Team Flash meet Nora Garrick!

Barry sped out of a breach with Kara and Dawn and put Kara down. Kara smiled and said "it's good to be back". Barry smiled and said "we were gone for a day". Kara said "and....." . Barry smiled and said "and it is good to be back". Kara giggled and said "right answer". Barry smiled more and said "stop being such a tease". Kara giggled and asked "what are you gonna do to me if I don't Mr Allen". Barry smiled and said "I don't think you want to find out". Kara whispered "I think I do". Barry chuckled and said "Ms Danvers, you are very different from when I first met you". Kara smiled and said "what can I say, I've found someone that I'm crazily in love with". Barry smiled and wrapped his arm around her. Jay asked "are you two done flirting". Barry and Kara jumped with fright. Nora said "don't Do that, they have a baby, they could have dropped her". Jay smiled and said "sorry guys". Barry said "it's fine, since when did you both get there". Jay said "not long after you two, we didn't want to interrupt you guys". Kara's face turned red. She asked "so you heard all that". Jay nodded and said "I really wish I didn't". Nora hit his arm and said "what he means to say is that you two are really cute together and we are happy that you love each other as much as you do". Jay nodded and said "that is exactly what I meant, word for word as well". Nora smiled and said "good". Barry and Kara laughed. Once they calmed down, Barry asked "do you want to meet everyone". Nora smiled and said "of course Barry, lead the way". Barry smiled and took Kara's hand as he carried Dawn with his other arm and they began to head up from the breach room to the Cortex.

Cisco, Caitlin, Joe, Wally and Thawne were all gathered in the Cortex and discussing ways to improve Barry's speed when Barry, Kara with Dawn, and the two Garrick's entered the room. Everyone stopped their discussion when they noticed the guests, more specifically Nora and Jay. Thawne looked down a little and frowned. Barry smiled and said "you guys remember Jay Garrick right". Cisco said "the um Earth 3 Flash". Jay nodded and said "that would be me, I remember all of you except you Mr....." . Thawne said "I'm Eobard Thawne, and that can be explained". Jay nodded and said "because Barry had changed the timeline, he explained all of that". Thawne nodded and said "that's right so it was only Earth one and Earth 38 that was affected by the timeline changes". Barry said "that's a relief". Thawne nodded. Joe asked "and this is your mother's doppelganger right". Nora smiled and said "I'm Jay's wife Nora, and I know it must be weird for you all, Barry told me about his mother's death". Thawne once again looked down. Barry said "Nora, This is Joe and Wally, Joe took me in After everything and helped raise me, Wally is my adoptive brother". Nora smiled and said "it's nice to meet you both". Joe smiled and said "it's nice to meet you". Barry said "this is Dr Caitlin Snow, she is an amazing bioengineer and she has saved my life more times than I can count". Nora smiled and said "Barry is very lucky to have someone like you Caitlin". Caitlin smiled and said "the same can be said about Barry Mrs All.... Garrick". Nora smiled and said "you can call me Nora". Caitlin nodded and said "it is very nice to meet you Mrs.... Nora". Barry smiled more. He said "this is Cisco, he and Caitlin both looked after me When I was in my coma, and he is the tech genius on our team". Cisco smiled and said "it's nice to finally meet you". Nora smiled and said "it's nice to meet you too". Barry smiled and said "this is Eobard Thawne, he is the one who helped train me to become the hero I am, he's a speedster too". Nora smiled and said "it's nice to meet you Eobard". Thawne smiled a little and said "it's nice to meet you too Mrs Garrick". Nora smiled. She said "we know what you did Eobard but Barry says that you can be trusted and that you are a good man". Thawne said "I try to be". Nora smiled and said "that's good enough for us". Thawne nodded and said "thanks". Barry smiled and said "now that everyone is introduced, we're going to help Jay and Nora find some place to stay". Thawne smiled and said "I can do that Barry, I believe the west's have something to tell you anyway". Barry nodded and asked "are you sure". Thawne smiled and said "it's the least I can do, I want to help". Barry nodded and said "ok". Thawne smiled and said "we can get started now if you want". Nora smiled and said "thanks Eobard". Thawne smiled and lead the Garricks out of the Cortex. Cisco headed out to go to his workshop and Caitlin headed into the med bay, leaving Barry, Kara, baby Dawn When the West's in the Cortex. Barry asked "what is it you have to tell me". Wally said "I saw Iris..... And she wants to speak with you...."