
Barry and Kara walked into the Cortex and let out a sigh of relief. Cisco chuckled and asked "are you two ok". Barry said "we think someone has been watching us". Cisco's smile disappeared and said "that isn't good". Barry said "no it isn't, maybe it was nothing but....." . Thawne said "but it most likely is, it must be Savitar, he knows you are the Flash already but he must be learning everything in this new timeline, he only attacked me because I was off guard". Barry nodded and said "we'll focus on it later, Cisco says you both have an idea on merging our earths". Thawne said "yes, I do, so we know that all the earths vibrate at different frequencies right". Barry nodded. Thawne said "all we'd need to do is create two devices, one for this earth, one for Kara's earth, that would vibrate them both at the same frequency, meaning they should combine, as well as the doppelgangers of everyone here, they should combine too and it'll be as if it never happened, they may all get headaches but no one should be hurt". Barry nodded and said "good to hear". Suddenly an alert went off. Barry asked "what's happening". Cisco said "oh it's just a small bank robbery". Suddenly Dawn started crying. Barry sped into his suit. Kara asked "do you want me to come with you". Barry smiled and said "no it's fine babe, just take care of our baby girl, I'll be fine". Kara smiled and said "ok, be careful Bar". Barry said "you know me".

Barry sped to the bank and said "Cisco, are you sure there is a robbery here, there is no one in here and I literally mean no one". There was no answer. Barry asked "Cisco". Suddenly white lightning sped passed Barry and came to a stop. A man in a metallic suit was stood in front of him. He said "your friends can't hear you Barry". Barry said "you must be Savitar". Savitar chuckled and said "so you do know who I am". Barry said "I assume you were the one following me". Savitar said "I was, it was quite the shock learning that you and Kara have a child together, I knew things would be different with both changes made to the timeline, first Thawne going back in time, and then you creating Flashpoint, but I was never expecting Barry Allen to have a child, especially with the kryptonian". Barry glared at him and asked "what, are you gonna threaten to kill them because I swear, if you lay a finger on Kara or my daughter I'll......" . Savitar asked "what, you'll kill me, Barry Allen doesn't kill, but I'm not going to harm your daughter or Kara, I'm not a monster, not like Zoom". Barry asked "what do you want". Savitar said "for you to suffer, like I suffered, you see, you trapped me in the speedforce Barry, not you, the old you, from the original timeline, I've spent a millennia plotting my revenge and now that I'm free, I shall have it, I don't want you dead, just broken". Barry ran at Savitar and punched him back. Savitar regained his balance and ran at Barry and grabbed him by the throught. He threw him into a wall and then punched him, causing the wall to break and sent Barry flying out into the middle of the street. As soon as Barry was on his feet again, Savitar had grabbed him again and ran through the city. 

Savitar threw Barry when they were in the fields just outside the city. Barry rolled several feet and came to a stop. He slowly for up and faced Savitar. Savitar said "you won't win Barry". Barry spat out blood and said "you don't scare me". Savitar said "you will, soon, all of your friends will be dead, you won't be able to stop me, and Thawne, he's first". Barry said "no, we'll stop you, we always do". Savitar said "no, not this time Barry, you will lose, you aren't fast enough to stop me". Both of them began running in circles and threw lightning at each other. Savitar ran at Barry After the lightning bolts collided causing an explosion which sent Barry flying back. Savitar grabbed Barry and punched him repeatedly in the stomach and across the face. Savitar dropped Barry onto the floor and then stomped on his leg breaking it, causing Barry to scream in pain. Savitar lifted Barry up by the throught again. He chuckled and said "Thawne and Zoom were nothing Barry, Thawne was too blinded by his hatred for you, and Zoom, Zoom was cocky and arrogant". Barry said "it seems as if you are both". Savitar slammed Barry onto the ground and held him by the throught still. Savitar said "I'm very patient Barry, I've waited centuries for this, You won't be winning this time". Savitar sped away leaving a bruised and beaten Barry.

Barry grunted as he stood up. He tried to ignore the pain in his broken leg and the fact that he wanted to just collapse unconscious but he needed to get back to Star Labs. Barry began to run as best as he could. He made it back to Star Labs and saw everyone's concerned and worried faces and heard Dawn's crying before he collapsed onto the ground unconscious. 

Barry woke up to see Kara sitting beside him with wet and red eyes. She was holding his hand tightly. As soon as he moved, her lips were on his. Barry kissed back and held onto her hand. Kara pulled away and looked at Barry with concern. She asked "what happened Barry". Barry said "I went to the bank, there was no one there, I tried to tell you guys, but the comms weren't working, then Savitar showed up". Kara said "I knew I should've come with you". Barry said "Kara, he is so much faster than me, even you would be beaten by him". Kara said "it's better than you going alone Barry, Dawn needs her father alive, you going alone won't help it stay that way". Barry said "I know Kar, I'm sorry, it was just a simple bank robbery". Kara said "Bar, next time, I'm coming even if it's just to help an old lady cross the street". Barry said "then we always go out in pairs, me and you, Thawne and me or whatever, Savitar isn't after me, or you or Dawn, he wants me to suffer and the way he's gonna do that, is if He goes after, Cisco, Caitlin, Thawne..... Joe, we need to tell Joe and Wally". Kara said "tomorrow, Joe's looking after Dawn tonight, I couldn't leave you Barry". Barry smiled a little and shifted over on the bed. Kara smiled a little and lay beside him. Barry wrapped his arm around her as she cuddled into him. Kara said "we aren't going to let this Savitar hurt anyone Bar, we can beat him, you can get faster". Barry smiled and said "I know Kar, I know, and he won't be expecting the earths to merge, he might not know of J'onn and your cousin, we can use that against him, that's why we should wait a little before merging the earths, maybe we can once I get faster, then merge the earths, and get your cousin and the DEO's help, we should go over and tell them". Kara said "it sounds like a plan but can we sleep first". Barry said "sure Kar". Kara smiled and said "thanks babe". Barry kissed her and said "night Kar, love you". Kara smiled and said "night Bar, love you too". The two fell asleep quite fast.