Hopes for the future!

Barry, Kara and Caitlin walked into Big Belly Burger. Caitlin smiled and said "I'll go up and order". Kara smiled and said "thanks Cait". Caitlin nodded and headed to order their food. Barry and Kara sat down at an empty table. Barry sat Dawn down on his lap and bounced his leg a little causing Dawn to giggle a little. Kara smiled and said "she seems to be awake more often now". Barry nodded and said "because our little Angel is getting older, aren't you Dawn". Kara smiled and said "she is, isn't she". Barry nodded and smiled at Kara. He said "it's been almost a month and a half since she was born, time really does fly when you are having fun, doesn't it". Kara nodded and said "yeah it does, I'm gonna cry when she is all grown up and moving out". Barry nodded and said "yeah, I'll probably end up crying when she first speaks or her first day of school". Kara giggled and said "yeah I know". Barry nodded. After a moment of silence, Kara asked "do you think we'll have another one". Barry asked "another what". Kara smiled and said "another kid, I know it's not something we should discuss so soon but, do you want another one at some point". Barry smiled and said "it would be nice for Dawn, to have a sibling, someone to talk to besides her parents at home, someone who can play with her if we are busy". Kara smiled and said "yeah it would be and it would be super adorable". Barry chuckled and nodded. Kara said "I want another one at some point, I want another daughter, a son would be nice as well". Barry smiled and said "yeah, I want another one too". Kara smiled more and rested her head against his shoulder.

Caitlin came over and asked "can you come help with the trays Barry". Barry smiled and said "sure Cait, you can sit with your mummy ok Dawn". Kara smiled and took Dawn from him. Barry walked with Caitlin and got two trays of food and carried them over to the table while Caitlin carried another two trays. They both sat down and Barry was handed Dawn again. Caitlin noticed Barry and Kara's massive smiles. She asked "what has you both so happy". Kara smiled and said "we were just talking about the future and what we want from it". Caitlin asked "and what do you want from it". Kara smiled at Barry and said "besides the fact that I do badly want to be married to this handsome guy, we were talking about potentially having another child, not soon though, like maybe in a couple years or something". Caitlin smiled and said "that sounds nice, well I hope the future does give you that, and I so bags being the maid of honour at your wedding". Kara giggled and said "deal". Caitlin smiled more and said "thanks Kara". Kara said "it's no problem, I mean it'll be a while away, we probably shouldn't be discussing wedding things when me and Barry aren't even engaged". Barry chuckled and said "hey it'll be less stressful when we do have to plan it if we discuss what we want for it earlier". Kara giggled and said "true, but we have more important things to worry about for now, Savitar, helping Caitlin control her powers and this little cutie here". Barry nodded and said "I know babe". Caitlin smiled and said "well when the time comes, I'm here to help". Kara smiled and said "thanks Cait, you're the best". Caitlin said "I'm more than happy to help my best friend and his girlfriend with anything". Barry smiled and said "like Kara said, you're the best". Caitlin smiled more. She then asked "so who is this J'onn exactly". Kara frowned a little and said "he's the last green Martian from well Mars". Barry took her hand to show his support. Kara smiled a little at Barry and said "to thank you Bar". Barry said "I know it's hard for you to talk about". Kara nodded. She turned back to Caitlin and said "unlike my planet, his is still there obviously, his people were wiped out by the white martians, He has no one left and so He came here and hid, tried to live his life here, He can shapeshift so He can easily fit in, He became the leader of the DEO, an organisation to protect earth from extra terrestrial species, he doesn't want what happened to his people to happen here, He helped me a lot and he can help you and Barry". Caitlin nodded and said "thanks Kara". Kara smiled a little and nodded. She then sneezed and said "sorry". Barry chuckled and said "it's fine babe, here's a tissue". Kara smiled and took the tissue from Barry and blew her nose. She then picked up her burger and began eating. Barry smiled as he ate his last burger. Caitlin asked "how are you done already". Barry said "I'm a fast eater, plus we need to get back to the DEO soon". Kara said "J'onn can wait, we have a daughter and I've solar flared, so He can wait a little longer". Barry chuckled and said "ok fine but you don't like it when your time is wasted, do you". Kara said "I suppose not". Barry chuckled and said "and if we get going soon, I can carry you". Kara giggled and asked "really, you'd carry me all that way". Barry said "yeah, I don't mind babe". Kara smiled and said "ok then, I always love being in your arms". Barry chuckled and shook his head.