
Barry and Kara walked over to the couch in Joe's house and sat down. Kara couldn't take her eyes of Dawn. Barry smiled and said "I still can't believe it either Kara". Kara smiled at Barry and asked "how did you know what I was thinking Barry". Barry chuckled and said "because I know you Kara, I spent the past ten months with you". Kara frowned a little and said "I know, it makes me feel guilty in a way because you probably know everything about me". Barry chuckled and said "Kar it's ok, you'll get there, besides, you aren't the exact same way as you were in Flashpoint, you know, you weren't Supergirl, you helped me a lot at the lab until you were late into your pregnancy, you done a lot of reading rather than watching the TV which I know you do". Kara smiled and said "so you basically have to start again". Barry said "yeah, you are still quite similar but different at the same time, when you are nervous, if you have your glasses on, you push them up, if you don't, you play with your fingers". Kara giggled and said "when you are nervous, you scratch your neck". Barry chuckled and said "I do". Kara smiled and said "you love TV too". Barry said "yep, I just rarely had time to watch it". Kara said "I always made time for TV, I mean both of my jobs were during the day mostly so at night I would relax and watch TV". Barry smiled and said "luckily, in this timeline, well I don't work at the CCPD and I work at Star Labs, I'm the owner so I could leave whenever I want I suppose". Kara smiled and said "well I don't have a job anymore, and we have a little adorable baby girl to look after". Barry smiled and said "yeah". Kara smiled and rested her head on Barry's shoulder. Barry smiled and wrapped his arm around Kara. 

Joe came through with a smile and said "dinner is ready". Barry and Kara smiled. They both stood up. Kara handed Dawn over to Barry and they headed through to the kitchen and sat together at the dinner table. Barry smiled and rocked Dawn back and forth a little. Kara smiled and said "thanks for making the dinner Joe". Joe smiled and replied "it's no problem Kara". Kara smiled more. Barry smiled and they began eating. Kara said "wow you are a good cook Joe". Joe said "thanks, I'm betting that you are as well". Barry chuckled. Kara looked at Barry with a slight glare. Barry said "sorry Kar". Kara asked "I take it I was a bad cook in Flashpoint too". Barry smiled and said "to begin with, you got better". Kara smiled and said "I imagine you had something to do with that". Barry said "a little". Joe said "it's ok if you can't cook, you're probably good at other things". Barry smiled and said "you should hear her sing, she is amazing". Kara blushed and looked down. Barry chuckled and put his hand on hers. Kara smiled and said "I get you can sing too". Joe said "oh he can, I've heard him". Barry's face turned red. Kara giggled and said "now I need to hear him sing". Barry smiled and said "you will at one point". Joe chuckled and said "he sings all the time, when he thinks he's alone". Barry smiled and said "it for Dawn, I have a few times". Kara smiled.

After they ate, Barry and Kara done the dishes while Joe sat with Dawn. Barry smiled and headed through to the living room. Kara came in just after and stood beside him. Barry said "well thanks again for looking after Dawn, we should probably be heading home". Joe smiled and said "no problem Barry, I'm always here if you need me, I'm happy that you are all back together". Barry smiled. Joe handed Dawn over to Barry and said "well I will see you three soon". Kara said "yes you will". Barry smiled and strapped Dawn into the seat and asked "ready to go home". Kara said "yeah, Bar, when are we gonna tell everyone about your idea to merge earths". Barry said "once I'm sure it could work". Kara smiled and said "ok Bar, bye Joe". Joe said "have a nice night you two". Barry said "we will".

Once Barry and Kara got home, they snuggled up on the couch with Dawn lying on Barry's chest. Kara smiled and held her daughter's tiny hand. Barry smiled and said "I'm so glad I was able to get back to your earth". Kara said "me too, I never ever thought I would have this". Barry smiled and asked "a relationship or a baby". Kara said "both, but like you always do Mr Allen, you prove people wrong, and you definitely proved me wrong". Barry smiled and replied "I'm glad Kara, now why don't we put Dawn to bed, and then we can get some sleep, I'll sleep down here, you can have the bed". Kara smiled and said "no chance Barry, I know I'm not used to it and it's a bit fast in a relationship, but well, you have slept with me before, and I want to, I'll get used to it". Barry smiled and asked "are you sure". Kara said "yeah, I'm absolutely sure". Barry said "ok Kar". Kara smiled and said "let's go". Kara stood up and lifted Dawn from Barry's chest and began heading upstairs. Barry chuckled and followed her up and into the bedroom. Kara put Dawn in the cot. Barry stood beside Kara and wrapped his arm around her. Kara smiled and wrapped hers around Barry and rested her head on his shoulder. She smiled and said "she's so beautiful when she sleeps". Barry said "she gets that from you". Kara blushed and said "Bar". Barry chuckled and said "sorry, I'm gonna go change in the bathroom, I'll be back soon". Kara smiled and said "ok Bar".

Not long after, Barry came back into the room. Kara sat on the bed and smiled at Barry. Barry smiled and walked over and sat beside her. Kara said "I'm not dreaming am I Bar". Barry smiled and replied "No Kar, you aren't dreaming". Kara smiled and said "prove it". Barry chuckled and kissed Kara as he wrapped his arms around her. Kara smiled and happily kissed back as she wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him closer to her. Barry lay down with Kara on top of him as they passionately made out. Barry pulled away and asked "does that prove it Kar". Kara smiled and said "it most certainly does Bar". Barry chuckled and said "I love you". Kara smiled and said "I love you too Bar". Barry smiled more. Kara climbed off Barry and then under covers. Barry climbed under covers and wrapped his arms around Kara's waist. Kara shuffled closer to Barry and rested her head on his chest. She smiled and said "night Bar". Barry said "night Kar". The two fell asleep with massive smiles on their faces.