Asking J'onn for help!

Barry was standing in the Cortex talking to Thawne as he fed baby Dawn when Kara entered the room followed by Caitlin. It had been a day since Savitar showed up. Barry asked "are you two ready to go". Kara sneezed and said "yeah... Yeah I'm ready". She blew her nose into the tissue and asked "should I be coming though, I don't want to spread this cold". Barry chuckled and pecked her on the lips. He said "we'll be ok Kar, and I'm sure everyone will want to see you". Kara nodded and wiped her nose again and said "ok, I really hate this". Barry said "I know babe, once we get home, you can rest ok, I can make you my homemade soup that you love". Kara smiled and said "sounds good Bar, I just want to sleep, I haven't ever been so tired". Barry said "I know, I know and if you want, I can carry you". Kara giggled and said "I might just take you up on that offer". Barry smiled and kissed her temple. He asked "you both ready then". Caitlin nodded and said "yeah, let's get going, I can take Dawn of you want to take Kara". Barry smiled and said "thanks Cait". He handed Dawn over to Caitlin and then lifted up Kara in his arms. Kara giggled and said "wow, you are strong". Barry chuckled and said "you aren't heavy babe". Kara smiled and held onto Barry. She said "thanks Bar, I'll find a way to repay you once I feel better as a thank you for looking after me". Barry smiled and said "hey, you never have too thank me or anything like that, I'm your boyfriend and hopefully in the future, I'll be something more, I was going to say it's my job to look after you but it isn't a job, I love it, I love being here for you when you need me". Kara smiled more and said "thanks Bar, I love you so much". Barry said "I love you too honey". Cisco stepped forwards and said "I'll come for you all tomorrow or if you guys are needed here, I'll let Joe and Wally know where you guys are". Barry nodded and said "thanks Cisco". Cisco nodded and opened a breach to earth 38. Barry, Kara and Caitlin headed through.

They came out in Kara's apartment which hasn't changed a bit. Kara smiled a little As she looked around the place. Barry asked "do you miss this place". Kara nodded and said "A little, but I would miss you and Dawn more if I wasn't with you". Barry smiled and said "maybe every now and again, we could come here and stay, I won't mind". Kara smiled and said "maybe, we should come and decorate the place a little, we still need to start decorating the bedroom at home remember". Barry nodded and said "yeah I know and we're gonna take it slow, building up the new bed, painting the walls, all of it, no speeding". Kara nodded and smiled. She said "yeah As long as we do it together". Barry chuckled and nodded. He said "come on then, let's go visit J'onn and maybe we can check with Alex to see if she has anything on Jeremiah yet". Kara nodded and said "yeah that is a good idea". Barry smiled and said "are you ok to wait here for a few seconds Cait". Caitlin nodded and said "yeah, that's fine". Barry smiled and sped Kara to the DEO. He then sped away for Caitlin.

Alex ran over and hugged Kara tightly. Kara said "ow... Ow too tight... Too right Alex". Alex said "since when could you feel if it's tight". Kara said "I um.... Sort of Solar Flared again after we fought Savitar and got our assess kicked". Alex asked "you what". Kara said "I fought a speed God and solar flared". Alex said "ok, at least you are ok". Kara said "oh he doesn't want me dead, or Barry or Dawn". Alex smiled and said "speaking of, where is my one day gonna be brother in law and my cute niece". Barry had sped back with Caitlin and taken Dawn from her. He smiled and said "hey Alex". Alex smiled and said "hey future brother in law". Barry laughed a little. Alex said "what, it's gonna happen, it already did in another timeline, it's only a matter of time". Barry smiled and said "true". Alex nodded and asked "so who is this". Barry smiled and said "this is Dr Caitlin Snow, she is a friend and we need J'onn's help". Alex nodded and said "he'll be back soon, him and Winn were looking into Cadmus, we still haven't found anything concrete about dad". Barry said "you'll find him, and we'll be here to help". Alex smiled and said "thanks Barry, dad is gonna like you". Barry said "I hope so".

As the four all talked, J'onn entered with a sigh. Alex asked "what happened". J’onn said "it was empty, there was nothing there Alex, they knew we were coming". Alex nodded. J’onn said "Kara, Barry, what brings you both here". Kara sniffed and wiped her nose with a tissue. J’onn said "you've solar flared again". Kara nodded and said "it's not why we're here, Barry and Caitlin need your help". J’onn asked "what is it". Barry said "well Caitlin had powers, her earth two doppelganger had the same powers but she had an evil side, Caitlin wants to learn how to control her powers to stop that from happening". J’onn nodded and said "we can do some meditation, it teaches self control, what about you Barry". Barry said "I need to get faster to beat this Savitar, He is way faster than me, I think that if I connect with the source of my powers more, it'll help me". J’onn nodded and said "ok, I'll help you both, let me get things organised here first, come back in an hour, I'm sure you are all hungry". Kara said "I do really want a burger". Barry chuckled and said "come on then babe". Kara smiled and took Barry's hand as they headed out to get lunch.