Dinner with the Danvers!

Barry smiled as he sat with Dawn on his arms. Kara came through and sat next to him. She pecked him on the lips and asked "how are my two favourite people doing". Barry smiled and said "we're great Kar, although I think Dawn missed her mother". Kara giggled and said "I was over there and I bet that it was you missing me, not Dawn". Barry smiled and said "Dawn doesn't know that you are just over there, plus to be fair, it's nice cuddling with you on the couch". Kara smiled and rested her head on Barry's shoulder. She said "It is really nice, and luckily the food just needs to cook now, so I can sit and relax with my amazing boyfriend and beautiful little girl". Barry chuckled and wrapped an arm around her. Kara asked "so what are we going to do about Savitar". Barry said "when we go home tomorrow, I need to train to get faster". Kara nodded and said "well you will be able to, you have Thawne and all of us". Barry smiled and said "I know". Kara smiled more. 

As They say and talked, Alex entered the apartment and said "hey you two". Barry smiled and said "hi Alex". Kara smiled and said "hey sis". Eliza came through and said "hi honey, you're just in time for dinner". Alex smiled and said "cool, so you aren't freaking out that Kara has a daughter". Eliza smiled and said "not really, I am surprised but I'm happy for her". Barry smiled and said "I mean things like this should be expected right, I mean normal went out the window a long time ago". Eliza said "having an alien daughter wasn't normal but it became normal, now I know that time travel and alternate earths exist, that is way beyond normal". Barry said "you get used to it". Kara said "you do, I have to say that travelling to another earth is quite trippy and weird but you get used to it". Barry said "oh time travel is even more trippy believe me, you see a while bunch of different possible futures and you see the past as well". Alex said "ok, enough about time travel and alternate earths, I'm starving". 

The four of them sat down at the dinner table and began to eat. Kara sat with Dawn in her arms and fed her too. Eliza asked "so how did you get your powers Barry". Alex said "yeah I want to know too". Barry said "well there was a particle accelerator explosion in Central City a couple of years ago now, it released dark matter into the atmosphere, I was struck by lightning and a bunch of chemicals from my lab fell on me as well, I was in a coma for nine months, when I woke up, I had powers". Alex said "ouch". Eliza asked "and it gave you super speed". Barry said "yeah, I mean super speed isn't all I got". Kara said "yeah, lightning gave him abs...... Which you didn't need to know". Barry smiled at Kara who was blushing and looking down. Eliza said "well we have established that you can run through time and dimensions with your speed". Barry nodded and said "I also heal fast, I can think fast, run on water, run up buildings, phase through things, throw lightning and I can project my mind into the speedforce, I'm sure there is probably more that I can do as well". Alex asked "you can project your mind into the dimension where you get your powers from". Barry nodded and said "I learned to do it a couple of days ago". Kara nodded and said "it's very cool". Barry smiled and said "yeah, having conversations with the source of my powers is weird but cool". Eliza asked "you can talk to the speedforce". Barry said "well the speedforce is a living thing, and it's been around since the big bang". Kara said "but at the same time, it hasn't been". Barry nodded and said "in the original timeline, I was the first speedster from what I could tell, the speedforce was created the day I got stuck by lightning, but it grew, like the multiverse, it is in infinite size, continually expanding across space and time which means that it technically existed before I was struck by the lightning, it's not an easy thing to wrap your head around". Alex said "it is really cool though, I assume Dawn is going to have your speed". Barry said "she will, and most of Kara's powers, since she is part kryptonian, part meta human". Kara smiled at Dawn and said "yeah, our little girl is gonna grow up to be so tough". Barry chuckled and nodded. Alex said "I bet dad would be geeking out over this". Eliza said "knowing your father, He would want Barry to show him all of his abilities". Barry smiled sadly at them. Kara said "yeah he would, have you and J'onn found anything yet". Alex said "not yet". Kara said "well we have a spare extrapolator, if you find out where he is, you can come to earth one and I'll help get him back". Barry said "and me, I'd be more than happy to help get him back". Kara smiled at Barry. Eliza smiled and said "thank you, both of you". Kara said "he is my dad too, I would always help him, plus Barry is an amazing hero, He helps anyone, even a stranger who is falling from a building in an alternate dimension". Barry smiled at Kara and said "which I am glad happened, because I wouldn't have met you if it hadn't". Kara smiled and pecked Barry on the cheek.

After Alex and Eliza had left, Barry and Kara sat on the couch and snuggles into each other. Barry smiled at Dawn who was lying against Barry's chest. Kara smiled and asked "are you sure you want to come and help get Jeremiah back when they find him, you can stay on earth one and focus on Savitar and look after Dawn". Barry smiled and said "I'm sure sweetie, He is my family now too". Kara smiled more and said "ok, we can leave Dawn with Joe or someone else then when the time comes". Barry said "yeah, hopefully it's soon, I don't want you to have to go without a father for much longer, I went without my dad for almost sixteen years, and then I lost him not long after I got him back". Kara nodded and said "I know Bar". Barry smiled and said "he did get to meet his granddaughter during Flashpoint at least, I just wish they were here". Kara nodded and said "I wish my parents were here too". Barry said "they would be proud of you Kara". Kara smiled at Barry and asked "yeah". Barry smiled and said "yeah, you haven't let what's happened stop you, you have been so positive and you continue to be a beacon of hope for this earth and earth one". Kara pecked Barry on the lips and said "you are the same way Bar, it makes us so perfect for each other". Barry smiled more and said "yeah, I wouldn't change this for anything". Kara said "me neither".