Update and Training


First of all, sorry for the previous hiatus and the probable inconsistency going forward.

The story is about to pick up, fast. I will not post regularly at all, since I'm real busy, but I went back and started editing the previous chapters.

Anyways, Enjoy~


Sleeping in the naked embrace of a beauty, one would expect to wake up refreshed and rejuvenated, with high spirits and morale for a great day ahead. What happened to me ;however, was the opposite.

"Haaaaaaaaaah!!"I gasped loudly as I woke up from sleep.

My heart beating like galloping horses and cold sweat covering my back and forehead. It was only after a minute or two that I finally managed to calm myself down slightly.

'A nightmare' I thought. It's been a while since I had one.

Everyday that passes without me avenging my parents and letting their spirit rest in peace adds more weight on my mind. I first tried to ignore this guilt, opting to hide my sorrow and thirst for vengeance in order to organise the khalasar and prepare a proper force that shall shake Westeros.

Yet all those supressed emotions kept on building up, eventually flooding my mind and breaking the dam I built to hide them.

This matter isn't as simple as killing the assassins who killed them. Assassins are like knifes in the hands of the assailant, merely tools, a means to an end. What I want is the one behind those assassins.

Unlike the past, I now posses the strength of an original Vampire, in fact, I was stronger than even those from the show yet I had no way of measuring by how much.

I am 90% sure it was one of the maestors of Pentos. They are the only ones to benefit from this happening. The dilemma is that the iron bank has huge influence in Pentos, so if I go after Pentos without being strong enough to take down Braavos and the iron bank along with it, I will be doomed to fail and possibly di- no scratch that thought unless my weakness is exposed, my death is currently an impossibility.

The Iron bank will have its due after all. But so will I. I don't know why I've been acting like a whimp ever since my parents died. Is it because I was afraid of losing more people close to me? Despite being slaves, and despite telling myself not to care about them, I find myself having affection and care to those two little slaves by my side.

But I shall cower no more. I already have enough strength to eradicate all the top leagues of Pentos. I'm also certain of my ability of facing an entire legion single handedly... And winning.

A few more years are needed for me to organise an army strong enough to face Pentos and Braavos combined. The iron bank is also likely to hire mercenaries and sell swords to fight for it, further increasing the challenge ahead. This is from a strategic standpoint, the reality however, is that I can kill them all myself.

My rational side is telling me that there is no way this is just regular GOT world, there might be other supernatural creatures besides the ones I know of. So caution is needed.

For now though, I need to check on how my khalasar's training is coming along.


A voice from beside me grabbed my thoughts. I glance to my side to see a naked Mary, the sunlight falling from the carcks of the tent glimmering on her skin and platinum-blonde hair, further enhancing her allure.

Suddenly gaining an urge to kiss the angel in front of me, I placed my hand on her cheeks and quickly closed the distance between us, landing a kiss on her soft pink lips.

She seemed surprised but didn't resist at all, instead she began kissing me back. I quickly stopped before this got any further and just watched as she got up and rubbed her sleepy eyes.

Turning to look back at me, her eyes shook a little as she winced. Confused, I tilted my head at her. Understanding the meaning behind my gesture, she stutteringly replied albeit softly.

"Y-your eyes a-re r-red"

"Oh" That's right, my eyes turn red under extreme negative emotions, and having a nightmare about my dead mother would surely suit that description.

I closed my eyes and calmed my nerves. My years of meditation coming into play as I quickly calmed down.

Opening them again, I looked at her again and smiled with my now sky blue eyes. Her eyes brightened in response and she returned my smile. I then smirked as I teased.

"You were a little beast last night Mary~ Who knew you had such a side to you, look, you don't even cover yourself anymore. Geez, and they call me vulgar!"

It was then that she realised she was naked beside me, and remembering what we did last night and how she acted like a rabbit in heat, her face resembled a tomato as she jumped under the fur sheets of the bed. She usually slept naked beside me, but not so openly.

"Ha...HAHAHA" After a long hearty laughter, which also woke up Mia who slept beside her sister this time, I stood up and dressed in my usual black pants.

Unlike most Dothraki, I didn't have a single tattoo on my skin, not to sound like a wussy, but saying their tattooing techniques were outdated even for this era was an understatement.

The show protrayed their tattooing to be streamlined and perfect, the reality, however, is disappointing. They looked more like children's doodling than tattoos.

The few decent ones I've seen were drawn by professionals from Pentos or slaves that knew how to tattoo that they chanced upon (rarely).

Being around 6ft while still being 11 years old is unheard of. Due to my evolutions, I've instantly grown to a prime body shape that is the most suitable for me. So unless I buy some more skills or experience another Evolution, I'm stuck with this body whether I grow older or not.

Not that I'm complaining, having the mind of an adult and the body and physical reactions of a kid can be quite.. bizzare at times. I'm already chizzled enough from my years of training. Evolution maximizes your body's potential, not necessarily granting you defined abs and a tight ass.

So if I was skinny before evolution, I would be still skinny now, albeit better. This fact saved me from having a breakdown. For if I had gotten the same body result without the rigorous hours of daily exercise I had gone through...I-I'm afraid I would have gone to the dark side a long time ago.

It is always calling to me...

Whispering to me...

Enticing me to go over...

But resist I will, for unbroken I am, and strong me is! Thanks Yoda, for your wisdom.

"Get clothed, eat up, then meet me outside, it's about time you two got bonded to me." I addressed them as I left, though they didn't understand what being bonded to me entailed, they obeyed nonetheless.

Strolling out of the my personal tent, I called over the slave girl that was cleaning the main tent area outside. Unlike field slaves, house slaves dressed quite nicely and we're mostly well dressed and fed.

My eyes turned light red as I spoke.

"Remain silent. Follow what I say, and forget everything that I do to you after I leave the tent."

After being CHARMED, her eyes turned hazy and clouded as she nodded. Walking over, I held her neck, located her artery, and drove my canines inside, easily piercing her soft, warm skin.

As expected, she didn't wince, breakfast was served as warm fresh blood poured into my mouth and down my throat. My SENSE allowed me to quite literally feel the amount of blood inside her, so I knew when to stop.

After finishing my meal, I fed her a drop of my blood to cure any lingering side effects and remove my bite mark. Although my blood can only heal injuries I caused myself, it can be quite handy in these types of situations, and well you know, torture :).

Forgot to mention that Mary and Mia both know that I'm a vampire. A simple don't panic compell and a compell for them to keep it a secret and voala! They didn't seem to believe it that much though, well I couldn't blame them, they will see soon enough.

I then left the tent and headed to the training grounds, where my three bloodriders were training the Dothraki.

I realized early on that Dothraki + Armor = Spicy chicken soup...Nah seriously, wearing armour in this hot weather is bound to get them a heatstroke and a couple of burns to decorate their bodies.

In addition, their combat ability while wearing heavy armor dropped drastically, however that doesn't change the fact that no armour is a first class ticket to Dothraki heaven.

And so, I decided to use Roman light armour which consisted of golden looking leg and arm gaurds, brown leather skirt while the torao and chest are covered by a flexible leather breastplate covered by golden tightly interlinked chainmail. I decided to not include a helmet for obvious reasons.

Although it looked like gold, it was just brass, an unfamiliar eye will easily mistake this for gold, not that this isn't to my advantage.


The Dothraki have included my specialised modern military training alongside their usual Dothraki training. And instead of being a jack of most trades Master of none rule, assigning them roles such as archer and spearman seemed to leave them more time to focus on those.

It turns out from what my bloodriders told me that the training is going perfectly. I will leave them some time to adjust to the new armour before I attack all the nearby khalasar.

Speaking of armours, I obviously didn't have enough plundered items and gold to buy enough materials to make enough for every warrior. Seems like some funds are long overdue.

Although I could simply do more raids, it isn't a long term thing, and the Dothraki are in an important phase of their training so I don't want to disturb them since this isn't a major issue.

No worries though, I will be heading over to Pentos soon and I have a masterplan that will put most villians to shame, even rivaling sales tactics of large medicine firms from my past life.

[ EE77- Serum Synthesis

-A desease that evaporates and diffuses upon contact with air, releasing a contagious desease that effects the optical nerves of the infected's right eye, blinding him/her. An infected can infect others upon skin contact.

Duration: All remaining EE77-Serum will disintegrate after 7 days from diffusion date. Anyone who is infected during said duration will remain blinded but will not be able to infect others.

Cost: 10 B.E (per use)]

By releasing this chemical serum into the air in Pentos and infecting the population, panick will ensue and people will start looking for a way to cure their eye. And because I have the HEALING LIGHT skill, I will start healing them from the generosity of my heart at the cheap cost of 100 Copper (100 dollars).

Though extracting this ability from my soul (singularity) seemed to be a bit harder for some reason, I felt a bit of fatigue building up...well a problem for future me to deal with.

This will achieve two objectives, first is the funding I need and more. Second is that I will be hailed as a fortune bringer and massiah, thus enhancing my reputation and spreading it far and wide for when I conquer the free cities in the future. Hopefully.

And using the money, I will start putting all the various businesses I have in mind into motion.

As I was checking on the training of the Dothraki, seeing them start to implement various attack, defense and manoeuvre strategies, my SENSE alerted my of two people coming up behind me.

I turned with a small smile seeing the two beautiful sisters arrive wearing their tight, leather training outfits. I walk over to Mary and gave her a quick peck on her lips, to which she smile brightly, and spanked her bouncy bottom as I passed to ruffle little Mia's golden hair, earning myself a cute shriek.

"Alright" I clapped.

"We'll now learn about the vital points in the human body that need to be attacked to deal the most critical amounts of damage, as well as where to direct your attacks in order to deal as much pain as possible, causing a slow death, knocking someone out or to cause harmless attacks."

They both nodded seriously. I smirked.

"First though, you two will get your very own BOND"

They looked up at me confused. I simply smiled, walked over and held their wrists.

There was no dramatic lightning like with Danny,bI simply willed it while holding their palms and it slowly burned itself onto their skin. It apparently stung a bit judging by the twitch on their faces. Yet they seemed to like it with the looks of admiration they gave it.

"Now, now, did you already forget about the morning laps? Go! Come here when you've done 3 laps around the khalasar!"

With various groans of annoyance, they both scurried off. Now, I have to contact my little dragon queen and have her join in the training.

Using my bond, I can tell she was still sleeping. So I spoke in a hushed tone.

//Little Dragon~ Time to wake up, you'll miss the bu- your training.//

I almost brought out my childhood memories into the speech.

"Mmmnnn" Danny groaned but remained asleep.

//Sigh. I didn't intend to do this but you brought this on yourself//

Activating our bond, the mark on Daenerys's wrist glowed in a faint blue glow until a mild electrical shock spread throughout her entire body.

Instantly, her eyes snapped open as her heart started beating uncontrollabely. She immediately straightened up, gasping, and locked around in obvious wariness.

//Calm down, that was me//

Hearing th deep calming voice once again calmed her down quickly. Holding back tears as frowning, she asked.

"Why did you do that! Also, why did you disappear yesterday! I thought, *sniff thought- idiot!"


// Calm down now. That was simply to wake you up//

Although the strange warmth that suddenly enveloped her along with his deep voice eased her anger and shock, her pride as a Targaryen still refused to be subdued. Her brother made sure to instill that in her, whatever she may lose, she must never lose her family's pride, her pride.

Fortunately, being nothing but a child, she only pouted and muttered.

"Humph! I don't forgive you!"

'Ugh! I'm not sure I want to have children in the future' thought Virsal, but was still amused at her antics.

//Suit yourself, guess no training for today too//



Being desperate to finally be strong enough, Danny will not shy away from the opportunity, so she but her lips and replied in a low voice "I-I mean, I forgive you.."

//Hm? I didn't quite hear you, would you mind speaking a just a tad bit louder?// He smiled.

A vein appeared on Danny's face as she gritted her teeth.

"You're Forgiven!! Please teach me!!!"

// Accepted~ Okay, listen. I want you to head to a secluded area for us to start. I will be sensing the posture and position of your body through the bond while instructing you so pay attention to my instructions//

Nodding, she got up and headed deeper inside the alley until she came upon a secluded gap the shape of a square surrounded by the backs of buildings.

==Virsal POV==

I then trained Mia, Mary and Danny together for the next four hours. Some of the time was spent in theoratical knowledge and acted as a break between exercises.

Danny seemed to have more talent in swordplay than in daggers and hand to hand combat, while Mia was a natural at sneaky and precise attacks, she can grow up into an amazing assassin.

Mary on the other hand, didn't excell at fighting at all, she was half descent in martial arts and had to hand combat but a total nightmare with any kind of weapons. What shehad going for her was how she absorbed knowledge like a sponge as well as her smarts and management skills.

These skill sets will allow Mary to be a wonderful coin master or hand of the king purely off of her economic, political and managerial talent.

After the long day of training, we all had a fun bath together, but unfortunately, they were too tired for anything else afterwards and fell asleep straight after. I thought of just going out and humping one of the servants but changed my mind and opted for a nice calm sleep while spooning and embracing Mary, which she seemed to enjoy judging by the contented smile that formed on her face.

The more time I spend with her the more I begin to like her, I even stopped simping so much after Danny. However no matter how much I want to, Mary can't be my wife, at least not the main one.

Daenerys is a Targaryen whether anyone agrees or not, and I will need her if I were to rule the seven kingdoms. Although I can just take over the Throne, some factions would still object and plot behind my back similar to what spider did to the Userper king Robert Baratheon. I'd rather avoid the trouble.

Plus, After getting to know her, although Danny is a little conceited, she is a good person and is deeply hurt from the mistreatment she suffered from her brother.

Tomorrow is a big day, I will be heading to Pentos, then I can finally put all my plans in motion.