Moving Earth!

Kara smiled at Barry and said "let's go to the DEO". Barry said "yes Ms Danvers". Kara smiled as Barry lifted her up. She blushed and wrapped her arms around his neck. Barry smiled and sped away to the DEO. He put her down and smiled at all the agents who were staring at him in shock. Kara giggled and said "they'll get used to it". Barry chuckled and said "if they are like Diggle, they won't". Kara smiled and nodded. Kara said "I'll talk to Alex, you can just talk to Winn, I'm sure he has something to ask you". Barry said "sure Kara, I'll be over here". Kara smiled and nodded. Barry walked over to Winn while Kara walked over to Alex. Barry smiled at Winn and said "hey, Kara said you probably wanted to ask me something". Winn said "yeah I do, so can you just come here whenever now, and do you have feelings for Kara, and don't lie". Barry smiled and said "I can come here whenever I want, and I do have feelings for her". Winn smiled and said "she has feelings for you, you know". Barry said "I do know, we sort of, uh, kissed". Winn smiled and asked "she wasn't nervous about it". Barry said "no she wasn't, and she wasn't when she found out that in an alternate timeline, we were married and had a child together, in which I'm now looking after, long story". Winn smiled and said "she probably just didn't want to be awkward in front of you, she is probably super nervous on the inside and really excited, you'll see eventually". Barry chuckled.

Kara pulled Alex over to the other side of the room. Alex asked "why are you dragging me over here....... You don't want Barry to hear do you". Kara smiled from ear to ear. She looked over to see Barry and Winn talking. Barry smiled at her and she blushed and looked back at Alex. Alex had a massive grin on her face. Kara asked "what". Alex smiled and said "you can barely go three seconds of looking at Barry before blushing". Kara smiled and giggled. Alex asked "what is that about". Kara squealed and said "he loves me too". Alex smiled and asked "he does". Kara nodded her head rapidly and said "you know the dreams I had". Alex nodded. Kara smiled and said with excitement "they actually happened, Barry changed the timeline after saving his mother, we were married and we have a baby, Barry took Dawn back to the old timeline because he had to reset it, Me and Barry Allen have a baby". Alex smiled and said "you don't seem to act this excited while you are with Barry". Kara said "because he would find me awkward". Barry who had walked over said "that is so not true, I think you are adorable when you are excited". Kara blushed furiously and looked at Barry with a massive smile. She asked "you heard all that". Barry said "the squealing, excited giggles, yeah I heard it all, you were really loud, I think everyone in here heard". Kara's face turned bright red in embarrassment causing Alex to laugh. Kara looked down until she felt Barry wrap his arm around her. Kara smiled at Barry. Barry said "sorry for embarrassing you". Kara said "no it's fine Barry, I think I embarrassed myself without realising". Barry smiled. J'onn had walked over and asked "what's all the commotion about, and who is this". Kara smiled and said "hey J'onn, this is my boyfriend Barry that I told you about". J'onn said "I thought you called him your dream boyfriend that you wished you had". Alex just laughed even more. Kara's face turned even redder than it already was. J'onn chuckled a little. Barry smiled and said "it's a recent thing, well for Kara". J'onn looked confused. Barry smiled and said "I'm sure Alex could explain it to you". Alex asked "are you going somewhere". Kara said "yeah, I'm moving to earth one, to be with my family, I'm not saying you aren't my family Alex, it's just, you know, Dawn". J'onn asked "Dawn". Barry said "long story". Alex said "well, I'm coming too then, I want to meet my niece". J'onn asked "niece". Barry smiled and said "again, long story". J'onn nodded. Barry asked "what if we merge earths". Winn who had overheard asked "you could do that". Barry said "I ran to an alternate earth and back in time, Kara is from a planet more advanced than earth with science that we haven't even discovered yet, plus I do have a sweet A.I from the future, so I'm sure we could do that". Kara smiled and asked "really". Barry nodded and said "of course". Kara smiled and said "awesome, anyway, can we go, I still need to see Eliza, and I should speak to Ms Grant, and we should pack my things, and then". Barry said "you can meet our daughter". Kara squealed with excitement and began pulling Barry out of the DEO.

They had visited Eliza and told her that Kara was going to earth one. Eliza was somewhat against it but she was happy for Kara so she let her. They then headed to Catco where Kara told Ms Grant that she was moving away from National City. Ms Grant didn't want to lose Kara as her assistant but she was happy that she finally had someone in her life. The two then headed to Kara's apartment and helped her pack some clothes and pyjamas. Barry asked "ready to go then". Kara smiled and said "yeah, I'm so excited". Barry said "so am I". Kara smiled and asked "how are we doing it this time". Barry lifted Kara up in his arms and held on tightly so that he wouldn't drop her. Kara giggled and blushed a little. Barry said "I just run with you". Kara asked "you didn't need me the first time did you". Barry kissed her and said "nope". Kara blushed and smiled. She held onto her suitcase tightly and had her other arm around Barry's neck to hold on. Barry smiled and began to run. He zig zagged through the city and then across the fields outside the city and then through a breach.

Barry smiled as he came out a breach in the pipeline and then put Kara down. He smiled and said "we need to go to my adoptive fathers house for Dawn". Kara said "ok, should we meet your other friends first". Barry said "yeah". Kara smiled and took Barry's hand and said "lead the way". Barry smiled and said "yes Ms". Kara smiled as they walked through the massive laboratory up to the Cortex. Cisco and Caitlin were sat in their usual spots by the computers while Thawne stood behind them talking. Barry and Kara entered the room. Barry said "knock knock". The three turned around with massive smiles. Cisco said "that was fast, you were gone for barely four hours". Barry smiled and said "well Kara is moving here with me and Dawn". Kara smiled. Thawne smiled and said "Hi Kara, it's good to see you". Kara asked "have we met". Thawne said "I knew you in the future". Kara said "oh, you must be Thawne". Thawne said "that's me, I guess you probably don't like me much". Kara said "I mean you do have a horrible history, but Bar trusts you and I will always trust Barry, so I'm happy to let you prove that you aren't evil anymore". Thawne smiled and said "and I'm willing to prove it". Kara smiled. Caitlin said "so you are Dawn's mother and Barry's......" . Barry said "girlfriend, we are starting at the start because well, I mean I never got that and neither did Kara, I'm sure we'll get married in the future but for now, we're just happy being together". Kara said "yeah". Cisco said "well we are happy for you two, I'm sure you are both wanting to go see Dawn". Kara nodded and said "yep I can't wait to meet her". Barry said "well we better get going".

Barry sped Kara over to Joe's house. The two entered hand in hand. Joe was sitting with Dawn on the couch rocking her back and forth as she slept. Barry said "Joe, I'm back, and I brought someone with me". Joe turned and smiled. He said "you must be Kara". Joe handed Dawn over to Barry. Kara said "that would be me, it's nice to meet you". Joe smiled as Kara offered to shake his hand. Joe chuckled and said "I do hugs here Kara". Kara giggled and hugged Joe. Joe hugged back with a smile. Barry smiled as he held Dawn. He asked "has she been quiet". Joe pulled away from the hug and said "yep, although I think she missed you Bar". Barry chuckled and said "she probably missed her mother more seen as she was stuck with me for weeks". Kara smiled and said "I think anyone is lucky to be stuck with you Barry". Joe chuckled and said "tell that to the woman he was sat beside on the bus to Starling City one time, Barry couldn't stop throwing up". Kara giggled and asked "really". Barry nodded and said "to be fair, we had two big meals the day before, and the air conditioner wasn't working". Joe smiled and said "well I'm about to make dinner, are you two staying". Kara smiled and said "we'd love too". Joe smiled and said "I'll be in the kitchen". Barry said "do you want help". Joe said "no thanks Barry, just spend time with these two". Kara smiled as Joe headed into the kitchen. Barry asked "do you want to hold her". Kara smiled and said "I would love to". Barry smiled and handed Dawn over to Kara. Kara smiled and teared up. Barry smiled and wrapped his arm a around her. Kara rested her head on his shoulder and said "she's beautiful" as tears flowed from her eyes. Barry smiled and said "just like her mother". Kara blushed and smiled at Barry. Barry kissed Kara and said "I'm glad we are back together as a family". Kara said "me too". They both looked at Dawn and smiled even more.