
Doing as she was told and looking up, Daenerys's eyes widened in surprise. Up in the sky, there was a cloud in the shape of a mighty dragon circling the area right above her. Dipping in and out of the sea of clouds above.

//Raise your hand into the sky little dragon. But be aware that by doing so, you would have accepted me as your mentor, adviser and teacher//

Deliberating her choice briefly, Daenerys raised her right arm into the sky, just to be striken by a bolt of lightning that came out of the cloud dragon's mouth, before it dissolved back into the clouds.

As soon as the bolt struck her hand, she felt as if her skin was being burnt and carved in a an intricate yet specific way. She fell to her knees and gritted her teeth, suppressing the urge to scream as best as she could.

Fortunately, the pain was brief and soon disappeared, leaving behind a peculiar marking under her palm. The symbol was seemingly burnt onto her skin on the area right under the inside of her wrist connecting to her palm.

The symbol looked like a cross that widened along the ends while the head of the cross part circled and connected forming an 0 shape.

Yes, this is the bond symbol of Virsal.

Looking at the symbol with curiosity, the voice spoke again.

// This symbol will allow me to know your location and health at all times. All you need to do to contact me is touch the symbol with two fingers then muttering my name.//

//I will take my leave then, lessons start tomorrow//

As the voice left and didn't return, Daenerys was left with goosebumps from her recent experience. A man that can speak to her mind, command clouds and summon must be a god!

A-and he said he liked her. Also, the symbol seemed to nourish her body as she felt her hunger disappear and her complexion getting fairer by the minute.

It was now getting dark and her face was hit with the cold winds of the night, that unlike during the day, where chilly and freezing.

Huddling into a corner of the alley, she hugged her knees hoping to get some warmth. She was shaking from the cold as she was wearing thin clothes and was not left even a blanket from her brother.

Seemingly feeling her condition, the mark on her wrist glowed a very faint white light that warmed her immediately. It was as if she was inside her own caccoon where the cold outside couldn't touch her.

It was her first time feeling this safe and comforted. She smiled and dozed off into sleep.

Not knowing that a certain Virsal had just spent what remained of his B.E to buy a skill just for her...and him too of course.

_______Virsal POV_______



-Adjusts and conditions the area in my immediate surroundings so that I am the most comfortable I could be.

Blood Essence: 55


Feeling the warm breeze that suddenly engulfed me , I relished in the feeling. The COMFORTABLE skill was definitely worth the price, no matter the reason which I bought it for.

I already sent Mia back to the tent at sunset, the sun disappeared into the horizon just 10 minutes ago.

If I say my honest opinion, I would say the talk went well. I just hope I left a good enough Impression, well I would say I did pretty great considering she accepted me as her teacher.

After the bond was made, I immediately felt the condition of her body, it was malnourished, weak and frail, the only thing in her system were stail bread and some fruit skin leftovers.

This bastard Viserys...I will kill him with my own hands, I won't waste gold on him like on the show, he isn't worth such a poetic end.

Another thing I noticed from the bond is that she was 8 years old, which makes Viserys 16. And if Danny is 8, and she was born in 282-283 AC, which makes this year around 290 AC. Which is one year after the Greyjoy Rebellion.

Daenerys is supposed to be with Illyrio of Pentos in year 297, while season 1 of Game of Thrones occurs in 298 AC. So I have got some time to teach Daenerys how to be a good queen, her version in the show, although admirable, she had no idea how to properly govern, which led most of th cities she conquered to be worse off than they were initially.

Standing up, I dust my clothes and head to the my tent. After a short walk, I entered, only to see Mia and Mary on the floor eating in the corner.

It wasn't them eating on the floor that triggered me, most Dothraki do, it was the food they were eating. One piece of bread and a large scoop of horse food, which is just some edible plants thrown together.

I walk over to them and ask "Why are you eating this food?"

Before they could answer, another slave which I hadn't noticed standing behind them answered.

"They are eating the normal food for slaves my Khal"

Looking over, I inquired "Since when have they been eating this?"

"Since they were brought here my Khal" the slave answered with her head down.

My face turned dark, I then ordered the slave to prepare me a sumptuous dinner and went to sit in the dining area right beside the Khals seat.

The dining area was just a round peice of wood were food is placed and some soft cushions for people to sit.

After waiting for a while, steaming hot food was brought in. The food consisted of steaming joints of meat and thick black sausages and Dothraki blood pies, and side dishes of fruits and sweetgrass stews and delicate pastries all the way from the kitchens of Pentos.

Mia and Mary just finished their meal and were about to excuse themselves when I called. The arouma of the food already wafted over to them, and I can see Mia drooling...cute.

"Come here and eat"

"But we can't my lord-" I interrupted Mary and spoke again with a tone that left no room for discussion.

"I said come here and eat with me! You aren't like those other slaves, you are my personal slaves, you get to eat better, sleep on the same bed as I do and get clean clothes, which I am sure no other khal would do. So come here and eat."

Mary listened and reluctantly came over and sat opposite to me on the far end of the food, while Mia looked at me, I looked back and nodded and a smile bloomed on her face.

With a skip in her step, she rushed over and sat on my lap. Due to my recent evolution, I became quite bulky and much taller, now around 6ft, so Mia looked quite frail in comparison.

We all started eating, Mia and Mary both outstanded by the delicious food. After we finished we headed to my bed chamber, but not before I informed the previous slave to bring Mia and Mary food that is of the same quality as mine.

She looked surprised and envious, but hid it well and agreed.

In the bed chamber, Mia was already naked and ready to sleep, I swear she got some weird fetishes going on with the whole sleeping naked there with me, while Mary was still dressed and standing by the bed.

I took of my clothes and went under the covers, my right hand was already occupied by a certain Kuala that hung from it, while the right was currently free.

I motioned for Mary to come. The next thing I know she was undressing too, she came to the bedside and slept naked beside me, opened her legs and closed her eyes. Obviously getting ready for being humped by me.

I raised an eyebrow, what is this girl thinking? Thinking back, every night until now, I just fucked her without talking to her or just sleeping, except when she was injured.

Smiling, I place my right arm under Mary and pull her towards me into a hug. She opened her eyes and seemed surprised. She was currently laying on my chest, her head right next to mine.

"I seem to have led you to believe that to me, you are only my tool for pleasure, just some slave amongst countless others I fucked isn't that right?"

She remained silent, but I knew she agreed. So I continued warmly.

"However, you would be surprised to know I actually had my first time with you. So you ARE special. Now, I want yo u to sleep with peace of mind, I won't be doing anything tonight"

I then caressed her hair and back, at first she tensed up, but after a while she bagan melting in my embrace eventually hugging my chest and resting her head upon it.

Unlike Mia, who is energetic and lovely, Mary seemed to be the silent, submissive type, she barely spoke a word and only communicated by actions. Nonetheless, I have plans for her to be like my secretary, no this isn't the right description. I want her to be like how Missandei was to Danny.

With one final kiss on both their heads, my vision slowly slipped into darkness