Pentos and Beginning Operation

I woke up from the sensation of something soft trying to leave my embrace, reflexively, I tightened my grip and the feeling of softeness returned, especially two places pressed against my chest, how curious.

Opening my eyelids, I was welcomed my a blushing Mary who was struggling, and failing, to leave my embrace as she was currently glued to my body. Fortunately she was in her nightgown, or I wouldn't have been able to remain idle in the night.

Since vampires don't really need sleep, I just enter a resting state, meaning I feel everything around me as I normally would, just closing my eyes is all. Yet I still get nightmares, this shit is bullcr*p.

With a kiss to her forehead, I stood up and started preparing necessities for my short travel to Pentos. While I could wait for one of the usual merchants to lead me there, I was going incognito. I noticed that I was socially awkward and didn't know how to start conversations, I barely spoke for god's sake, Welp, nothing I could do. I kind of enjoy the silence honestly.

It was barely sunrise and the cool morning breeze hit me head on, making me hair flutter behind me. Looking around, the sight of the Dothraki doing sit ups greeted me. Hmm. Hmm.

After instructing the bloodriders and bidding farewell to the sisters, I rode my regal black horse and strode away.

It was a twelve hour journey, and the further away I got from the khalasar the more the lush wildlife disappeared and was replaced by barren soil and short meadows of the Flatlands. I never really noticed, but the area around my khalasar always seemed more vibrant compared to any other area around it.

Mmm. It could be a side effect of my magic. But that would mean that it was leaking from my it?!


Pshshsh, whatever, I can't feel magic around me yet, and I have no idea how to stop it, besides what could possibly happen...I just raised a flag didn't I? Hope this doesn't come to bite me in the ass. (It did)

I arrived at the gates at sunset. The security at the gate was, questionable. Since I managed to enter without getting searched at all. Only paid a small fee.

It is kind of ironic really, they often pay us tributes to leave their trade caravans alone. Pentos is a large seaport consisting of squat brick buildings and a number of large palaces and holdings, both within the walls and outside on the plains known as the Flatlands. Pentos's location makes it especially vulnerable to raids. As such the Pentoshi merchants often opt to feasting and gifting the passing Dothraki warlords with lavish parties and gifts to appease them into not destroying their holdings.

I have been to a few of them myself. From what I recall, Pentos is famous for trading cheese and of course slaves. While 'illigal', wealthy merchants and magisters flout this law and keep bronze-collared "servants" that are slaves in all but name.

Enjoying the sea's breeze and its salty fragrance, I stroll along the shore as I think carefully about my next moves. I sigh, it's been a while since I saw the sea, it's so foreign yet familiar to me.

Pointing a finger upwards, I activate EE77- Serum Synthesis, and immediately, an invisible gas starts to get released into the air around me.

Now in order to spread it and not let the wind just scatter it randomly into some farm, I use WEATHER CONTROL and direct the wind to carry the Serum all over Pentos.

Similar to lightning, the wind I can control via WEATHER CONTROL isn't enough to cause harm.

Since I'm finished with my plan, I head to a nearby home to get some rest, it was an average square home one story high, possibly owned by a middle class citizen. Without bothering to knock, I kick the door lightly, causing it to fly off of its rusty hinges.

Oops. Smiling wryly, I speak "Anyone home~"

What greeted me was a couple in bed who were scared shitless. The bare chested man with a Griff appearance and unkempt beard angrily stomped his way towards me and shouted with a face red with anger.

"(Dirty Valyrian) Who the fuck da ye think ya are cocksucker!?! You've broken my door and barged into my house like you fuckin' own the damn place!?"

The angry man held my collar as he ranted in a language I did not understand. Shit, I should probably have learned more from Mary about Valyrian. Most free cities speak Dirty Valyrian with minor differences between each one.

"(Dirty Valyrian) Why the hell are ya not talking eh?! Cat caught yer tongue?!" With that sentence, the man tried to punch me with a right hook to my face, emphasis on tried.

I held his Punch with my right palm with zero force and tilted my head with a nonchalant expression.

"(Modern English) Tsk, tsk. Big mistake." I spoke.

The man seemed a little shaken, he felt as if he had hit iron, all that and the man infront of him didn't seem to be trying. His knuckles were bruised as cold sweat started to soak his back as he came to the realization he was completely and utterly outmatched, this man was way out of his league.

I smiled as I noticed the look of realization finally dawn on his face. With a horizontal karate chop that appeared as a blur, his head separated from his body. A fountain of blood sprayed on me. I frowned.

"Disgusting" if this was a woman's or a virgin's blood I wouldn't mind, but this was unsavoury. I activated COMFORTABLE and all the blood on me vanished. Haaa~. Definitely my most convenient ability.

The woman who was hiding on the bed appeared frozen with fear, her eyes shaken in disbelief as she saw her husband's head leave his body. "AHHHHHHHHHH" she screamed in horror as soon as she came back to her senses.

"Tsk" this noise is going to attract people.

I used vamp speed as I instantly appeared besides her, I squeezed her neck 'gently' so as not to break it accidentally.

My eyes turned slightly red as I used COMPELL. "Don't speak"

Removing my hand, I was surprised as she started to scream again. A vein popped on my head as I smiled irritability.

"WOMAN SHUT UP" my eyes turned fully blood red, the noisy woman was scared into silence as she started shaking. Anyway, that was weird. Was she immune to compell? No, she smelled like a human.

Is her willpower stronger than average then? Looking at her flabbergasted appearance, I shook my head. Then it dawned on me, she didn't understand me.

I only know how to speak Dothraki and the common tongue as it was quite similar to English, maybe a little Dirty Valyrian from Mary but that's it. While Mind Link overrides any language barriers, which is how I spoke with Danny who also spoke Valyrian, however..

Compell only works if the target 'hears' me as my voice will then access their brain through their ears and do it's compelling thingy, so I won't be able to simple use Mind Link on her. Sigh, troublesome.

"(Dirty Valyrian) You...not speak" I said with difficulty, ugh, I'm speaking like a toddler.

Her eyes turned dull as she finally stopped whimpering, she was still shaking like a fucking vibrator though, damn~.

I moved to the man on the ground and used Blood Crystallization to turn every ounce of blood inside him into 4 small ruby-like marbles. It was only four not five since a bit of blood was lost.

[A/N: The average adult has about 4 to 6 liters of blood (9 to 12 US pints) in their body. The average man has more blood than the average woman, and people who weigh more or are taller than others have more blood. A person can die from losing 2 1/2 to 3 liters of blood.]

I threw the marbles into my mouth then left the dried wood-like corpse and headed to bed. The woman, while average in appearance, has a Very large pair of titties.

Placing my palm on her neck, I squeezed certain muscles slightly John Wick style and she fell unconscious. Tearing off her nightgown, I grabbed one tit with my right hand and fondled it roughly. I kneaded and stretched them to my desire as they spilled out between my fingers.

Mmm. Nice, soft and warm. My palm didn't even fit all of it.

I then slept with the heavenly sensation in my hand.

Waking up the next morning, the first thing I noticed was the unholy smell of the man's corpse as it started rotting slightly.

The second thing, was that the pair of large bazongaz that I played with all night were black and blue from how roughly I fondled them. She didn't seem to feel it though as she was unconscious.

I placed my hand on her mouth as I wanted to test something. Activating blood crystallisation, I crystallized exactly 1 litre of blood into a small marble that soon came out of her mouth. Excellent.

Replacing me hand, I crystallized the rest of her blood until she died of blood loss and her skin continued to shrivel till it appeared like that of a petrified mummy.

I ate the four blood marbles I just obtained. Mmm~ definitely better tasting than that asshole.


"Mm?" Using my SENSE, which allows me to sense every living organism with blood around me in Red while everything else was grey and black, I can tell it was a young lad around 18.

Sigh, I walk towards the door and suddenly pierce my hand through the wooden door, which I reinstalled before I slept, right through the poor lad's heart Klaus Mickelson style.

"Cough, pfff" the lad coughed blood and the light in his eyes disappeared right after. I removed my hand still containing his heart, brought it to my mouth and squeezed.

Thick blackish blood then slithered like honey into my mouth. Mmn~. Delicious~. 6/10.


Going outside, I dried his blood up into another 4 Blood Marbles, ate them, then threw the body into the house.

Heading into the streets, I was euphoric, words can't describe my excitement. A different world huh? It never really hot meas much as it does now. Different buildings, clothes, people, cultures traditions, kingdoms, money. Amazing.

People were going on with the hustle and bustle of their daily lifes, along with the occasional panicked man or woman rushing down the street....hmm?

Looking closely, all those running had their right eyes closed with grotesque red viens growing from it. Thanks to the handy work of my serum, hundreds of people were infected and blinded overnight, with more getting infected every minute.

Stretching and cracking my muscles, I headed to work. I wore the black Assassins Creed themed robe and a porcelain black mask that only had openings for the eyes.

Like this, only my sky blue eyes were visible through the mask, even my hands were covered with black leather gloves.

Following the infected citizens, I soon arrive at a large square with what I assume to be a hospital or something with a similar function to one being crowded with one eye blind people.

From how the healthy ones still accompanied the infected ones, it's safe to assume they are not yet aware of its infectious properties. I bet a hundred bucks these middle aged Wana be doctors are trying every type of Vodoo bullshit that they can to cure this. I can't wait to see the panic that will ensue next once they realise what's coming.

Once they realise that this disease is both incurable by their means and extremely infectious. Hehe~ A good show is about to begin, and only I have the strings to control the show.


Here is a Fun Fact, this chapter is 2023 words long~