Conclusion and Preparation

So, I've been doing lots of thinking, and I believe teaching Dothraki ground fighting tactics without their horses is a pretty stupid Idea.

In the meeting I did with the oldest Dothraki present, I used my Eyes Of The Hunt to enhance my thinking and focus and have new insights, which brought me to that conclusion, besides scaring the shit out of the Dothraki of course, they didn't pass out though, just avoided eye contact as if their lives depended on it and kept shaking slightly.

Just to put how much Dothraki treasure their horses, a khal may share his Khaleesi with his bloodriders but never his stallion. Aside from the fact I find a Khal sharing his wife repulsive, I think worshipping a so called Great Stallion as their god is enough evidence already.

In addition, I have a ready made cavalry army that trained since they were children on horseback fighting, why would I ruin that for measly Roman techniques. it is better to use the best of what I have. Even if made them train as normal warriors, I'm sure that I will then become the first Khal who is so deeply hated by his Khalasar.

A good thing came out of this meeting though, two things actually. First, 3 dudes- I mean Dothraki swore the oath to become my bloodriders, which I accepted. Their names where, hmm 1, 2, and 3.


So...I may or may have not had each of them tattoo their number on their foreheads and told them it is a devine symbol. Yeah...

Moving on, I decided to teach them some Mongolian tactics I learned, and will have some of them become heavy Cavalry.

So here is what I was thinking in terms of formation. Light Cavalry on both wings, heavy in the center back, archers in the front.

When a battle would start, the archers on horseback would fire volleys of arrows while retreating backwards slowly. By the time the enemy reaches us, the heavy Cavalry would have gathered moment from the back, and crush into enemy lines. Afterthat, the wings will flank from the sides while the retreated bowman take thier places, aiming for the enemy soldiers at the back.

Since the archers will be at the front, I will give armor to their horses and hand them disposable wooden shields to keep them light-weight, in case the enemy retaliates with their own arrows.

I am aware this strategy can go wrong and is indeed far from perfect, but the rest will have to be handled by a proper strategist and not little old me.

As for ground forces, I will start conquering nearby khalasars as soon as the reforming of my khalasar is done. After that, I will attack Pentos for both conquering it and enacting revenge for my parents.

Or I will go in discreetly to kill all the maestors inside. After all, Pentos is supported by the Iron bank, so I may go to another free city instead.

There, I will be using their army as well as buying unsullied and hopefully pull that Dany move on them.

I will teach each of my bloodriders the training and basic formations required for a specific unit to have. So Bloodrider 1 will handle the light cavalry, 2 the heavy Cavalry, 3 the mounted archers.

Personally I will start training more with duel wielding swords, yes swords not those stupid arakhs I've been using. On second thought, no, duel wielding seems overrated. I will think of something else to learn, maybe a blade of Chaos variant weapon that can incorporate my Alpha Whip Technique as well as sword or blade.

Teaching Mia how to fight will also be a priority, I want her to be like Arya Stark. Though I will have to find a good instructor, or just learn a technique suitable for her from my knowledge sea (not the wuxia kind) then impart it to her.

As for Mary, I will be spending more time with her to get to know her better.

Now about the thing I'm most excited for, Danny!










Yeah, imagine if I really ended the chapter here lol.


Daenerys was born at Dragonstone during a storm, and her mother died giving birth to her. Before the garrison betrayed her and her brother Viserys, Ser Willem Darry smuggled her out of the castle and sailed away to Braavos. Dany lived in the House with the Red Door until she turned five, after which Darry died, and the children were kicked out. The two of them wandered the Free Cities for eight years, it looks like they covered most of them, from Braavos to Myr, from Myr to Tyrosh, and on to Qohor and Volantis and Lys, never staying long in any one place.

Ultimately they reached Pentos, where she resided with Illyrio Mopatis for the last half a year of those eight years until she was married off to khal Drogo.

Now, I have no clue as to which year this is now, even my fellow Dothraki don't know, much less where she is. But, although I don't know where she is I have two solutions.

First, for me to purchase a locator spell or magic so I could reach her, or I could purchase a skill named Mental link, which allows me to communicate with anyone just by thinking about them.

However Mental link can only be used on one person at a time, and only on this planet, so I can't use it to contact my grandma for example.

I read multiple fan fics before I reincarnated where the MC just gets Danny as soon as he can and then just keeps her as a side trophy, a house wife if you will. But from my perspective, this is a huge waste of potential, I saw what she will be capable of, so I don't want to hinder her character development.

That, however, won't mean I will leave her on her own or won't help her with character development as an excuse, I will contact her using Mental link, and will help her as much as I can. First, I need to know where and how old she is before I actually plan anything.


SKILL: Mental Link

- Two-way telepathy with any one person at a time.

Blood Essence Required: 500




- By having your symbol inscribed onto anyone, you can share your skills with them.

Symbol: The symbol of ankh/ Ancient Egyptian symbol of life/ symbol of Doctor Fate (They are all the same thing)

Blood Essence Required: 500


The second skill, bond, will allow me to support Danny if situation demands it, however despite being bonded, the experience integration won't carry over to her, so she will have to learn it.

And because the bonded didn't undergo conditioning, they can only host(use) one skill at a time. The symbol I chose is the one doctor fate uses.

It's simple yet cool, just my style. The symbol can be tattooed, carved, burned or drawn onto the skin. However if the it is the latter, the ink must be left to dry for a while.

After getting the skills and thoroughly enjoying the unique sensation every skill brings me while conditioning my body, I walked to an empty patch of lush grass and sat cross legged.

No, I am not cultivating, God!? Why does everyone think this is a WUXI-*Sigh* I give up...

I close my eyes, think of Daenerys Targaryen and wait.

I felt an invisible thread-like link come out of my mind and into the sunny afternoon sky above me. It kind of feels like someone making a phonecall.

After a minute or so, the link connected.


It's for real this time.

What did you expect, it's the second chapter today give me a break. I usually write only one chap per day so this is me being generous!

Besides, the conversation with Dany will be a long one, so a whole chapter will be needed...tomorrow.

I didn't really edit this so please overlook any spelling mistakes.
