7 months along!

Barry walked into the abandoned building with a bag full of food from big belly burger to see Thawne leaning against the wall. He had grown a beard now. Barry sighed and put the food in the cell and sat down. Thawne asked "how is the wife". Barry didn't speak. Thawne chuckled and said "come on Barry, you locked me up here, I ain't getting out, I just want to know how she is doing, who is it you are married to by the way, you've never told me". Barry said "Kara is fine". Thawne stood up and said "so you are married to the kryptonian in this timeline". Barry asked "what does it matter". Thawne said "oh it doesn't, I've noticed that you seem to be more and more tired every time you visit, perhaps you still get nightmares........ Or... Kara is pregnant". Barry stood up and walked forwards. He asked "what..... Are you gonna threaten to kill my daughter too and my wife". Thawne sat back down and said "no..... Congratulations Barry Allen, I may hate you but I don't want them dead, it's pointless anyway considering that you will one day have to reset the timeline Barry, I've spent almost eight months in this stupid cell, I'm impressed by the way, I've realised that my life was wasted, wasted by hatred for you, I don't like you Barry, but, once I'm free, I won't bother you ever again". Barry scoffed and said "I doubt that". Thawne smiled and said "you have trust issues, I get that, I also get that I'm to blame for everything that's happened in your life, and trust me Barry, I wish we could stay in this timeline, I would gladly just go back to the future but life isn't that simple, the timeline and the entire multiverse is complex, and it can't stay this way forever". Barry glared at Thawne and said "no, it's never going back to the way it was, I love it here, I don't have to go out and risk my life every day, I have my parents, I have a wife and a daughter on the way, I'm not leaving them". Thawne nodded and said "see you next time Flash". Barry sighed and sped away.

Barry walked into his house to see Kara resting on the couch with covers over her. He smiled at her and yawned. Kara smiled and said "hey honey, I'm glad you're back". Barry smiled and asked "do you need anything Kar". Kara smiled and said "just the one thing". Barry asked "what may that be". Kara smiled and said "my husband". Barry smiled and sat next to her after taking his shoes off. He wrapped one arm around her and he placed his other hand on her stomach. Kara smiled at Barry and said "just two more months Bar". Barry smiled and said "I know, I need to finish decorating the baby room tomorrow". Kara shook her head and said "no Bar, I want you to stay here with me and just relax for a couple of days". Barry asked "are you sure". Kara nodded and said "you have barely slept because you are always looking after me Barry, you go to your work, you get me food that I crave, you decorate the baby room, you are doing everything except rest, I just want you to look after yourself too Bar". Barry smiled and said "Ok Kar, I will rest for a couple days and just spend it with you". Kara smiled and kissed Barry. She said "Dawn is kicking". Barry smiled and said "I can feel it Kar". Kara said "I would find it awesome if it didn't hurt so much, I swear she has my strength and your speed because it is sore". Barry smiled and said "I know, I mean I don't know but I believe you Kara". Kara nodded and smiled at Barry. She said "I know Bar, you are the most understanding person ever". Barry smiled at Kara. He lay his head back and fell asleep. Kara asked "Bar". She looked over to see him fast asleep. Kara giggled and rested her head on his shoulder as she put the cover over the both of them. She closed her eyes and fell asleep right next to him.