Barry woke up with a yawn. Kara was still asleep with her head rested against his side. Barry smiled at Dawn who was still sleeping on his chest with his arm wrapped around her to stop her from falling. He lifted her up and sat up which caused Kara to groan. She said "I was comfy, why'd you move". Barry chuckled and said "come here". Kara moved a little so that she was snuggled into him again. He wrapped his arm around her and she closed her eyes again. Barry smiled and said "I didn't want Dawn to lie on her dad for any longer than she has too". Kara said "well Dawn can just get used to it, I want to lie with you, I'm tired and want five more minutes snuggled into you". Barry chuckled and said "you're lucky that she can't moan at you about it at the minute". Kara said "well when she is old enough, I think she won't need to sleep with her dad". Barry chuckled and nodded. Kara smiled and said "but I do so more snuggling, less talking". Barry smiled and said "ok Kar, only five minutes though". Kara nodded and closed her eyes. Barry smiled and added "because you don't want to skip having delicious pancakes do you". Kara's eyes opened widely. She said "no, I don't want to skip having your delicious pancakes, I'd rather die". Barry chuckled again and said "knew that would wake you up". Kara said "I was awake, I just can't be bothered moving, I want to just lie with you, is there anything wrong with that". Barry smiled and said "no there isn't babe, it's just we need to get back to earth one with Jay and then soon we need to go to earth 38 with Cait so that we can get J'onn to help control her powers". Kara nodded and said "I know...... Can't we just go back to the way it was in Flashpoint...... I just want to live my life with you.... No crime fighting... No having to get up.... No risking our lives so that we might lose each other". Barry smiled and said "one day Kara we can have that, you aren't ever going to lose me ok, I'm staying with you, wherever you go, I go". Kara smiled and pecked Barry on the lips. She asked "you promise". Barry smiled and said "I promise you Ms Danvers, we will have our normal life again once we stop Savitar, we can just focus on us and Dawn". Kara smiled and said "I like the sound of that". Barry smiled more and said "so do I". Kara smiled more and said "I think I'm ready to get up now". Barry chuckled and asked "can you feed Dawn then while I make my beautiful girlfriend and the Garricks breakfast". Kara nodded and took Dawn from Barry. Barry pecked her on the lips and then headed out of the room.
Kara smiled at Dawn and said "I don't know what I would do without your father". Dawn yawned a little and slowly opened her eyes. Kara smiled more and said "I love him so much, I never thought I would ever have this, have a daughter or a boyfriend that I hope becomes my husband one day, that all changed when I met your dad, I felt something with him and then when he came to my earth and told me about you, I became just so happy, happy that He made all my dreams come true". Nora stood at the door with a massive smile. She said "you deserve it Kara". Kara looked up at Nora with a smile. Nora entered the room and sat on the bed. She smiled and said "I believe that even if you are from another planet, if you are human, Kryptonian, whatever, you deserve to have love in your life, everyone deserves to be happy, you included". Kara nodded and smiled. She said "I used to think that I was sent to earth just to look after my cousin, that it was all I was sent to do, I thought I would be alone all my life, then I was stuck in the phantom zone, by the time I got to earth, my cousin was grown up, I didn't have a purpose I guess, so I just lived normally, tried my best to fit in, and then I became Supergirl and thought that it was my purpose, to protect earth, stop what happened to krypton, from ever happening on earth". Nora nodded and asked "what changed". Kara smiled and said "I was falling from the building I worked at, some villain blasted me out, they didn't know that I had powers, as I was falling, Barry arrived on my earth and caught me, when I saw him, I just felt something with him, I hoped that he would be in my future a lot and now here we are, we have a daughter together, I guess that After meeting him, I realised that I wasn't just sent to earth to look after Clark, my parents would have wanted me to find someone to relate to, and so that I wouldn't do it alone, that someone that I relate to is Barry, he just understands me". Nora smiled more and said "I'm happy for you both, Barry seems like a special person, I mean of course I would say that, he is my doppelgangers son, but I see what you two have and anyone would be jealous of that, what you two have is special and you need to cherish it". Kara smiled and said "believe me, I am, I love every moment I have with him, whether it be on a date or just snuggled up, I love every single moment". Nora smiled more and said "that's good to hear Kara, now come on, I'm pretty sure he will be finished his pancakes". Kara giggled and nodded.
When the two walked downstairs, Barry and Jay were sat at the dinner table just talking and eating. Kara smiled at the two. She said "morning Jay". Jay smiled and said "morning Kara, Barry was just telling me about your first team up". Kara smiled and asked "you were". Barry smiled and said "yeah I was, it was a very fun couple of days". Kara smiled more and said "yeah it was". She sat down at the table beside Barry and handed Dawn over to him. Nora smiled and sat next to Jay. Jay smiled and said "it sounds fun, accidentally travelling to another earth, I didn't even know of the multiverse until Zoom happened and I've been a speedster for years". Barry smiled and said "I was told that it was the speedforce, they sent me to Kara's earth". Jay smiled and said "seems like you have a special relationship with the speedforce". Kara said "well he is the first speedster after all". Jay nodded and said "he is". Nora asked "how long will you be gone for". Jay said "well if Savitar is as bad as they say, it might be a while". Kara asked "why don't you come too, it'll be nice to have you both there, Dawn loves you guys". Jay smiled and said "that's a good idea". Nora smiled and said "I'd love to get to know my doppelgangers granddaughter". Barry smiled and said "it's easier to say granddaughter". Nora smiled more and nodded. Barry said "we can go after breakfast, then we can find a place for you both to stay". Jay smiled and said "sounds good".