Myr, Daenerys

I have changed some details in the first half of the previous chapter, so check it out...or not🥲.

Please be reminded that all dates will be from the show not the book, and yes, you guys will finally know whet the year is~~

This is a new pic of Mia since, well, the last one was too Disturbing. So I've replaced her with an anime version! Tadaaaa🎉.

You can use any one of the two, whatever is your cup of tea~

Anyway, readers and readors, please welcome...



3rd Person POV / Author POV


In the free city of Myr, if one were to walk in its streets, he will immediately notice from nearby local talk that the accent is pronounced, sultry even, at least that's how it's been described elsewhere.

Wandering into the city, one other striking thing is the ethnicity of the people of this city is largely reminiscent of the Rhoyne as dark hair and olive skin are everywhere.

The other kind of people that are everywhere are slaves. Slavery becomes more pronounced the further into the influence of old Valyria you get but it's very noticeable that for every free person here there are three slaves. They have heavy metal collars and brands, as well as tattoos put there by their masters.

In Pentos, there is an attempt to pretend this wasn't the reality for so many people but not here, here slaves are driven, whipped and chained, they are viewed as possessions not people.

Nevertheless, under the scorching sun and amidst the heavy arouma of exotic spices, were two people in black and grey hoods covering thier bodies walking down the crowded market Street.

It is noticeable that one of the two is a child while the other is an adult looking to be about 16 or 17 years old.

It is apparent by their attires that they are hiding themselves from someone or are trying to be as unnoticeable as possible, which was not true as it is rare for anyone to wear cloaks in this burning heat.

Under the hoods, they both had striking Silver-Gold hair and silver eyes. The younger one seems to be a little girl with a hint of faint, barely noticeable purple in her eyes, while the older one was a male with plain silver eyes.

[A/N: This description is going by the show as in the books, Targaryens had purple eyes]

The male was walking with a puffed chest and an arrogant yet irritating face held up high, despite the shabby clothes he was wearing.

Yes, these two were Daenerys and Viserys Targaryen who had just arrived in Myr this very day. Years ago, after their escape of Dragonstone with the aid from Targaryen loyalist, they were welcomed in various free cities by wealthy merchants who offered them shelter and appeared to aid them.

The reality, however, was cruel at best. These greedy merchants and rich folk who welcomed them only wanted to curry favour with the Targaryens should Robert's rebellion fail.

Unfortunately for the tow Targaryens, he won and had userped the Iron Throne. Now useless, the greedy suckers who sheltered them began stealing from them whatever family treasure or heirloom they could find or simply buying it from them in exchange for a measly amount of coin.

Blackmail was also frequent as the couple have lost count at the amount of times they were threatened. They were told by those Rich and powerful that if they didn't obey, they would inform the userper of their whereabouts immediately.

Unbeknownst to them, the books make it clear that Robert did not hire assassins to try to kill them; instead, they were simply left alone until he discovered Daenerys was pregnant.

Viserys does mention that they were constantly running from the usurper's knives, but this could be him lying to Daenerys to scare her, or these assassins could have been hired by another source, most likely Varys. If we assume Varys was behind it, two real motives could've been behind it:

1. He wanted to take out Viserys and possibly Daenerys because he has the whole Aegon thing.

2. He used the assassins to try and drive Daenerys and Viserys to Pentos so Illyrio could collect them.

Either way, Viserys has convinced little Daenerys that assassins where after them.

Seeing no end to the repulsive treatment of these people that were once showering him in praises and songs of his greatness, Viserys took his sister and what remained of their treasure and started hiding while traveling from free city to another to throw any 'assasins' off their trail. Eventually, just before arriving in Myr, he sold the last and most precious treasure he had, just so that he could afford food and an inn to sleep.


"Why did you get rid of mother's crown!" Said an angry young Daenerys to her brother, who was walking in front of her.

Viserys stopped, turned back and held his sister by her hair from under the hood, and started speaking angrily in a hushed tone.

"Listen here runt! I didn't get rid of it I sold it! And believe me if you weren't so young I would've sold you instead, but don't worry, you'll be worth more in a couple of years."

"If you don't like it, you could go sleep on the streets again while I head over to the inn!"

By now Daenerys's eyes were tearing quietly, not even acknowledging the pain with a grunt, as if she was already used to such vicious treatment by her brother.

Viserys let go of her, and continued on his original path while grumbling.

"Those greedy bastards! I swear one day, when I become the ruler of the seven kingdoms, I would separate their grubby hands from their bodies! Just wait!"

He then took an expensive looking, freshly baked peice of bread from somewhere in his robe, and started eating it. Even while virtually penny less, he still looked down upon and refused to eat anything not up to his standards.

This bad habit among others, for example sometimes getting a luxurious room for one and leaving his sister outside on the streets while he could've gotten a normal room for two with the same amount of money, has led to him repeatedly having to sell all his possessions, yet learning no lessons from his past blunders, he would again spend lavishly on luxuries instead of basic necessities.

This has led his sister to grow up a little weak and frail, always having his leftovers on a good day and stale mouldy bread on a bad day. In fact, the only reason he kept her or even fed her is that she was still a Targaryen, and would sell for a high price if she grew up well.

A price he could then use to aid him in his revenge against the userper.

"Brother, I'm hungry" Said Daenerys in a small voice.

Her brother, however, decided to ignore her. And a few minutes later, he arrived at an inn, and entered alone, leaving her outside to her own devices.

Before leaving, he turned around and said "Keep close to the inn and don't wander around"

Giving her one final look of contempt, he disappeared into the inn while thinking. "Why did mother have to die for a 'thing' like her! I wish she would've died instead, at least mother would've sold for a higher price and I wouldn't have to go to shitty inns like these!"

Daenerys moved like a wounded cat into the alleyway neighboring the inn, she sat down amongst the dark shadows with her head between her legs, and sobbed silently.

Just then, she felt a weird sensation from her head, as if something cold just entered, nevertheless she dismissed the feeling as hallucinations.

//Greetings, Daenerys Stormborn//


You know, I was really tempted by the Dark Side to end the chapter here, but I fought the growing urge and wrote some more! Thank me later, haha.


What! Looking around in alarm, she found no source for the strange voice that just sounded in her mind.

She stood up and started looking around in panick, no one is supposed to know who she is. Otherwise, the assassins her brother told her about might get to her.

Seeing her beginning to overreact, the voice sounded again, this time with a warmer and calmer tone, yet a hint of excitement could still be recognised.

//Fear not, for I am talking to you from far away using my magic. As you can tell, I am speaking directly to your mind. Just think of an answer and I shall hear it. I am here to aid you little dragon, so calm down//

Hearing his voice again, Daenerys finally confirmed the voice really seemed to talk directly to her mind. Still in disbelief and astonishment, she sat back down and breathed deeply to tame her beating heart.

'Wh-Who are you? And what do you want from me?'

//You may call me Virsal! As for what I want, I want to fullfil the destiny that awaits you! Not just that, I want to fulfill all your dreams and wishes.//

(Back in the Dothraki plains, Virsal was rolling on the ground cringing.*Oh lord forgive me for I have simped!* He thought.

Mia came to him a while ago wanting to play with him. She was currently on his lap humming with a big smile plastered on her face while he braided her hair.)

Daenerys was evidently suspicious of the strange voices words. When she heard he wanted to fulfill her Destiny, her fist thought was that he wanted to sell her, as that was the destiny she knew awaited her from her 'dear' brother.

But then the voice said fulfilling her dreams and wishes. That can't be right, why would he do that if he wanted to sell her? Better yet, what did she wish for in the first place?

'Why' was the only thing she said.

//Hmm? Because I like you of course! And I will be trying to woo you so that when you get bigger, we can be together! But don't be mistaken little dragon! You will have to put in hard work of your own to fulfill your dreams and desires, I will only be their as support and help along your journey.//

//You will need to become stronger, for the weak never get what they want and are trampled upon. You will need to get smarter, for the dumb and foolish are always outwitted and controlled by others and slaved away at their mercy. Finally, you need to be scholared and educated upon the arts of ruling, management, finance, war and others. For the unwise are ultimately destined to fail.//

Hearing his words, her face turned red. Someone actually likes her? The only words she has been hearing till now were those filled with contempt and hate from her brother. 'Someone likes me' She thought shyly yet naively.

If Virsal knew that his cheap sweet talk had actually smitten the young dragon, he would piff his chest and brag about it. About how he has wooed a little girl...Or not.

A spark of hope the little girl never knew she had began to spark within her. A chance has come. The opportunity she has always longed for to escape the bleak path laid before her by her brother, to get better and control her own fate. An opportunity she wouldn't miss for anything.

B-but, the voice seemed to want to court her when she gets older, should she accept? Will he refuse to help her if she denied? What if he is some hideous monster that just wants to trick her?

Thinking this, she became a little wary. She required proof of she was to believe him.

'Prove it! Prove you aren't some evil man who wants to use me!'

Said the little dragon determined, and the voice, clearly amused by her response answered right after.

//Proof? Then look up.//