It's time!

To begin isn't it :) (hope you get the reference lol)

Barry was standing at the sink cleaning the dishes when he heard Kara scream in pain. Barry ran over to her and asked "honey, are... Are you ok". Kara said "she's coming Bar..... We need to go". Barry said "I'll.... I'll get the things we need". Kara said "there's no time Bar". Barry smiled and said "I disagree". He sped around the house and gathered the bags full of clothes for him and Kara and baby things that they would need. He sped them into the car and then went back in and helped Kara to her feet. Kara smiled a little At Barry and said "I'm lucky I know about your powers". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I'm lucky that you know about them". Kara smiled. Barry helped Kara into the car and then got in the drivers side and drove as fast as he could to the hospital. Barry helped Kara inside the hospital. A doctor ran over and asked "what's wrong". Barry said "she went into labour". The doctor asked "are you the father". Kara said "he is".

Hours later, Kara was laying on the bed with tears streaming out of her eyes. Barry held onto her hand. Kara held his tightly, trying not to break it. Barry smiled at Kara and said "breath honey, breath". Kara smiled weakly at Barry and nodded. Barry said "we're almost there, almost there, you just need to push". Kara said "Bar..... I can't..... I can't do it Barry". Barry smiled and said "Kara sweetie, you can do this.... You can, you are the toughest woman I know, you can do anything, and I'm with you Kara". Kara smiled and said "thanks for being here Barry". Barry smiled and said "I'm where I am supposed to be Kara, I wouldn't be anywhere else". Kara smiled at Barry and said "I can do it, I can do it". Barry smiled and said "yes you can Kara".

Moment later Kara was laying in bed with their daughter in her arms. Barry smiled and kissed Kara's forehead. He said "there, it's all over now". Kara smiled as a tear fell from her eye. She said "she's so beautiful Barry, I can't believe we made her, she is so, so beautiful". Barry smiled and said "just like her mother". Kara giggled and said "you are so cheesy Mr". Barry said "I know, that's why you love me". Kara smiled and said "it's a small reason why, I love you because you are the one who makes me smile, makes me laugh, you make me feel like I belong here Barry and you are just you, I love you so much". Barry smiled and replied "I love you too Kara, and I love this little one here". Kara smiled and asked "so are we calling here Dawn". Barry smiled and said "Dawn Alura Allen". Kara smiled and asked "do you want to hold her". Barry smiled and said "yeah, I do". Kara smiled and handed Barry their daughter. She teared up as she watched Barry cradle Dawn in his arms. Barry smiled at Kara and said "she looks like you". Kara said "she looks like you to Bar". Barry smiled and said "I know, Kar, now get some rest ok honey, you deserve a rest". Kara smiled and said "if you rest with me Barry". Barry smiled and climbed onto the bed beside Kara with Dawn in his arms. Kara smiled and snuggled into him. She smiled and said "I can't believe that this is real Barry". Barry said "me neither but we did it Kara". Kara smiled and said "I can't wait to get home". Barry said "me neither, I wish your parents were here Kara". Kara smiled and said "they are Barry, they are here". Barry smiled at Kara and kissed her forehead. Barry said "I'm going to go call my parents, and tell them that it went well". Kara smiled and said "ok, come back and we can have a nap". Barry asked "you don't want food first". Kara's eyes widened. She said "can you get me potstickers, I haven't had them in ages". Barry smiled and said "you bet". Kara smiled and kissed Barry. Barry handed Dawn over to Kara and said "back soon". Kara smiled and said "we'll be waiting". Barry chuckled and headed out of the room to phone his parents and to get food for Kara.

Barry called his mother who picked up instantly. She asked excitedly "hey Barry, how are you and Kara". Barry smiled and said "she's given birth mum, I'm just getting her food and then letting her relax for a little while". Nora said "ok, me and your dad will drop by in a few hours, we'll let you three have time to yourselves first". Barry said "thanks mum, I'll see you later". Nora said "bye Barry". Barry smiled and put his phone away. He then looked around to make sure that no one was looking and he sped away then returned with potstickers for him and Kara.

Barry walked into the room to see Kara lying asleep on the bed. She had Dawn in her arms. Barry chuckled and walked over to his wife and kissed her forehead. He watched as a smile spread across her face. Barry lifted Dawn up and placed her down in the baby bed for her. He smiled and lay next to Kara and wrapped his arms around her. Kara slowly woke up and smiled. Barry said "I got you food but I think we can rest first, eat later". Kara nodded and said "thanks Bar". She rested her head on his chest and fell asleep again. Barry smiled and fell asleep not long after.