Sister's Talk, Pylis and the Attack

____The khalasar____

---The Day Virsal left---

-Nighttime, in the bedroom-

Mary was in the bed trying to sleep when Mia walked in. She stood looking at her sister sadly in silence until she couldn't hold it anymore.

"Sister...why don't you talk to me like you used to!" She said at the brink of tears.

"Do *sniff* you hate Mia now!?"

"Is it because of the kiss I gave you*sniff*, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, *cries* please don't hate Mia..."

Mary who was in bed heard all this and in an instant straightened up and shouted, "Don't be stupid! How could I hate my sister! Don't say something like that again!"

She then approached and hugged the crying Mia softly, "I love my little sister the most"

"I love *sniff* sister too"

"I'm sorry I was avoiding you Mia, I just... didn't know how to face you after what we did" she tightened her hug.

"Because you didn't like it..." Murmured Mia in a barely audible voice.

But Mary heard it and replied in a similar tone, "Because I did"

They remained in each other's long forgotten embrace until Mary broke the silence with a question of her own.

"Mia, what do you think of Virsal"

Mia didn't even think and said, "Well, at first he was a little cold and treated sister badly, so I didn't like him because he hurt sister"

"But then, he became nice sister and to me too, we eat better food now, he plays with me often, he teaches me and sister stuff bad papa never did, and makes me a lot of toys to play with" she said with a smile.

"Plus, he hugs Mia to sleep" she excitedly explained. "He's so warm, he's arms are so strong too, and--and he is very pretty, I've never seen such a beautiful man!"

Mary seeing her sister getting all excited and fan girling, laughed softly.

"What about you sister, do you like him, I-I mean, last time you did it for hours" Mia's face turned red.

A rosy colour immediately bloomed on Mary's face, "You-you watched us?"

Mia smiled cheekily "Of course, I've never seen sister so energetic, hehe~"

Pinching Mia's cheek Mary said, "You naughty perverted girl, not even sparing your sister!"

They then broke into laughter together. Mary remained silent for a while then spoke.

"On the night he...'did' it with me, it hurt all over, I cried myself to sleep and even when I passed out, he didn't stop..."

She paused silently then continued, "I thought about killing myself, but I didn't dare leave sister alone, I thought I would have had to endure stuff like that everyday and I lost hope."

Mia tightened her grip around her sister when she heard her.

"But after he saved us from the bad men the day he lost his parents, he was different. Although he was still rough with me, the pain would always disappear afterwards by some miracle he did, and he always hugged me from behind to sleep."

"Since mother died, I've never experienced such warmth, his chest was so sturdy behind me and his big hands wrapped around me made me feel safe"

"I got so used to the feeling that I now struggle to sleep without him. And two days ago, he finally stopped being rough and I had the most wonderful experience in my life."

"I-I didn't know men l-licked the woman they slept with do-down their too." Her face reddened, while Mia looked on with a hint of jealousy.

"The more time we spent together, the more I liked him, he doesn't treat us like slaves at all, we eat good food, sleep on his bed and train with him personally"

Mia smiled seeing her sister blush, "Oh~ Sister loves him then? You want to have his kids~" She covered her snicker.

Mary was silent then spoke in a mosquito like voice, "Y-yes"

Mia's eyes widened, and her mouth opened into an egg shape, she then smiled and jumped around.

"Then I want his babies too!!"


They both then got to bed and tried to sleep, which didn't work at all.

Mia said while using her trained puppy eyes, "Hey sister, I got used to being hugged to sleep, can I hug you?"

"Mnm" Mary nodded.

"Yaay" Mia then immediately striped and went on to strip her sister too.

"Wha-wha-wha-what are y-you doing Mia!" Mary flustered, shouted.

"Don't we always sleep like this now?" Mia tilted her head.

"Sigh~ okay."

The sisters then got naked and hugged each other, with Mia's face resting on her big sister's bosom.

"Good night Sister"

"Good night Mia"



__Virsal POV__

After the commotion and wonderful display of my splendid abilities I returned inside the apothecary and resumed taking advantage of-- *cough* healing the patients that arrived.

Taking advantage of the situation to mae valuable connections, I asked everyone who came about their lives. I asked the masters about their businesses, the slaves about their owners, and woman about their husbands and skills, which led to me recruiting some talented young woman to work for me.

Quite a few homeless or discarded children also arrived, I told them they can remain inside with me, I will bring them back to the khalasar and train them up. Some of the kids went out and called over their orphaned friends and so, the peace and quiet seized and was replaced by the noisy catter of children.

I turned to glare at them with my red eyes..the biggest mistake of my life. They just began to cry and weep, some even shit their pants!

Rubbing my templates and growing more irritated by the second, the young maidens on the side sensed this and hurriedly comforted the kids. Finally, peace and quiet once more.

It was all going smoothly until a servant arrived who was unable to pay, she was dressed lightly and had a cute face, and it's been two days so...

"You can pay me by other means." I smirked at the young lady.

She froze as she understood me, but walked towards me nonetheless with shaky steps. Her trembling hand reached out to me pants to uncover my dragon when I suddenly remembered Mary and Daenerys back home as well as the hundreds of kids in the rooms.

I held her wrist tightly "Sigh, no need, just give me a shoulder rub and we're good"

I can literally feel her breath out a sigh of relief and her shoulders slumped.

Damn, when did I become so moral? I'm pretty sure I wouldn't flinch if I broke her neck right now so is it because of the girls at home? I don't really care, I just felt like not doing it.

I made some of the merchants I've met promise me raw materials, lands and I of course made them pay more than average. By the end of the day, I had hundreds of kids, servants and young maidens at my disposal, as well as tonnes of materials like iron, wheat, wood etc. Plus some horses, sheep and cattle from farmers.

Haaaaah~, sometimes I admire my own genius. Aside from the things I've mentioned, I've amassed a fortune of blood marbles and gold. There was even a small time Magister that arrived, I coerced--*Cough* *Ahem*, persuaded him to give me an abandoned dock he owned near the west side of the shoreline.

Now I can leave some people here to start building ships which will be needed en masse when I eventually invade Westeros.

I think the reason more magistrates didn't get infected is that they separated themselves in their high mansions and homes, self quarantine.

It was finally time to leave, the serum was still in the air so I'm sure more people will be infected over time. Afterthat, I ordered the servants I bought to each carry a little bit of the materials and transport it to one of my new lands.

It was a large wooden warehouse in a rather remote area, just as I desired. Even with a the kids, maidens and servants helping, it still took all night to transport everything.

Even then, we left stuff like marble and iron behind as it was too heavy for them, and I was too lazy to transport it myself. Now....what the hell do I do will all those people?!

Sighing heavily I got to work, I paired up a couple of children with a few woman and told them the address of one of my new properties. I repeated the same until only one woman was left...what a surprise *wink* *wink*.

She had moderate breasts, light brown hair that fell forming small bangs on her forehead, and clear hazel eyes.

"So, what's your name beauty?" I asked whike removing my mask briefly and flashing a charming smile.

The girl's eyes widened upon seeing my face, she thought that since I hid my face then I must be disfigured or something, yet such a handsome man as myself? She blushed a little and answered "Pylis, m-my lord?" She appeared a little troubled on how to refer to me.

[A/N: Pylis is pronounced Pie-lis]

[Pylis Image]

"You may refer to me as the Grand Great Dragon Master!" I shrugged.

Her eyes widened and I swear I heard her chuckle a little, "As you wish, Grand Great Dragon Master"

We stood staring at each other, both of us looking constipated holding in our laughter.

"I'm just----currently...m-mssing the dragon-pfft"

Until I finally slipped a little laugh which opened the dams as we both fell into hysterical laughter.



I quite like this girl.

Wiping a tear of the corner of my eyes, I pulled the little vixon and headed into one of the wealthiest areas in Pentos, people here refer to it as the Malard area. It was a section of the city full of large mansions and palaces of luxury as only the wealthiest could afford it here.

As we entered, I noticed the air seemed cleaner and the ground more polished. Greenery hugged the path as we strolled in accompanying the fragrance of the various plethora of flowers that coloured the area.

Pylis looked around in wonder and stars in her eyes, I don't think she ever came here before. I wasn't as shocked, Earth had luxury unseen in this world, so I was a little accustomed.

"Like what you see?"

"mmm,mm" she nodded absentmindedly.

We headed to a large mansion made of polished white stones, 3 stories high with a large courtyard and a private beach. The whole area of the land is that of a football field. Let's just say the person who gave me this was... desperate.

The third floor only consisted of a bedroom and a large ass balcony, the second floor was the solar, the study room and a small private library. The ground floor, which is the largest had an indoor pool in its own room decorated extravagantly with marble and gold.

[A/N: A solar served as a kind of parlour to which the family of the owner of the manor, house or castle could retire from the bustling communal activities.]

It also has a humongous dining hall for feasts and festivals with a little round hall connected to it for social events. All in all, it was quite satisfactory.

"You head up first Pylis and wait for me" I ordered to which Pylis complied after hearing my serious tone of voice.

My eyes narrowed at a nearby alley behind me, some people have been following me since I left the apothecary, if it was anyone else, they wouldn't be noticed at all, bu did they really think I wouldn't see them? I have SENSE baby. Besides I could smell blood from a mile away.

I slowly took off my black gloves elegantly as I headed towards them, time for me to have some fun~ And teach everyone who's after me the price of doing so.

"Come out!" I shouted coldly.

After a few seconds, still nobody came.

"I know you're there, it's no use hiding. There are five of you too by the way. Believe me now?"

Slowly but surely, 4 men dressed in black attire from head to toe came out of the shadowy alley.

The leader who wore a red headband over his black covered head spoke in a husky voice standing Infront of me while the rest 'sneakily' inched sideways in an attempt to surround me and cut off any escape routes.

"You're coming with us"

"And what if I don't want to? If I were to be honest, all my power comes from an ancient box of great power!"

His eyes shined as he contemplated.

"Then hand it over!"

"I can't" I said with an unreadable expression.

The man held the dagger in his hand to my throat and said, "Might you explain why that is so?"

I acted terrified and said shakily "I-its stuck sir"

"Mm? Stuck were?"

"Stuck v-very very deep sir!"

He was growing irritated, "Where is it stuck!!"

My frightened expression slowly disappeared and was replaced by a smirk as I said cooly "It's stuck..very deep up my ass!"


I could literally feel his anger and irritation oozing out of him, so I continued with a teasing expression.

"Calm down, if you really want it, you could probably get it out if you really go IN THERE, but be sure to use a lubricant or something it'll make it easier" I provoked while smiling wickedly.

The man's face was red with rage and his teeth were clenched almost as tightly as his asshole. Almost.

"Don't look at me like that, you're making me embarrassed" I squirmed in place. I could swear the man just coughed out blood, I thought that was a wuxia thing but apparently not.

Now for the final blow, I blushed and said with a soft tone, "I-I'll shave it for you"

"Pfffffffffffgghgt" The man then sprayed blood out of his mouth and collapsed to the ground. Sheesh, manage your blood pressure man. However I wasn't any better as I started laughing at what I just did.

"Ahahahahahahhh, That ahahahah, was pffft, go-golden! BWAHAHAHAHA"

While I was holding my stomach laughing, one of the other men sneak attacked me from behind, I causally dodged his blow, held his hand and with a firm squeez it broke into pieces.

"Aaaaaaaaah" The man screamed from agony, not that I didn't like it.

Now, how hard of a kick to the balls does it take to kill a man? A curious question that I wouldn't wish to ever be tested on any unfortunate man.

Hehe. I turn around and put about 30% of my strength into this kick as I taekwondo the shit out of his manhood.


What followed was an ear piercing, blood curdlingscream of absolute pain that made every man in Pentos shudder suddenly. Ouch, even my dick began to sting.

The man fell to the ground spasming, white foam out of his while his eyes stuck upwards. He was groaning like a zombie and uttering incomprehensible words.

"Tsk, tsk, let me put you out of your misery" I stepped on his skull, cracking slowly open and hearing the sweat sound of his skull getting cracked bit by bit until he died.

Taking my shoe off from the mess of brain matter and blood, I lamented "It's gonna take a while to scrub the blood off for sure, not that I'll be the one scrubbing"

The two remaining men teamed up and made a coordinated attack from both sides, I jumped and made a split kick mid- air that caved their heads in.

But as soon as I fell back down to the ground, an arrow flew straight to the back of my skull. I turned around and caught the arrowhead between my index finger and thumb.

Despite it being nighttime, I was the predator of the night, I saw clearly if not better than I did during the day. I think swirled the arrow in my hand and held its tail.

"My turn"

I threw it like one would throw a dart and it struck the man's thigh. I wanted him alive for some good old interrogation/torture.

While I walked towards him, I reasoned "I mean didn't you hear the first thing I said? I clearly said there were 5 of you yet only four of you showed up, obviously I knew one of you was hiding and knew were he was so like, What's the point of hiding in THE SAME SPOT! Damn, you obviously have room temperature IQ!"

The man looked up to me defiantly, "FOR THE GLORY OF THE PRINCE!" He then bit down on his teeth swallowing poison.

My eyes shined in delight, "THIS SHIT IS REAL?! People really do this Hail Hydra bullshit? Wasn't it like a movie thing?"

But I was right, he really does have room temperature IQ. Doesn't he know I can heal him back? It's literally why he's here.

Suddenly I felt a presence behind me, I quickly tilted my head to the left, as a silver dagger filled the spot my head once was. Turning around, I saw the leader of the group standing up and facing me with an icy expression.

"I'll pay back the humiliation you gave me today!" He said indignantly with his husky voice.

My smile returned, "Damn, drink some tea or something, maybe squeeze a lemon-"


We began exchanging blows, him with his dagger me with my hands, after a minute, he seemed to notice he was being toyed with and stopped.

He dropped the weapon and said, "It seems I am completely outmatched, I won't be able to win."

"May I have one final request?" The man said.

I walked towards him until we were inches apart, but before he could say anything, I passed my hand through his chest, ripping his heart out.

As his body fell to the ground, it revealed the small hidden dagger he had in his left hand. I'm glad I watched enough movies to avoid shit like this.

Walking back to the poisoned fellow and placing my hand on his head, I activated cure and just like that, he was no longer poisoned, hallalooya!

The man slowly opened his eyes only for his face to morph to one of horror at my smiling face.

"Now, now, that's not how you look at someone who just saved your life" My smile widened as my eyes slowly turned red, I continued warmly.

"I'm sure we'll get to each other these coming hours VEEERY intimately, ha-haha, kwaahahahahaaa~"



Alternative Scene=]

"Pfffffffffffgghgt" The man then sprayed blood out of his mouth and collapsed to the ground. Sheesh, manage your blood pressure man. However I wasn't any better as I started laughing at what I just did.

"Ahahahahahahhh, That ahahahah, was pffft, go-golden! BWAHAHAHAHA"

While I was holding my stomach laughing, one of the other men said, "Umm, that's gay man"

"Huh?" My eyes turned cold as I looked at him, which petrified him in place.

Using the strength of an above average human, I knocked him down and started unleashing a flurry of punches. With each punch I would vent my frustrations.

"You're Gay!"


"Your bitch is gay"


"Your mother is gay!"

"Even a stick is gay! Oh, I slipped into a song~hehe."

Finishing, I stepped on his hand, breaking it into pieces in the process.

"Aaaaaaaaah" The man screamed from agony, not that I didn't like it.

"That's what you get for calling me gay! I love titties and I eat pussy better than a starved man eating beef!"