Cruze, Bloodshed, Pylis's Past

A/N: I give up, I spent the last 2 hours, down sizing, shrinking, reducing quality and cropping down the image of PYLIS to make it go on this F*cken app but nothing worked. I'll just go to sleep and try later, Sigh~

Update:- I managed to upload the photo, well the upper half of the photo, damn, you guys missed out on the good half, she had a nice piece of AS--*Cough* PERSONALITY~


__Magister Cruze's Manor__

"I sent 5 experts from the shadow squad to capture and bring him here, he's just a healer so he shouldn't be strong" said the young man known as Keys with his nose pointing to the sky, expecting praise.

"YOU DID WHAT?!" shouted an enraged magister Cruze to his son and heir, the blue haired young man Infront of him.

Apparently mistaking his father's rage with shock at his marvelous achievements, he continued, "Once we have him, we can force him to reveal his healing technique to us and with it, we will have the mightiest army in Pentos! Just imagine an army that can heal itself! We will be hailed as gods! And the common people will fight just to get treated!'

"And don't worry, I gave them poison capsules should they be captured, and instructed them to shout hail the prince before dying! Hahahah, how hilarious is that!? Hahaha--pffffft"

His ambitious speech was cut short when a raging Magister Cruze gave his lovely son a kiss with his right hook.

Magister Cruze had a widespread reputation of a regal, honourable man who was straightforward, disliked schemes and lies and always took debts seriously. His hair and beard were dyed blue after his late wife, which made people respect him even more.

[Magister Cruze]

He had sent his only daughter who was unfortunately infected to get healed, and when she returned all safe and healed up and explained to him what the man did, and that he healed people with only 2 silver stags, he knew he dealt with an honourable man who took pity on the weak.

Since that man healed his daughter, Magister CRUZE felt he was in his debt and was thinking of ways to repay him, maybe even 'lend' his daughter after getting to know him.

What he didn't expect was for his idiot son sent members of the shadow squad, which dealt assassinations and stealth missions, to hunt the man.

In the first place, he disliked the idea of forming such a squad, he see's assasinations as a way for only the weak. However his idiot son managed to convince him of the benefits such a squad would bring, like preventing assasinations against him and his family as well as collecting important information.

"You idiot of a son! Your greed blinded you! We are in debt to this man, the whole city is!" He shouted angrily with his gruff voice.

Hearing no response, he looked down only to find his son unconscious.

"Cierra!" He shouted.

A moment later, a light blue haired petite woman who looked like a divine fairy entered the room. She looked at her idiot of a brother and shook her head, he must have angered father agian.


She spoke with a soft, sweet voice, "Yes father?"

Rubbing his temples, Cruze spoke, "Go find out where The Healer went, and apologies to him on my behalf! Don't forget to invite him for a feast with me tomorrow night as an apology!"

"Right away" with that, Cierra bowed lightly and left.

"Sigh, my sweet daughter, you're the smartest and most talented of your siblings, unfortunately you're a girl, otherwise you would be my heir. Besides, you're the only one who inherited her late mother's blue hair" The magister lamented in a sad tone as he touched his own hair, which he dyed blue in 'honour' of his late wife.

However his eyes when he looked at his daughters back were filled with obsession...and lust?


__Luxury Mansion-Ground floor__

On a couch, a completely covered young man with a black mask on his face that was lifted up slightly to reveal his mouth was sitting.

On his lap was a youthful young woman straddling him, they were making out, his lips biting hers, her tongue going inside his mouth. The man rested his hand on her perky butt as he played with it while enjoying the savoury meal.

"Mngh~ ha~" The woman was Pylis who's face was red and out of breath and the man was Virsal who wasn't any better.

"Something is poking me" Pylis said with a teasing smile.

"Guess my little brother couldn't wait~. However we still can't do it"

"Why?" She said with a little sadness in her eyes.

"Same reason you're not alone, it's not safe now. Some people are just too greedy." Virsal said while thinking back to what the man he captured said after extensive torture, which Virsal enjoyed every second of.

'Magister Cruze's heir huh?' his eyes turned cold.

After 30 more minutes of continuous kissing and eating each other's lips, Pylis began growing sleepy in his arms and a moment later, her head collapsed on his chest.

Virsal smiled and started playing with her silky hair. 'She smells nice' He thought. Then as if in a trance, he slowly lowered his lips around her pearly white neck and opened his mouth slightly revealing his fangs.

He licked her collar bone, then when he was about to bite into his meal, a thin dart flew into his neck. Virsal 'collapsed' and appeared to be unconscious.

A minute later, tens of soldiers dressed in leather armor invaded the premise with swords in hand.

"Are you sure he's out?" Said a deep voice from the only man dressed in iron chainmail armour alongside iron armgaurds and leg guards. He stood out not only because of his massive frame, bit because of the massive reflector on his head that would blind people if under direct sunlight. His Bald ass head.

The man who replied was covered in black clothes and slowly revealed himself from the corner of the ceiling.

"Of course, the anesthetic I used could even put an elephant to sleep in a matter of seconds, it was quite expensive so I hope my reward will cover that too." His voice appeared to go through a blender before coming out of his mouth.

"Of course, the Master will surely provide a satisfactory reward. And he may also force him to heal your eye too."

Hearing the response, the man in black shook his head and licked his lips lecherously , "What I want is that woman, it's been a while since I saw a bitch this hot!"

"Don't worry, we can share" Bladsky/ the bald man replied, as he started looking on lustfully.

With a signal, two of the surrounding men approached the 'unconcious' Virsal and reached out to grab Pylis who's in his embrace.

What they didn't notice were the claws of Virsal elongating slightly.

*Slash* *Splack*

"Kgh, kkkkccks*cough* "

Claw marks appeared on both the soldiers necks as they hugged their necks in disbelief until they collapsed to the ground in a pool of their own blood.

"You're really not afraid of Death" an icy cold voice resounded sending chills down the soldiers spines while the figure of Virsal suddenly disappeared from place.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh*

What followed was absolute carnage as a shadow weaved threw the soldiers at speeds to which they were unable to react. One by one they fell down like flies, some had their heads squashed paper thin, some were decapitated and some were disfigured by claws beyond recognition.

The remaining soldiers seeing the slaughter started screaming in panic and their legs kept shaking, one man even fell to his knees and cried from terror.

In a desperate attempt, the soldiers started flailing their swords wildly without any apparent target, this was counter productive as they were attacked by friendly fire. Screams were rampant as limbs were separated and heads decapitated, leaving fountains of blood to colour the ground.

It was mayhem, it was dread, it was HELL.

"GATHER! TIGHT FORMATION! MOVEE!!" The captain called out for the remaining soldiers which were now less than a quarter of their original count.

The fighting came to a halt as the soldiers formed a tight circle around their leader. The man in black was long gone as he escaped at the first sign of danger.

*Throw* *Plack*

A head suddenly came flying into the circle and inches away from the feet of the Bald man/captain.

It was the head of the man in black, with both eyes squashed in and an expression of horror adorning his face, relaying his expression moments before his death.

The captain had black lines under his eyes, the clanking of metal from the shaking of the captain's legs started to resound across the gory hall. He may appear fearless and intimidating, but it was all an exterior hiding the dread he had within.

These were soldiers he trained himself and he knew of their capabilities, for them to be slaughtered like pigs in a slaughter house... What kind of monster can do this!?

Just on the brink of losing hope, his eyes landed on Pylis, who had by now woken up by the various screams of death. She hugged her shoulders in fear and was puking all over the ground from the blood and gore, by now, a sickening stench had begun to permeate the hall (large room).

Finally seeing a way out, he dashed with every muscle of his being contracting past its limits and constantly getting torn, towards the girl. I'd not for the adrenaline pumping through him and numbing his senses of pain, the sheer pain he would feel all over his body will be enough for him to pass out.

In moments, he held the frightened Pylis in his grip with a sword centimetres from her neck.




Footsteps gradually appeared from the direction of the windows that were showing the full moon. A man with a black coat and mask, drenched in blood from head to toe. The piercing red eyes and black sclera made some of the soldiers who looked at him fall into nightmarish hallucinations while some outright passed out.

Some hardened soldiers felt horrified and a little weak in the legs but were otherwise unaffected.

Then a deep and cold voice resounded from the man who's gloves still dripped with fresh blood.

"You really have balls of steel don't you?"


Virsal was unperturbed as he too another step.


All of a sudden, a sword bolted through like a thrown javelin piercing through Pylis's right shoulder and the bald man's head.

"Haaaa!!" Pylis cried out and fell to the ground.

'Is this how I die? At least I didn't become a burden to Virsal' although she thought this, she still looked hurt by his actions and she couldn't help but leak tears.

She was always treated like an object all her life, when she turned 14, she overheard her 'master' speaking with his friends about how he will rape her and invited them to watch and participate after him.

Horrified, she planned an escape and left that same night, she spent two years on the streets, resorting to picking food thrown by others, hunting stray rats, maybe cats, dogs if she was lucky and pickpocketing things like clothes.

During the winter she even had to resort to eating roaches and bugs. Any woman in her place would head over to a brother and sell her body, she was after all a beauty and she was aware of it herself.

She didn't want to sell her body however, she believed only the person she chooses should even touch her, so she often hid her beauty by wearing thick clothes and splashing dirt on her skin and face.

It was until she was infected by a strange ailment that blinded her that she followed the other homeless people and slaves to the apothecary, seeing the masters Infront she jested that there was no way someone like her would be let in, but when a man dressed in a black hood, outfit and mask came out and created two more lines for woman and slaves, she was delighted.

By now she had spent two years on the streets and was severely malnourished, she didn't expect that when she arrived at the hall the strange man would see right through her condition and offered her food and shelter in exchange for loyalty and information about her previous masters.

Of course a little doubtful at first, she was overcome by hunger, especially with a mouthwatering smell that wafted over from one of the rooms so she merrily accepted. He fulfilled his promise and alongside other children and women, she ate, no feasted till she couldn't take another bite.

Her previous good impression of him was again strengthened when she saw him also feeding other woman and children, some she knew as fellow street rats and some she didn't.

Along with a few others, she crowded at the doors and peeked at her new master through the door, she saw him charge a heftier price for the rich and an almost negligible amount for the poor. Some who couldn't pay he offered to trade with like wheat from farmers or meat from butchers.

By the end of the day, her eyes shined the moment she looked at him, alongside most others beside her. However this was but mere adoration, fascination, gratitude, but not love.

It was when he called some people who were visibly weaker than the rest and touched their head, they would miraculously return healthy and strong. And despite her thick clothes, he also called her over, his warm hands touched her head and shined a little, then a warm energy passed through her.

It felt as if she was in spring under the warm sun, by the time the euphoric feeling went away, she was no longer malnourished at all, heck, she could even be called healthy and energetic. It was then that a seed of love unknowingly sprouted in her heart. He was her prince charming, the light that pulled her out of the darkness, the happiness that she felt when he choose he over the hundred other women was immeasurable.

So today, when she saw him do supernatural miracles, she wasn't as shocked as a normal person would. As expected of her prince, she thought. Even when he shot a sword through her to kill the person behind her, she only thought that at least she managed to repay him.

What exceeded her expectations is that he arrived before her in the blink of an eyes, took of one glove and cut open his finger and shoved it in her mouth.

"Suck it"            [A/N: Wink]

Although confused, she complied and started sucking, by some miraculous way, her wound started to close until it was never there.

She opened her eyes and looked at the man's terrifying red eyes, but the only thing she thought when her watery, glazed hazel eyes met his ruby like ones was 'Beautiful'.


There will be no chapter on Friday, and I'm still not sure about Saturday.

Hope you liked the Chapter~