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Barry had woken up early the next morning and had a quick shower. He then got changed and sped made breakfast and ate it. As he was doing the dishes, he heard crying from upstairs. Barry put the dishes away and headed upstairs. He smiled at Dawn as he lifted her up. He said "I know you're hungry little one, we're going to visit a friend of your dad's today, I need to hurry if I want to catch the train, I'm not to speed with you, unless absolutely necessary, I'm sure I can when you are a little older". Barry headed downstairs, he fed Dawn, changed her diaper and clothes and then packed some things. He strapped Dawn into the baby car seat and lifted it up along with a bag full of baby things as there was a knock at the door. Barry answered it and said "hey Joe". Joe smiled and said "hey son, you aren't running late like usual". Barry chuckled and said "I guess having a pregnant wife changed me". Joe chuckled and said "let's get you to the train station". Joe took the bags from Barry and the two walked out to the car. Barry strapped Dawn in the back seat and made sure the seat was secure while Joe put the bags in the back. Barry then sat in the front and put his seat belt on. Joe got into the drivers side and done the same.

As Joe drove Barry to the train station, the two talked. Joe asked "so how is it, living back there". Barry said "it's hard but I try to focus on the good memories I have of that house, rather than that one night". Joe nodded and asked "so how is Dawn doing". Barry smiled and replied "she never woke me up once during the night". Joe chuckled and said "wait for it Bar, I'm glad that you aren't stressing out though". Barry smiled and said "well I have an amazing family to support me, and I'm not having to risk my life everyday, I do miss being the Flash but I love being a father more". Joe smiled and asked "you do, I'd rather be at work". Barry looked at Joe. Joe chuckled and said "I'm kidding, I loved being a father too, I still do, but my kids are all grown up, and one is a father". Barry chuckled and said "now you are a grandfather". Joe smiled as he pulled up to the train station. Barry said "thanks for the lift". Joe said "no problem, have fun Barry". Barry said "thanks, I'll see you in a couple of days". Joe said "phone me when you are on the train on the way back and I'll be here to pick you up". Barry said "thanks Joe".

Barry carried Dawn and his things into the train and sat down with her. He waved to Joe as the train pulled away from the station. On the way to Star City, Barry took Dawn out from the seat and fed her and just enjoyed holding her. He smiled as he took in the surroundings outside. It brought back memories of when he first came to Star City, at the time Starling City. Barry looked at Dawn as she slept. He smiled and said "I wonder how they will react when they find out I have a daughter, I think Felicity will be the one to react the most". He chuckled and then looked back out the window as Star City came into view. It was later in the day when the train pulled up to the station. Barry had put Dawn back in the seat and carried it and his things out of the train onto the platform. He said "Well I better go get lunch first, Oh I hope Oliver doesn't fire an arrow at me".

Barry ate lunch and then headed to the new Arrow cave to see Oliver. Barry exited the lift and headed down. The doors opened and Barry headed out and put the bags he was carrying down and the baby seat. Felicity was the only one there. She said without looking up from the computers "Hey Oliver, you're here early, aren't you supposed to be at a meeting". Barry chuckled and said "last time I checked, my name wasn't Oliver". Felicity sprung up from her seat and smiled when she saw Barry. She said "hey Barry, what brings you over here, and the beard, trying out a new look". Barry said "something like that, I uh want you to meet someone". Felicity said "hug first". Barry smiled and said "yeah". The two had a hug. Felicity pulled away When she heard a sneeze not coming from Barry. She then looked down and spotted the baby. Felicity smiled and said "aww, she looks so adorable". Barry smiled and said "thanks Felicity". Felicity then looked back up at Barry and asked "she's yours". Barry smiled and said "yep". He crouched down and took Dawn out of the seat and held her. He stood back up and said "her name is Dawn Alura Allen". Felicity said "I am so happy for you, like really, really happy for you, but uh, how do you have a baby, last I checked, you broke up with Patty, unless, was she pregnant". Barry said "no, she isn't, we never really done that". Felicity said "ah, then who's is it's". Barry said "Kara, you don't know her, she is from an alternate earth". Felicity said "earth 2". Barry said "no, uh earth 38, a few months ago, I ran to an alternate earth by accident, I uh met Kara, and no we didn't do anything". Felicity asked "so how is she the mother if you didn't". Barry said "because I time travelled, I saved my mother in that timeline, Kara was my wife, we done some things, and she got pregnant, she gave birth a couple of weeks ago, but that timeline was unstable, so I had to reset it". Felicity said "but if, if she is from an alternate earth, how was her earth's timeline affected, it shouldn't be affected". Barry sighed and sat down. He said "the best I could tell, is because our earths are linked together, now earth one is the centre point of the multiverse so it is connected to every single earth, but I travelled there without the use of a speed cannon, maybe the breach is still partially open which would mean our earths have a special connection or something, I'm not entirely sure, but in this timeline, we call it Flashpoint, Kara, she is an alien by the way, on her earth, she was trapped in a place called the phantom zone, her parents sent her to earth because their planet was dying, the explosion of the planet sent her pod into the phantom zone in which she was stuck in for I think roughly 24 years, she then arrived on her earth, but in Flashpoint, when she got out of the phantom zone, her pod went through a wormhole, which brought her to our earth". Felicity nodded and said "let's just tell Oliver you have a kid and your alien wife is on another earth, it'll be easier". Barry nodded and said "the thing is, resetting the timeline changed some things here". Felicity asked "like what". Barry said "Eobard Thawne is a good guy now, Iris doesn't talk to Joe or Wally, I don't work at the CCPD anymore". Felicity asked "is there anything different over here". Barry said "not that I can tell, how are things over here". Felicity said "good, we beat Darhk, we still need to thank you about that though". Barry asked "huh". Felicity said "you saved Laurels life, and helped us best Darkh, but you had to go help against Zoom though". Barry nodded and said "In the original timeline, Laurel died". Felicity said "oh, so positive things are happening, except the whole Iris thing". Barry said "so far, so much could have changed". Felicity nodded.

Barry and Felicity sat and talked for a while. Felicity held Dawn for a little while until she started crying. Barry chuckled and said "she's hungry". Oliver who had just come in asked "who's hungry". Barry smiled as he fed Dawn. Felicity said "the cute little girl that Barry is holding, so don't shoot him". Oliver chuckled and asked "why would I shoot Barry, and what do you mean little girl". Barry said "meet Dawn Alura Allen". Oliver chuckled and said "you just get stranger and stranger Barry, how did you manage to have a daughter in the space of three weeks". Felicity said "time travel". Oliver said "I won't ask". Barry chuckled and nodded. Oliver asked "how long are you staying for". Barry said "I'll be going home in two days". Oliver smiled and said "well you are welcome to stay at our place, as long as Dawn doesn't wake us up". Barry asked "do you even sleep". Oliver said "ha, ha very funny". Barry smiled and said "I'm kidding, no, Dawn doesn't really cry through the night". Oliver asked "so who is her mother". Barry looked down a little. Felicity said "I'll tell you later Oliver". Oliver nodded. Barry asked "do you want to hold her". Oliver said "sure yeah". Barry smiled and handed Dawn over to Oliver and smiled. Oliver smiled and said "she's so light". Barry said "thanks". Felicity asked "so are you still living at Joe's". Barry said "no I uh got a house yesterday, it's my uh childhood home actually". Oliver asked "is it hard being there". Barry said "not really to be honest, it's easier than I thought". Oliver smiled and said "I'm happy for you Barry". Barry said "thanks". Felicity smiled and said "why don't we all head to our house and relax, Barry is here for two days, we shouldn't be down here". Oliver said "why not, come on, let's go home".