Crime Scene!

It has been a week since Barry and Thawne started training together, Barry and Kara trained together as well to get better at fighting. Barry has become slightly faster, running at just over Mach ten now. He walked into the Cortex after getting changed from his suit and sat down. Kara smiled at Barry and walked over with Dawn. She said "you look really tired". Barry chuckled and said "I'm exhausted". Kara smiled and sat down on his lap. Barry smiled and wrapped his arms around her then buried his face into her shoulder. Kara giggled and said "you are really hot, and I mean you are burning, and Maybe also kind of the other meaning too". Barry chuckled and said "you are adorable, you know that". Kara smiled and said "I try my best". Barry smiled and said "you don't need to try to be adorable". Kara smiled at Barry and pecked him on the lips. She handed Barry, Dawn and said "I need to go to the loo". Barry smiled and said "ok babe". Kara pecked Barry on the lips and then rushed away. Barry smiled and said "I can't believe you are one month old, you're getting big". Thawne smiled at Barry and said "soon, she'll be as big as you". Barry chuckled and said "I don't think I'll be able to handle her being all grown up". Thawne smiled and said "she'll be just like her parents". Barry smiled and said "I have no doubt about that, amazing like her mother". Cisco asked "it's really been a month already". Barry smiled and said "yeah it has". Caitlin smiled and said "time flies". Barry said "it sure does, those ten months in Flashpoint flew by".

Kara came back with a massive smile on her face seeing Barry sitting with Dawn. They were the only ones in the Cortex now as the others left to do their things. Barry smiled at Kara and said "hey babe, what you thinking about". Kara smiled and said "my amazing family, and how lucky I am to have you". Barry smiled more and said "I think the very same thing about you Kar". Kara smiled and said "we both got lucky". Barry nodded in agreement. Kara smiled more and said "and I've actually been thinking a lot about something recently to help you against Savitar". Barry asked "oh really, what might that be". Kara smiled at Barry and said "so the speedforce is this dimension that exists outside of space and time right". Barry nodded. Kara said "and we know that Savitar was trapped in there for Rao knows how long". Barry stood up and said "the excess energy". Kara nodded and said "maybe Savitar's time in the speedforce gave him a boost in speed and that is why he is so much faster than you". Barry smiled and said "you are a genius Mrs...... Ms Danvers". Kara blushed and smiled from ear to ear. Barry said "we just need him to use all that energy up and we can even the playing field a little". Kara said "exactly Bar". Barry smiled and said "we'll tell Thawne". Kara nodded. Barry then groaned as his phone started ringing. Kara giggled and shook her head as Barry handed Dawn over to Kara.  Barry answered the phone and asked "Captain Singh, can I help you". Singh said "I know you quit as a csi Barry but we need your help with a case, it's meta related and none of the csi here have a clue about any of this stuff, and well you are the best guy I know for this and I know you are busy now since you own Star Labs but we would appreciate the help". Barry nodded and said "ok, but can my girlfriend come too, she has good eyes, as in, she is good at spotting things, not as in she has good eyes which she does'. Kara giggled and blushed a little. Singh sighed and said "fine, just please get down here". Barry said "I'll be as fast as I can". He put his phone away and then said "guess we can tell Thawne about what you came up with later". Kara nodded and said "that's fine, it's just one crime scene right". Barry said "which has a meta involved". Kara nodded and said "guess a hero's work is never over". Barry nodded and said "maybe but it isn't the life Dawn deserves". Kara nodded and said "when we deal with the Savitar thing, I'm sure we can give the whole hero thing a break and focus on being amazing parents". Barry chuckled and said "and each other". Kara smiled and said "yeah, shouldn't we hurry". Barry nodded and said "I hope Singh doesn't mind if we bring Dawn, and I hope there isn't a body, I know she is a month old but that wouldn't be nice". Kara nodded and said "I'll keep her eyes covered". Barry chuckled and sped away with them.

They walked into the mansion after being let in. Singh and Joe stood waiting for them. Singh looked at Kara and Dawn with confusion. Barry smiled and said "this is Kara, and Dawn". Singh asked "why is there a baby in the crime scene". Barry said "me and Kara were out for a walk with Dawn when you called, didn't have time to drop her off anywhere". Singh nodded and said "she looks like you". Barry smiled and said "thanks, I just hope she doesn't end up getting my habit off being late all the time". Singh asked "so she is your daughter, how come I haven't heard anything". Barry said "it's a um long story". Singh whispered "I take it its flash related". Barry chuckled nervously and said "what, noooo, why would the Flash have anything to do with this". Singh shook his head and said "I know Allen, I'm not dumb, and you must be Supergirl, no one else knows, so don't worry about it, I won't tell a soul". Barry sighed and nodded. He then glanced around the room and asked "what happened here". Singh said "it was an apparent break in, guy was after something". Barry asked "and the owner". Singh said "at the station for questioning". Barry nodded. Joe asked "will we leave you to take a look around". Barry shook his head and said "no, I need to see the footage to see if I'm right". Kara asked "what is it". Barry said "there is half a footprint at the base of this mirror, as if the person walked out of the mirror". Joe asked "so we are looking for someone who can come out of mirrors". Barry said "no, not just mirrors, but anything reflective, mirrors, windows, hell maybe a TV, I can have a quick look around, maybe it isn't anything mirror related". Singh nodded and said "thanks Barry". Barry smiled a little and nodded.