Barry sat with Kara and Dawn in Jitters. He was tapping his foot so fast that there were small sparks of lightning jumping from his leg. Kara smiled and put her hand on his knee and gently rubbed it to reassure him. Barry smiled at Kara and put his hand on top of hers. He said "I'm so glad I have you with me". Kara smiled and said "well you seemed super nervous so I'm here to calm your nerves". Barry smiled and nodded. He then smiled at their daughter who was asleep in the buggy Next to him. He said "I haven't seen her in months and the last time I did see her, she said she wanted to try something with me, I refused and afterwards, I ran back in time and saved my mother, so I don't know if she feels that way in this new timeline, I mean she is with Eddie in this timeline and I hope she gets on well with you". Kara smiled and said "if she doesn't, that doesn't matter, the only people I care about liking me, are Dawn, Joe, and most importantly, you". Barry smiled and said "I won't ever not like you Kara, I love you so much and want to spend my future with you" . Kara smiled and said "I love you too Bar, and I won't ever not like you either". Barry smiled and rested his head on her shoulder. Kara giggled and rested her head against his.
Their comfortable position was soon interrupted when they heard the door open. Barry sat up straight and waved over to Iris who was looking for them. She smiled and sat down at the table after giving Barry a quick hug. She said "I'm sorry I haven't been around lately, me and Eddie are decorating our house and I've been busy with work". Barry smiled a little and said "it's fine Iris". Iris nodded. She then smiled at Kara and asked "who is this". Kara smiled and said "I'm Kara Danvers". Barry wrapped his arm around her and said "she's my girlfriend". Iris smiled and said "really, about time Bar, I've wanted you to find someone for ages now". Barry nodded and smiled. Iris smiled and asked "how did you two meet". Kara smiled and said "Barry saved my life when he accidentally ended up on my earth". Iris smiled and said "so that's the girl you told us about after you tested the tachyon enhancer, I am so happy for you both, was it him that asked you out or was it you". Kara said "it was kind of the both of us, we both just had a moment and kissed, it was nice". Iris smiled more. She then noticed Dawn and asked "who is this cute little person". Barry smiled and said "this is your niece Dawn Alura Allen". Iris said "she is so cute..... Wait she's yours, I know we haven't seen each other since you know, the funeral but that wasn't that long ago". Barry said "it's a long story". Iris said "I better order a tea then". Barry said "you hate tea". Iris shrugged her shoulders and said "I like it now". She smiled at the two and headed away to order a drink.
Barry relaxed again and said "she's taking it well, it's such a relief". Kara smiled and said "yeah, that's good right". Barry nodded and said "yeah, she seems a little different though". Kara asked "in what way". Barry said "I know she is married now, that has changed her, hell it changed me when I was married to you for ten months". Kara smiled and said "yeah, I could tell, you aren't late for things anymore, you were never late on my earth when we first met but it's what I heard from Cisco, Cait and Thawne". Barry chuckled and nodded. Kara smiled and said "but there are some things I noticed, besides the beard, it's nothing major like personality wise, it's just the way you look at me, it's with so much love in your eyes and I know because I look at you the same way". Barry chuckled and nodded. He said "I have changed though, I like to be ready for anything now, I like to be organised and early, I had to when you were pregnant with this little princess here". Kara smiled. Barry said "and I guess it's just stuck with me".
Iris smiled and sat down at the table with her tea. She asked "so are you going to tell me about this cute little girl". Barry nodded and said "after I beat Zoom, I went back in time and saved my mother, in the new timeline, I was married to Kara". Iris smiled and said "I bet that was awkward". Kara said "from what I can remember from that timeline, he wasn't that awkward, just when it came to kissing and other stuff like that". Barry nodded and said "but I quickly got used to it". Kara smiled and said "I know". Barry smiled and said "after my first month there, Kara became pregnant, and She gave birth to Dawn, the timeline became unstable, so I had to reset it, but I brought Dawn with me to This timeline, and I then told Kara about it, we started dating and here we are". Iris smiled and said "my brother is a dad, that is so exciting". Barry smiled and said "yeah, I love it, almost as much as I love Kara and my daughter". Iris asked "what's it like". Barry said "terrifying but that is outweighed by the excitement and happiness you get from it, and it helps having Kara here, I was terrified of doing it alone when I first got here, I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to do it alone but I wasn't, I had team Flash to help me, they even helped me get back to Kara". Iris nodded and smiled. She said "that's great to hear, what is it like Kara, giving birth". Kara said "I don't honestly know, I only remember the childbirth because I got the memories from the Flashpoint timeline". Iris nodded. Barry said "it looked agonising but I don't know, she seemed to relax when I reassured her that I was there with her". Kara smiled and said "because you know how to get me to relax Bar". Iris said "I hope Eddie can do that for me". Barry and Kara looked back at Iris. Kara asked "are you". Iris nodded and said "I'm pregnant".