
Barry and Kara headed back to earth one with Dawn. Kara asked "are we going home or staying at Star Labs". Barry smiled and said "you can take Dawn home if you want, I'm going to stay here and train a little, I need to get faster if we are gonna stand a chance against Savitar". Kara smiled and said "I think Dawn wants to watch you run, don't you Dawn". She smiled at Dawn and asked "do you want to watch your daddy run". Dawn smiled a little at Kara and made a few sounds. Kara giggled and said "I think she does want to watch you train". Barry chuckled and wrapped his arm around Kara. Kara rested her head on Barry's shoulder and smiled. Barry said "ok Dawn, you can watch daddy run". Kara giggled. Thawne came into the breach room and said "oh, it's just you two". He shouted "it's just Barry and Kara, Cisco". Cisco shouted back "ok". Barry asked "do you want to train Thawne". Thawne smiled and said "sure, how about a run around the particle accelerator". Barry smiled and said "as long as I don't end up time travelling". Thawne said "you won't, you know how to control that now". Barry nodded. Kara smiled and said "we'll be watching from the Cortex". Barry smiled and pecked Kara on the lips. He said "ok Kar".

Barry and Thawne walked to the entrance to the pipeline in their suits. Barry smiled and said "I'm glad we aren't running as enemies". Thawne smiled and said "me too, it's nice that I'm able to show my real face again". Barry smiled and nodded. Thawne asked "first to do two hundred laps". Barry nodded. Thawne asked "ready to eat my dust Flash". Barry chuckled and the two pulled up their masks. Barry said "ready". Thawne said "set". They both said "go" and They raced off around the particle accelerator. Kara smiled as she sat on a seat in the Cortex. She held Dawn and said "look, there's your daddy, see how fast he's going". Kara smiled and said "you'll be that fast one day". Caitlin smiled and said "she really is a beautiful little girl you have". Kara smiled and said "thanks Caitlin". Caitlin smiled and replied "you are welcome". Cisco said "I know, Dawn is going to kick was just like her parents". Kara giggled and said "she'll be a far better hero than me and Barry". Caitlin smiled and said "well She will have both of your powers, but I think all together, you three will make each other better heroes". Kara smiled more.

Barry and Thawne ran around the accelerator side by side. Barry smiled and said "this is nice". Thawne smiled and said "yes it is". Barry asked "you said that you could teach me more about my powers, what else can I do". Thawne smiled and said "there is a lot of things that you haven't done that you can, I've noticed that well you spend more time with your feet on the ground as you run". Barry nodded and said "which is a reason why you and Zoom were both faster than me". Thawne nodded and said "we need to improve that, but there is a couple other tricks that you need to learn, such as the ability to siphon the kinetic energy from something and turning it into your own kinetic energy, which is another reason why Zoom may have been faster than you". Barry nodded. Barry asked "and how is Savitar faster". Thawne said "he has been a speedster for who knows how long, plus he was trapped in the speedforce for a long time, the time in there may have given him a boost in speed". Barry nodded. Thawne said "we're coming up for the last few laps". Barry nodded. Thawne smirked and sped ahead. Barry tried to catch up but he couldn't. After he got past the 200th lap, Thawne was stood at the pipeline entrance with a smirk. He said "if you keep training Barry, you'll get faster, plus we are going to try other things, we need to do sparring or whatever later as well, we both need to get better at fighting of we are to stand a chance". Barry nodded and said "ok, how about in a few hours, I'm going to go spend time with my wi.... Girlfriend and daughter". Thawne smiled and said "ok, go, I'm going to see if me and Cisco can't find a way to make us faster". Barry nodded.

Kara smiled as Barry walked into the Cortex. Barry smiled and asked "how is the little one". Kara smiled and said "very entertained, she couldn't stop watching". Barry smiled and kissed Kara. He smiled and asked "do you want to go out for a walk". Kara smiled and said "sure, a walk sounds nice". Barry smiled. Kara smiled and handed Dawn to Barry. Barry chuckled and asked "did you have fun watching daddy run". Dawn smiled at Barry and laughed a little. Barry chuckled and bounced her up and down a little.

Barry and Kara walked side by side along the waterfront. Barry smiled at Kara and asked "what do you want for dinner tonight". Kara smiled and said "I think we should order some pizza, and I think we should put Dawn to bed early and snuggles up on the couch and watch a movie". Barry smiled and said "that sounds like a great idea". Kara asked "yeah". Barry smiled and said "yeah, we can get some ice cream as well". Kara giggled and nodded. Barry smiled more. Kara asked "so how was training". Barry said "good, but we have a long way to go". Kara smiled and said "well I know you will get there". Barry smiled more and said "I know, I have a lot of motivation to do so". Kara smiled and asked "yeah". Barry nodded and said "I need to keep my family and my friends safe, I think it's perfect motivation". Kara smiled and nodded. She said "come on, I want pepperoni pizza". Barry smiled and said "me too".