystal for faster and easier absorption.

Trait: Eyes of the Hunt

-Your eyes will turn blood red, and increase your concentration and focus by multiple folds, everything appears to move slower in your perspective, allowing you more time to dodge, attack, plan and strategize your moves.

-Instills slight fear into those that see a glimpse of your eyes, and can induce nightmares to those of weak willpower that have direct contact with your eyes.

Trait: Blood strengthening

- You acquire 5% of the strength of the being you consume blood from.

Trait: Greater Sense

- You have an accurate sense of awareness of anything or anyone containing blood, and can judge its size, species and distance from the scent of its blood.

Trait: Charm

-You can control those with a weak or broken will, to do your bidding.

Trait: Blood Regeneration

- Any and all wounds can heal with enough blood, depending on the severity, more blood will be consumed.

-You can heal the wounds you inflict on others using your blood.

Trait: Body of the Original

-I have the speed and strength of an original vampire from the TV show(The Vampire Diaries, The Original, Legacies)

Curse: Evil Heart

- You lost your humanity and can no longer feel empathy for anyone but those you consider family.

- You now produce Miasma.

Curse: My Kryptonite

- I have a weakness. Against Valyrian steel and Obsedian, Blood Regeneration will not take effect.

-If stabbed through the heart, I will enter statis where I would sleep forever until the weapon is removed.

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ALPHA WHIP TECHNIQUE- Stage 5/5 (Due to Experience Integration)


-Manipulate the weather to my desire.


- Heals small cuts and bruises.


-Change the taste of my body fluids.


Wow, I feel a lot has changed. But first, let me let out the excitement. Ahem...ah, ahhh, 1, 2, 3..


By now, the slave was looking at me in horror, not just from my sudden outbreak of... excitement...but also because I was screaming in English, or the common tongue as it is known here.

I normally only talk in the common tongue with my slaves Mia and Mary, but due to my excitement, I accidentally slipped. Not that it really matters, it is just unusual for a Dothraki to learn the common tongue, even rarer for them to speak it so fluently.

Okay okay, calm down. I still have tons of tests to conduct. 1, vamp speed. I activate my speed and the next instant, I am at the other side of the tent.

This...is..so..coooool! I kept running around like a little kid, or like Mia discovering the taste of chocolate, *ahem and I couldn't get enough of it.

"I'm here"

"Oh~, now I'm here"

"Hey hey look, I'm here now"

"Oh my! Wasn't I over there"

I think I let out my childish side too much. It just feels so surreal that I could use powers I often saw on TV and watched my favourite characters use.

Now, on to the next thing. My Blood stomach evolved, and by my great naming sense, was named Greater Blood Stomach...yeah I'm so creative aren't I?...(that was a rhetorical question)

It seems I can now condense up to one litre of blood, turning it into crystal. Great! Now I won't have to experience that bizarre feeling of being full yet not full at the same time, yeesh.

I've got charm, a new trait that is kind of like compelling in the TV show but a weaker version of it. As it will not affect those with a strong will, which is basically most swordsmen.

Next, Blood Restoration evolved into Blood Regeneration, which I think is the same powerful regeneration the Originals in the TV show had, more testing on that later though. I can now heal others, like them.

Let me try it then. I look towards the tied-up slave. I focused on using Greater SENSE, and her entire blood circulation system was visible to me. Now, under the skill, she glowed red, I look around at the walls of the tent.

Just like heat vision or maybe x-ray, I see glowing red bodies even through the walls of the tent. I don't need to close my eyes anymore to use this detection ability.

Mmm, now that I have a closer feel of it, the scent of blood changed. It somehow became sweeter, more enticing. I don't have the Berserk Curse anymore so this is purely instinct.

I walk over to the trembling slave, I pushed her head to the side, revealing her enticing tanned neck. Unconsciously, my fangs elongated and I gently bit into her visible vein, which I located easily with my improved vision due to Greater Sense.

Instinct told me to dominate her body as I drank her blood, so I grabbed her neck and lifted her chin, putting pressure on her throat, she started choking sending more blood into my mouth.

It tasted sweet and savoury, unlike anything I'd ever tasted before. Before, when I was still a BLOODLING, blood didn't taste bad, but not good either, just tasteless, like water with a hint of sugar.

Yet now, it seems I've acquired a new favourite drink. And it also seems I'm able to differentiate between the qualities of blood, for example, I can tell a virgin like Mia has tastier blood somehow.

Back to the girl I was sucking... that didn't sound right somehow... I soon stopped seeing as she was about to die, l removed my teeth and she flipped down with a pleased smile.

Nevertheless, the girl was barely breathing and she will die if left untreated.

So If I hurt someone, I can feed him or her my blood and all the wounds I inflicted will be gone. However, I can't heal anyone that I didn't personally wound or inflicted harm upon. So I can't just heal anyone with an injury.

I cut my wrist a little, and willed my Blood Regeneration to not take effect. I placed my wrist into her mouth, letting a few droplets of blood enter her throat.

Not a second later, the bite mark disappeared along with the grip mark on her neck. Fascinating. I didn't feel sorry or guilty somehow. This isn't right. Even if this world fucked me up, I wouldn't be so apathetic.

Shit, just my luck, I got a new curse.

Due to the most recent race transformation into a vampire, I earned myself a curse which I named evil heart. What it does is produce miasma inside me, miasma is an energy that all creatures classified as undead produce inside them.

Yeah, forgot I was technically an undead, but my heart is still beating and my skin is still warm, the effects of blood essence I suppose.

Miasma, in great quantities, can kill the surrounding trees, and corrupt the wildlife, killing all life where it spreads. Fortunately, the amount produced by a single individual is not enough to be projected outside my body and cannot affect anything other than me.

But, what it is enough for is to influence my thought process and actions. As it builds up inside me little by little over time, I will be driven to commit the cruellest and vilest acts that just get worse.

This build-up can be avoided if I release any built-up miasma as soon as possible, this is done by committing evil acts, yet those evils will be better than if left unchecked, as mentioned before, the more miasma is allowed to build up, the more evil the acts I will unconsciously be driven to commit.

So I'm now forced to do more fucked up shit, and just when I planned to be 'nicer'. Welp, at least I can heal anyone I harm then apologize, unless it is a Dothraki, they still haven't a word for 'sorry', or 'thank you' for that matter.

For the last ability, Eyes Of The Hunt. I can perceive time slower using that, I will not be moving faster though, allowing me to plan ahead and coordinate my movements better. Dodging and fighting multiple opponents at once will be a piece of cake. Still, nothing beats trying it myself to know its full effects.

I thus initiate it, then the whites in my eyes turn black while my Iris turns turned a glowing, luminous bright red.

The effect was instant, everything became clearer instantly. It was as if I had been seeing everyone in 360p quality then now seeing everything in 4k. My mind ran faster than it ever did, and I now notice and process information much better than before.

Now to test the scary aspect of it, I bent down to the slave, and gave her two light slaps on her cheeks. With a groan, she woke up and looked around in confusion, yet the moment she looked into my eyes, her eyes turned blank while her face contorted and twisted in horror.

Her eyes filled with despair, a second later her body started spasming and shaking violently while white foam came out of her mouth.

Once I looked away, her eyes regained clarity, but she looked as if she just came back from hell. Noticing a foul smell in the air, I look down to see she actually pissed herself.

Although I now avoided eye contact, it seems that nearly being in my presence while my eyes are activated kept her flabbergasted. She didn't scream cry or pass out.

I deactivated my Eyes Of The Hunt, and my eyes returned to their normal sky blue. The moment I did so, the slave let out a deep breath and then directly blacked out.

Pity, I wanted to try Charm on her. Walking out of the tent, I walk to the clear space next to my tent and yell in Dothraki.

"Dothraki, gather around! It is time we became a proper army!"

The Dothraki began to crowd immediately. I have learned Roman and Spartan strategies and formations, and I taught myself how to brew proper beer, wine and vodka.

So now, it is time to make a fortune, form a proper Army, and contact Daenerys.