Moving house!

It had been a couple of weeks since Barry got back. They were still trying to work out how to get back to Kara's earth. Barry had an idea but he wasn't ready to share it yet, as he was still unsure of it. Him and Joe were packing some of Barry's things. Barry found out that his old childhood home was available to buy, he was hesitant at first due to the horrible memory of that night all those years ago but he decided to buy it and move in. Barry kept Dawn close by as him and Joe packed Barry's things. Joe smiled and said "Bar, you can keep the cot, you will need it, Caitlin and Cisco are out getting other baby furniture that you'll need". Barry smiled and said "thanks Joe, I'm lucky to have you all". Joe smiled and said "we'll finish packing this, get some lunch and then take you to your new house". Barry smiled and said "sounds like a plan". Joe smiled and nodded. Barry looked at Dawn and smiled a little. A few tears fell from his eyes. Joe smiled at Barry and patted his shoulder. He said "you will see her again son". Barry said "I know, I think I have an idea on how to get to Kara's earth but I need to run it by Cisco first, and maybe even Thawne". Joe nodded and said "well, I'm sure it'll work Bar, you are the smartest person I know". Barry smiled. Joe added "and if anyone knows what they are doing, it's you Bar". Barry said "thanks Joe, so how are things with you and Iris". Joe sighed and said "she still doesn't talk to me or Wally, she doesn't know you have a kid by the way, you might want to tell her soon". Barry nodded and said "I will, I just don't know how she will react". Joe nodded and said "don't think about that for now though, let's focus on moving you to your new house, and you focus on that beautiful baby girl right there, oh end of course getting back to your, uh, wife, or well friend". Barry nodded and said "I hope Kara doesn't end up having me or something". Joe smiled and said "if what you say about her is true, she will be happy Bar, don't stress yourself". Barry nodded and said "thanks Joe, I should probably go tell team Arrow as well soon, but maybe after I see Kara". Joe nodded and said "yeah, maybe you should go visit soon, before you go, I mean who knows what will happen Bar". Barry nodded and said "you're right, I'll go tomorrow, then I'll talk to Cisco about my idea". Joe nodded.

After they had lunch, Joe took Barry and Dawn over to his house with his stuff. They were greeted by Caitlin and Cisco who helped move things inside. The four then sat on the couches whilst Barry held Dawn in his arms. Cisco smiled and said "it's gonna take a while to get used to, Barry Allen being a father, but as long as I get to be the cool uncle, I'm ok with it". Barry chuckled and said "you no doubt will be Cisco". Cisco grinned. Barry said "while you're here actually, I may have an idea on how to get to Kara's earth, can I talk to you about it". Cisco said "yeah, yeah ok". Caitlin said "me and Joe will bring the other things in". Barry smiled and said "thanks Cait".

Cisco asked "so what do you have in mind". Barry said "the speedforce". Cisco asked "the speedforce". Barry said "yeah, well the speedforce, it exists outside of space and time doesn't it". Cisco gasped and said "so instead of going through a breach, you just need to enter the speedforce, and then exit on her earth, I'll go ask Thawne about it but it should work". Barry smiled and said "thanks". Cisco said "no problem Barry, I'll see you tomorrow, I'm gonna go see Thawne right now". Barry smiled and nodded as Cisco ran outside and shouted bye to Caitlin and Joe. Both of them came inside with a confused expression. Barry chuckled and said "me and Cisco might have a way to get to Kara's earth". Caitlin said "oh, that explains it then". Barry chuckled. Joe said "that is the last of it Bar, I need to head home and get some sleep, so I'll see you tomorrow". Barry smiled and said "I'll see you soon Joe, thanks for all the help". Joe nodded and said "bye Caitlin". Caitlin said "bye Joe". Joe smiled and headed out. Caitlin said "well I should get going as well". Barry smiled and said "ok Cait, thanks for the help". Caitlin smiled and said "you'd do the same for me Barry". Barry smiled and replied "yeah, well I will see you tomorrow". Caitlin smiled and gave Barry a small hug and then headed home. 

Barry placed Dawn in the cot in his bedroom and said "I'll be three seconds Dawn, I just need to decorate your room". He sped to another room and painted it, and then built up the furniture, arranged it in different positions around the room until he was satisfied and then he went back through to his bedroom and dropped onto his bed. He took his wedding ring off and looked at it. Instead of tearing up, he smiled and said "we'll see you soon Kara, I promise".