Going back to Earth 38!

Barry sat up the next morning on the bed in the med bay. Kara was still asleep at his side. Barry smiled and kissed her cheek and softly said "Kara babe". Kara groaned a little and said "what is it Bar". Barry smiled and said "I know you'll want to lie for a little while but we should get up". Kara rolled onto her side with her eyes closed. She wrapped her arms around Barry and pulled him back down so that he was lying down. She buried her face into his side and said "five minutes". Barry chuckled and wrapped his arms around her waist and said "ok, but only five minutes". Kara smiled and said "thanks babe". Barry smiled and nodded. Kara said "I love you". Barry said "love you too". Kara smiled and fell back asleep. 

After five minutes, Barry to up and changed into fresh clothes and then went to the Star Labs kitchen and sped made breakfast. He went back to the med bay to see that Kara was still asleep. Barry sat back on the bed beside her with the tray of food on his lap. He said "Kara sweetie". Kara groaned and asked "what is it". Barry smiled and said "I made breakfast, I let you have ten more minutes". Kara sat up and pecked Barry on the lips and said "you are the best". Barry smiled and said "that isn't true". Kara smiled at Barry and said "yes you are, you are an amazing boyfriend, and father, I am so happy that I can say that your my boyfriend". Barry smiled and said "I'm that case, you are the best too". Kara smiled and said "thanks babe, so what are we doing today". Barry said "we are telling Joe about Savitar when we go around to get Dawn, then we are going to Earth 38, maybe for a couple of days, we'll tell them about Savitar and our plan about merging the earths once we are ready to face Savitar as an element of surprise thing, and so that your sister can meet her niece". Kara smiled and asked "we're bringing Dawn". Barry nodded and said "yeah, we are". Kara said "we need to visit Eliza too, she is gonna freak probably or maybe she will be asking you a bunch of questions about your powers, she is a scientist after all". Barry chuckled and said "that's fine, she will hopefully understand when I explain Flashpoint". Kara nodded and smiled.

After they had breakfast, the two headed to Joe's house and entered to see him sitting feeding Dawn. He smiled and said "hey you two". Kara said "hey Joe". How smiled and asked "are you ok now Barry". Barry nodded and said "yeah, about that, you need to be careful Joe, this Savitar wants everyone I care about dead, except Dawn and Kara, He is much faster than me". Joe smiled and said "don't worry about me Bar, we've dealt with this before, it's nothing new". Barry said "just keep safe, we're going to Earth 38 for a couple of days and telling them what's going on". Joe nodded and said "ok Bar, I will, I'll tell Wally". Barry nodded and said "thanks Joe". Joe stood up and said "she's been fed and changed, have fun Barry". Barry smiled and took Dawn from Joe and nodded. He strapped her into the baby seat and asked "ready to go Kar". Kara said "yes I am babe, see you soon Joe". Joe smiled and said "bye you three". Kara smiled and took out the extrapolator and pushed the button. She then took Barry's hand and they walked through the breach. They came out in Kara's apartment and smiled. She said "we should go to the DEO and see Alex, she'll want to meet her niece and kill us for not merging the earths just yet". Barry chuckled and nodded. He said "we should get a move on then". Kara smiled and said "let's go". 

The two walked the entire way to the DEO and entered. J'onn smiled at the two and said "you are both back, and you have a guest". Barry smiled and took Dawn out of the seat and said "meet Dawn Alura Allen". J'onn smiled and said "she looks like you both". Kara smiled and said "thanks J'onn". Alex ran over and asked "what's happening, J'onn smiling....... Is..... Is this". Kara smiled and said "this is our daughter Dawn". Alex smiled and said "she is so cute, mum is gonna freak, she's in town by the way, she asked about where you've been, I had to tell her that you moved to Earth one with your boyfriend, and then she asked a bunch of questions about the multiverse and I just couldn't take it, I'm glad you are both here, how is it going with the whole, merging earths thing". 

Barry and Kara explained everything about Savitar and their plan to merge the earths once they are certain they can beat Savitar as an element of surprise. Alex and J'onn nodded in understanding. Barry smiled and asked "do you want to hold her, I know you are dying too". Alex smiled and said with excitement "of course I do, I've waited for days, I still can't believe Kara has a daughter, no offence sis but you are pretty hopeless at getting a boyfriend, it took Barry to change the timeline for it to happen". Kara giggled and said "I know, I was waiting for Barry to get back to our earth to tell him, He is the only one I could possibly go with". Barry smiled at Kara and said "I think the same about you Kar". Kara smiled. Alex said "so when are you going to visit mum, I can tell her you're back for a couple of days". Kara said "soon, I hope she doesn't kill Barry". Alex said "she won't, she'll like Barry and will probably keep asking when you are both gonna get married". Kara smiled and said "we'll get there one day". Barry said "yes we will". J'onn said "well I am happy for you both". Alex said "me too".