Meditating with a Martian!

Barry carried a giggling Kara into the DEO with Caitlin coming in behind them carrying Dawn. Kara pecked Barry on the lips and said "thanks babe, I didn't think you'd actually carry me all that way". Barry smiled and said "well you had a massive smile on your face the whole way and your giggle is cute, it was so worth it to see your smile and hear you laugh". Kara smiled and said "you're so cheesy". Barry chuckled as he put Kara down onto her feet. He said "it's why you love me". Kara smiled and said "a very small reason why I love you, there are many bigger reasons why I love you Bar". Barry smiled and said "I know babe and there are many reasons why I love you". Kara smiled more and nodded. J'onn had walked over and asked "are you both ready to begin then". Barry and Caitlin nodded. Kara smiled and took Dawn from Caitlin and said "I'm coming to watch, I think me and Dawn are gonna be entertained". Barry chuckled and said "come on then".

The three followed J'onn to the training room set up for Kara if she ever needed the space to train. Kara said "I've never been in here yet". J'onn said "well it was set up for you Ms Danvers and Mr Allen if you ever need it, you are welcome to come here too". Barry smiled and said "thanks J’onn". J'onn nodded and said "it's not a problem Mr Allen, and I'm sure we have an area outside for your more spacious training exercises". Barry chuckled and nodded. Kara smiled and pecked Barry on the lips and then headed to sit down at the side. Caitlin asked "so what is it we are doing exactly". J'onn said "with you Dr Snow, this will help with self control, it'll be useful for using your abilities, Mr Allen it's different, He already has control of his abilities, his is more just trying to connect with them more, whether he does it not, I don't know if it will help but it's worth the try". Barry said "I'm willing to try it, even if there is a small chance it'll help". J'onn nodded and said "sit down and cross your legs". Barry was the first one sitting. Caitlin smiled at him and shook her head. She then sat down next to him and done the same. J'onn sat across from them and asked "are you ready". Barry nodded and said "yep". Caitlin said "yeah". J'onn smiled a little And said "close your eyes". Barry closed his eyes as did Caitlin. J'onn said "now breath in through your nose and breath out of your mouth". Barry nodded and done as J'onn asked. Caitlin did the same. J'onn said "now, take long deep breaths". Barry and Caitlin did as J'onn asked. J'onn said "now Barry, focus on the speedforce and your connection to it". Barry nodded and focused on the speedforce coursing through him. J'onn said "once you have focused on it, try connect with it, try strengthen that connection". Barry nodded. J'onn said "Caitlin, try use your powers, if you feel you need to stop, stop, try and form a shape with your powers, just think of the shape and then Make it, hopefully you'll get to a point where you can easily do that and not worry about losing control, we'll try progress further each time". Caitlin nodded.

As Caitlin done as J'onn asked, Barry was focusing on his powers. He felt his connection to the speedforce and focused on it more. Suddenly he was in the middle of the familiar storm. His house then formed around him and he saw the speedforce in the form of his mother. Barry asked "have I projected my mind into the speedforce again". Nora nodded and said "you did Barry". Barry said "I didn't mean to, I was trying to strengthen my connection". Nora smiled and said "we know". Barry asked "it is possible right". Nora smiled and said "no it's not possible Barry". Barry said "I thought that if I could, I would get faster and then we'd stand a chance against Savitar, He is beyond my speed levels". Nora said "because he has been in here for a long time, He gained a speed boost by soaking up the excess energy in the speedforce, it will run out and you will have a chance Barry". Barry nodded. Nora said "and you cannot strengthen your connection Barry because you already have the strongest connection to the speedforce there is, you are the power source of the speedforce, the more you run, the more energy you give to us, you have a unique connection to us". Barry asked "then how am I slow compared to other speedsters". Nora smiled and said "because you use science to try and get faster Barry, you spend more time questioning how to get faster and trying to get every equation right rather than just enjoying your speed and pushing yourself, that is why you aren't faster, you need to let go of your analytical side and just enjoy the speed you were given". Barry nodded and frowned a little. Nora smiled and said "but there is still time Barry, and the speedforce is yours, you can come in here to train whenever you want, time doesn't pass normally when you are in here, we don't expect you to be in here for what seems like forever, just an hour or two, we understand that you want to be with your family". Barry nodded and smiled. He said "thanks". Nora smiled and said "you don't have to thank us Barry". Barry smiled and nodded. He then asked "was there a way that I could have saved the Flashpoint timeline". Nora said "I'm afraid not Barry, there was no way". Barry nodded and said "I've just been thinking a lot recently about my time there, it was the happiest I've been, I got lucky that I got to see Kara again, I would have been lost without her". Nora smiled and nodded. Barry smiled and said "there is one memory that I fondly remember, me and Kara....." .